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Harry Potter

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:17 pm
by tarav
I have just finished reading all of the Harry Potter books! If anyone would like to discuss them here, I am game. I really enjoyed them. They were very distracting though. I had to finish all of the Potter books before I could finish reading Our Inner Ape! Now, I am finished with that one too. I can dig into my pile of "to read" books now!

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:01 am
by ayemea

I just love the Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling is an awesome author. She has so many great ideas. I began reading them at the age of nine or ten (not so sure about that) and was always waiting for the next book to be published. Then I always had to fight with my older brother and my mother because everyone wanted to read it first. Fortunately we are all fast readers and no one had to wait too long.
I think I have to reread all of them some time.


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:46 am
by BabyBlues
I also love the Harry Potter books and understand why they were on the adult bestseller lists. I read the first one when the second was already out and had the pleasure of reading 1-2 right in a row. After that I needed to wait and had them delivered on the day they were released! I think Rowlings crafts characters one can honestly root for and others which one can despise.

Who was your favorite character?


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:50 am
by BabyBlues
Sorry for the double post.... I know those are annoying... I wonder if:
A) i am just stupid
B) my computer has a quirk
C) if it is a vista issue


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:14 am
by tarav
My favorite character is Serius. I was really hoping for a more lasting relationship between he and Harry. It would have been nice for Harry to have that parent figure. But alas, it was short-lived. Who is your favorite character?
Baby Blues, I am not sure why you double-post sometimes. I have gone behind you and deleted the second one when I've noticed it. You can just call me your fairy post mother! lol

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:20 pm
by Moon Knight
About three or four years ago I read the first two books at which point I kind of lost interest. Six months or so ago I decided to read the series through (starting over). I'm not sure how detailed my recollections will be since I was not expecting at first for the books to develop the depth they had by the final book's closing.

My favorite character was Severus Snape. Not only was he one of the most fully realized and complicated characters in the novels, but he was also perhaps the one that touched closest to my heart.

I am a sucker for tragedy, perhaps because I view my own life as a form of tragedy at times. He was definitely the most misunderstood character, yet arguably one of the most noble.

Harry Potter(spoiler)

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:29 pm
by tarav
Yeah, in the end I loved Severus, but throughout the reading, I did not like Snape! I waffled on Snape throughout the books. Sometimes I really felt he was a good guy and that Harry and co. had misjudged him. Other times I felt that he was evil. In the end, like you, Moon Knight, I loved it that he ended up noble and hated it that he was so poorly treated and misunderstood.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:21 pm
by ayemea
I probably like the twins the most. Fred and George with their weird ideas. :laugh:
Snape was also one of my favorite characters. I liked it that one never knew, if he was good or bad.
I hate it, that so many of them had to die in the end.
Actually, I like most of the characters. Hagrid with his strange animals, Hermione who knows everything, Ron who is nice, but a bit dense and so on.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:28 am
by Constance963
I liked the twins as well and I always liked Snape. I knew he was going to end up being an ok guy at the end :D I did miss Hogwarts in the last book...not being at the school seemed weird but I really enjoyed the whole series and I loved the ending.