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Cozy Mystery - ARC Reviewers Wanted - One Will Too Many By PJ Peterson

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:51 pm
by BookBuzz
Cozy Mystery - ARC Reviewers Wanted - One Will Too Many By PJ Peterson

Release Date is December 5th

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One Will Too Many
By PJ Peterson
Publisher: Finngirl, LLC
Release Date: December 5, 2021
ISBN: 978-1733567572
Pages: 206
Genre: Cozy Mystery

A wealthy banker with a long list of secrets dies.

Internist Julia Fairchild encounters banker Jay moments too late - the poor man is near death in his own dining room. At first no one can figure out what killed him, but the coroner soon confirms that it was homicide: Jay died of methanol poisoning, and now a murderer is on the loose.

Julia knows how to catch a killer and she can cut through the noise like a scalpel through skin. She agrees to help the understaffed police force solve the case, but each clue only complicates her investigation further. Can Julia dissect the deadly riddle and nail the perp, or will this be the first time a monster succeeds in giving her the slip?