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New Mystery/Thriller - Reviewers Needed - Vanished in a Heartbeat

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:02 am
by BookBuzz
New Mystery/Thriller - Reviewers Needed - Vanished in a Heartbeat

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Vanished in a Heartbeat
By Hiliary Amanda
GH Gold Star Publishing
Published: March 10, 2022
ISBN: 978-0578383644
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Family Drama

Lucas Ferguson, a workaholic, high-profile defense attorney, goes missing while on a weekend family vacation with his wife and children.

His wife Abigail is left grappling for answers while making it her mission to find her husband, even while fearing for her and her children's safety.

A small-town local police officer, with very few clues to go on, launches an investigation into the missing father that uncovers secrets the family man wanted to stay hidden.

Meanwhile, Lucas attempts to escape his captivity alive and get back to his family before anything happens to them...

The dramatic twist changes everything for the entire family-forever!