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My Books

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:11 pm
by B. Camp
Hi everyone. Hope I'm doing this right. I have several books on Amazon under the pen name B. Camp and two I wrote with my wife, Maribeth Wagner. The books range from Romantic Suspense Thriller, Action Adventure to Science Fiction. The science fiction topics are genetic engineering and post apocalyptic.

Re: My Books

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:56 pm
by Michael Calabrese
Hi Doctor!
I've got a Science fiction book in progress that focuses on genetic engineering and nanotechnology in humans. It got derailed by other projects, but it keeps coming back. I'm threatening to finish later in the year - maybe... Interesting! Glad to meet you via BookTalk!

Re: My Books

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:12 pm
by Michael Calabrese
I had a look at Subject Number Seven and then Sunstorm. Interesting stuff!
In my other life (the one that pays the bills - mostly), I'm a business writer working on Government proposal responses, federal, state, and foundation grants, and such - NIH among them. I have to get back to work.

Re: My Books

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:21 pm
by B. Camp
Thanks for your reply. I started writing in June of 2022. I've written seven short novels. They range from 50,000 to 60,000 words. The two you mentioned are the most recent. I combined three of earlier ones into one and called it Adam II: A Post Apocalyptic Trilogy. I combined two others into a collection called Tales From The Red River Gorge. Those two I wrote with my wife, Maribeth Wagner. I'd be very interested in in the novel you have in progress! My son is a budget director and a grant writer for a Non-profit.

Aaron: Subject Number Seven
Amy and her husband, Ben, had found their dream jobs. Amy was a doctor with an interest in researching genetic disorders. Her goals were to understand those disorders and design effective treatment regimens. Ben had a love for computers, business, and economics. TAG-AG was a large company that had a division that perfectly matched Amy’s desires. Being a large company, they had a vital need for someone with Ben’s talents. The two were heavily recruited and offered lucrative contracts. The fact that they would be working for the same company was just icing on the cake.

The young couple’s initial enthusiasm turned to horror when Amy learned that this ideal company was involved in illegal genetic engineering. They were actually genetically modifying infants! In effect, they were creating the very illnesses that Amy had been hired to research and treat. Neither Amy nor Ben was willing to knowingly participate in the company’s illegal and immoral activities. However, exposing the company could well be a death sentence. Their only option was to flee the company and go into hiding. But what should they do about the test subjects? They couldn’t save them all, but maybe they could save one? They escaped with Aaron, and using new identities, they began life as a family.

For six years they were happy, but on one terrible night their world came crashing down. The family was attacked. Aaron escaped, but Amy and Ben were not so fortunate. Aaron swore that he would rescue his parents. He realized that he would need to train and develop the skills necessary to accomplish his goal. Aaron sought out a couple who were friends of his parents. With their help, he trained and prepared. Using his genetic gifts backed by the intense training, he began a bloody trail of retribution. He knew that he might never see his parents again, but he vowed to annihilate the people who had destroyed his family.

Sunstorm Fallout: A Double Catastrophe

The Wolfe County MAG spent years preparing for an “End Of Civilization As We Know It” event. They had prepared a BOL and carefully stocked it with tools, equipment, weapons, ammunition, food and medical supplies, along with everything else they thought necessary. Their people were knowledgeable and skilled. They hoped to ride out any disaster in a secure retreat. What they didn’t plan for was the world throwing them a curveball. They had prepared for dealing with one civilization-ending event, not two.

A CME and a genetically engineered virus that turned people into living zombies were certainly beyond what they had foreseen. The odds were already against them, but when a band of raiders, comprised of rogue military elements decided to target them, the odds of survival significantly worsened. Their only choices now were to either flee or fight back. Giving up or dying was not an option that any of them were willing to accept.

This is a stand-alone book, but if you have read “Tales From The Red River Gorge” that I co-authored with Maribeth Wagner, you will recognize some familiar characters.

I should have posted these blurbs earlier. I'll try to post the others at some point.

Re: My Books

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 5:46 pm
by B. Camp
Sunstorm Fallout is available on Kindle Unlimited and is free today and tomorrow.