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DUTCHESS COUNTY: a screenplay biography of Washington Irving

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:35 pm
by MichaelMartinDeSapio
Quarterfinalist in the Circa 2021 Historical Screenplay Competition, Honorable Mention in the Sleepy Hollow Film Fest and an Official Selection in the True Story Showcase, DUTCHESS COUNTY is an entertaining, evocative biography of early American author Washington Irving (1783-1859) in screenplay form.

New York City, 1809: When his sweetheart's father urges him to find a "real profession," struggling writer Irving embarks with his best friend, painter Washington Allston, on an odyssey through the magical Hudson River Valley. There Irving finds the inspiration for his beloved stories "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and the wisdom that helps him weather the storms of life.

Paperback: $11.99
E-book: $6.99

Order it here:

Amazon reviews:

"The screenplay effectively marries Washington Irving's literary journey with his legendary literary creations, Rip Van Winkle and Ichabod Crane. Also of interest is the enduring friendship that develops between the two Washingtons, that is, Washington Irving and Washington Allston. A delightful read."

"De Sapio's portrayal is both clever and humorous as he weaves fact and fiction (Irving's) to depict much of Irving's adult life. Through Irving's struggles as a writer, De Sapio includes vignettes from Irving's family, friendships, and romances. He seamlessly blends dramatizations from Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow, concluding with Irving in his prime at Sunnyside, his home on the Hudson."