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Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:59 pm
by Doc Tiessen
You have probably participated in the never ending discussion on what was first... the egg or the chicken...For a while I also agreed that there cannot be a definitive answer... but then I saw it from a biological point of view, and today I wonder why we still discuss it with such fervor... why does not everybody agree with the final answer...Of course was the egg first... Diversity is Good!Edited by: Doc Tiessen at: 11/13/04 12:00 am

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:23 am
by RickU
Indeed it was. At least, according to the theory of evolution! In Vino Veritas

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:56 am
by Chris OConnor
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?Neither. The rooster came first. That's how the chicken got knocked up in the first place.Chris "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson MandelaEdited by: Chris OConnorĀ  at: 11/15/04 5:27 pm

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:27 pm
by Interbane
Chickens had babies back in the day. Then a horny turtle came by, and the result was a chicken that lays eggs. I think the chicken came first.

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:30 pm
by generalscao
Well if you think about it, that would depend on what evolved first from the primary amoeba. If it were an animal in the family of the Chicken than that animal could have evolved and laid and egg to which in turn came the chicken...Or the ameoba could have just evolved into a chicken of some sort than it would be the chicken that came first. Unless of course if this pertained to the six days that GOD created the earth than the chicken came first...or something...

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:24 pm
by Interbane
Hmm, never heard about the primary amoeba. Was it a tyrranical amoeba in the amoeba mafia? A simplified summary of my thought is that the chicken that lays eggs is a slightly mutated offspring to a chicken that had babies. But then, that's only relevant when you take the sentence literally.

egg or chicken

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:59 pm
by generalscao
Well that just opened a whole new theory. There can be two new parts to this...The ameoba that evolved into the Dinosaurs and the ameoba that evolved after the ice ages.I think the true fact is that the ameoba mafia that evolved into the dinos started everything. Ameobas didn't lag eggs until they became a particular dinosaur than they sarted laying eggs. After some time when prehistoric chicken dinosaurs evolved from the ameoba mafia family, they started laying eggs...So In conclusion I believed the prehistoric 50 ft tall chickens evolved from an ameoba before they laid their first 5 ton egg....YEAH!

Re: egg or chicken

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:45 am
by Interbane
Scao: "I think the true fact is that the ameoba mafia that evolved into the dinos started everything."I think you fell asleep during 6th grade science. Let us understand the granular level of evolution. As an example, let me say that any offspring of two parent will not be the exact product of the combination of their genes. The offspring have certain mutations in their genes that are tangible alterations. Such as many diseases or dwarfism, or elephantitis, or someone being albino. Those are radical mutations, and for the most part negative. The mutations that dealt with the evolution of humanity over the ages were beneficial mutations. What is an example of a beneficial mutation? Well, a more muscular physique or a more intelligent mind are good examples, as they directly result in greater survivability. If a human is more able to survive, he is more likely to pass on his genes. Other weaker humans are more likely to die off, so their genes are erased forever from the face of the earth. These granular mutations add up over the ages to a metamorphasis that can be envisioned as a man suddenly transforming into werewolf form in a horror flick. Don't take that example literal, as werewolfs are fantasy. The transmutation from an amoeba into a dinosaur took millions of years and included every possible mediary creature that you could envision. An amoeba has a baby amoeba whose genes were slightly mutated, so it is more inclined to consuming food, meanwhile another amoeba has a baby amoeba whose genes are also slightly mutated, so it is more inclined to reproducing. So these amoeba find each other and stay together forever, with the additive advantage of both consuming food better than other amoeba and reproducing better than other amoeba. Over time, since two of them are in a symbiotic relationship, they result in a multicellular organism. You can see that over millions of years, these little tiny changes can add up to a whole lot of change. An amoeba mutating into a dinosaur...

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:56 am
by johnson1010
the chicken, dammit! THE CHICKEN!

This question isn't really about chickens and eggs, the way i see it. You trace back evolution and you get to the proto-chicken, and before that some earlier ancestor, keep going keep going and you end up at our earliest eucaryote ancestors who reporduced through simple cell division. in other words the whole animal (chicken) copied itself. Eggs are an evolutionary developement to help with procreation. They came after.

Re: Egg or Chicken?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:28 am
by President Camacho
I'm going to say, again, that the egg came first. I state this unqualified supposition from a purely extra-scientific metaphysical standpoint; which is to say I'm typing with my anooos. I reason that 'chicken', a label created by the late, great Col. Sanders in the early Pleistocene, is a term for a particular type of animal whose skin whether it be original recipe or extra crispy, was used primarily for a semi-flightless and mostly ground dwelling delicious raptor with wings and biscuits. Anything resembling an animal able to fit perfectly inside a paper bucket probably came far after eggs, bacon, and sausage had already been available for generations; a view held strongly by epicures the world over.

Anyone with any common sense at all need only look at a menu. Eggs, then chicken! Even steak came before chicken, which we all know evolved into a ground up substance which managed to fool scientists for years as to whether it came before or after steak and so they placed it (quite lazily) in between steak and eggs and steak and mashed potato. We've had this discussion before and I'm tired of trying to explain this.