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The Genisis Code, by John Case (Warning: Possible Spoilers)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 1:38 pm
by greg in the machine
Lauren (Lucaya) and I recently read a great fiction book called The Genesis Code by John Case. It was a New York Times bestseller and has been described as a "biomedical thriller". Basically it's science-heavy suspense fiction, and there's an element of religious philosophy in it as well.

We decided to start a discussion on it here at BookTalk, but just in case anyone else wants to join us in reading and discussing it we're going to hold off actually talking about the book for a couple weeks. You see, the thing about The Genesis Code is that the suspense (and therefore a lot of the enjoyment) of the book requires that you do not know too much about what's going to happen. It's like the film The Sixth Sense in a way; it's still good if even you know the end, but the experience is cheapened.

So anyone who wants to read The Genisis Code - and I'd say that anyone who likes a good science vs. religion suspense drama will enjoy it immensely - go ahead and pick it up and give it a read. You'll probably plow through it in a few days - it's that good. We'll start talking about it in a couple weeks (August 14th or so) and then this thread is going to fill up with spoilers fast, so if you're interested don't waste any time.


Re: The Genisis Code, by John Case (Warning: Possible Spoil

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:23 pm
by Chris OConnor
Greg & Lauren:

Is this about Bible Code? I'm not asking for any spoilers!


Re: The Genisis Code, by John Case (Warning: Possible Spoil

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 9:01 am
by greg in the machine
No. It's about genetic engineering and the reaction of Catholic fundamentalists (yes, Catholic fundamentalists) to it.)


Re: The Genisis Code, by John Case (Warning: Possible Spoil

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 1:27 am
by Lucaya

I know that you are very fond of non-fiction, but this is a great book and I think that you would enjoy it. It was very well written. Although it is a fictitious story, there is alot of factual information contained within it. The author had to have had to do extensive scientific research to be able to attain such a flawless account of events.

If you choose to read it, let us know. I would rather wait to start the discussion, if it means that more people would participate.Lauren

Re: The Genisis Code, by John Case (Warning: Possible Spoil

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 12:28 pm
by Chris OConnor

I am heavily considering reading it with you guys. Sounds interesting from what you've said. I have to be brief in this post...on the way out the door. More later.
