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Room 1 - A Trapped Series - First time publisher

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:32 am
by DeanLawless
Hi there, this is my first attempt at writing and publishing a short story so any feedback is much appreciated.

Room 1 - A Trapped Series, is the first in the series of short stories published recently.

It is 79p on Amazon (available in other countries too), I was unable to put it cheaper even though it's a short story!

I do hope you enjoy it, the blurb and links are below. Thanks


A Short Story: By Dean Lawless

Daniel wakes up in a room with no recollection on how he got there.

With various puzzles around him and a door firmly locked, his immediate thought is how to escape.

How did he get here? Who would do this? More importantly, how does he get out?