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The Earthlings got a 5 star review on and is staying strong!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:09 pm
by Wanda Wright
I finally decided to put one of my books up on Amazon! Kindle readers you get to read it for FREE and the rest well it's a tiny price of only $2.49 for an epic science fiction story!

When earthlings are enslaved after being saved from a dying earth rebellion starts but not everyone believes in a violent solution. :adore: ... L.+WRIGHT

Got a 5 star really good review on this week. The Earthlings is still going strong.

Re: The Earthlings is now available on Amazon Science Fiction Readers Rejoice!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:28 pm
by Wanda Wright
As an update: Thank you to everyone who downloaded The Earthlings. The 48 hour FREE download period not only had 169 downloads but lots of kindle readers and it went up as high as #3 and is still going strong close to the top 100 in YA science fiction aliens category! Cheers and thank YOU! :appl: :clap: :-D :adore: :clap2: :thanks2: