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Sunshine Through Darkness by Tonetta Chester

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:08 am
by tc2870
It's coming out next month, but I had the pleasure of a sneak preview :)

It's AWESOME! If you like urban fiction, you have to get it!

Re: Sunshine Through Darkness by Tonetta Chester

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:08 pm
by NY152
Never heard of the author. What is this book about?

Re: Sunshine Through Darkness by Tonetta Chester

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:25 am
by tc2870
This is only her second book.

It's the sequel to Chester's first book, "Surviving the Darkest Days," and is about a girl who goes to close out the final details of her lover's suicide, but finds out she's a suspect in his murder. While trying to figure out who is trying to frame her, she begins an affair with one of his closest friends...
That's as much as I can say without ruining the book. It's full of action and rarely does it have a slow moment. It was an AWESOME book!

Re: Sunshine Through Darkness by Tonetta Chester

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:20 pm
by lstrachan
I also got a sneak peek at "Sunshine through Darkness" and its just as good (if not better) than her first book "Surviving the Darkest Days". :) This book has many twist and turns. Its sure to keep you glued to the pages. :( :) :angry: (these are all the emotions you'll feel when you read these books) Remember Sunshine through darkness isn't out as of yet but, you can pick up a copy of Surviving the Darkest Days at your local book store.

Re: Sunshine Through Darkness by Tonetta Chester

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:05 pm
by Chris OConnor

tc2870 and lstrachan were both posted from the same computer and are from the publishing company. If you want to plug books here you MUST state your relationship to the author (which I believe is actually you) or your posts and account will be deleted. You didn't simple "have an opportunity" to read the book. You wrote it or you're the publisher. Authors and Publishers are welcome to post but they must state their relationship and not use deception on our forums.