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Children Book Collections by Cornell Bunting

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:12 pm
by cornellbunting
The land of Zamundo was a faraway land, inhabited only by animals and ruled by a large but gracious lion, King Geoffie, and his wife, Queen Safara. King Geoffie and Queen Safara had ruled the land of Zamundo for many years quite happily, but feel incomplete without a cub. While deep in sleep one night, Queen Safara received a promise from the Gods, that she would one day soon have a cub, she and King Geoffie would need to believe in his ability, because the cub would be born without a roar, and in order to find his powerful voice that would lead the land, he would have to face many challenges.

Book 1: Leslie Plover Kindle Edition
Book 2 : Lion With No Roar: Finding His Calling Kindle Edition
Book 3 : Nostril Adventures: The Nose Smell Gold Dust Well
Book 4: Peedie Like The Drip Drop: Understanding The Drip

Author Bio: 3x best-selling Author and motivational speaker Cornell Bunting connects to audiences through his words. The power of his writing inspires and entertains children and adults alike. His own harrowing story is one of survival, inspiration, and motivation.

Amazon Page: ... 4/allbooks

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