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1948 Fulfillment of Prophecy? Time will tell!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:50 am
by tat tvam asi
So the idiocy behind claiming that the 1948 restoration of ancient Israel was prophecied in the bible clearly fixes the claim to a showdown. In a very similar way to Camping, those who buy into the claim that modern Israel fulfilled prophecy now have a fixed time line to the end of the world count down. According to Hagee the restoration of Israel fixes the "end times" to this generation. No specific day or hour, but simply this generation:

John Hagee: "Jesus is Coming Soon!"

John Hagee - 10 Signs we are the Final Generation

John Hagee - The Great Tribulation 1

John Hagee - The Great Tribulation 2

So what happens after this generation passes away and the worlds still here, no such anti-christ ever takes power and rules the world, and no second coming ever takes place?

Will it be time to re-interpret the bible and admit that the restoration of modern Israel didn't actually fulfill the OT prophecies which were taken out of context to begin with?

What will these future generations of Christians say about it? Or will there be any significant number of Christians left in the world after these so-called prophecy fulfillments are proven as error when the world doesn't come to an end during this current generation?

Re: 1948 Fulfillment of Prophecy? Time will tell!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:55 pm
by Azrael
Oh good old Pastor Hagee. He's been preaching this stuff for years. Thing is he never tells his congregation that the bible does not prophecy the state of Israel but thats no surprise is it? I believe the future generation was those alive at the time of this mythical christ. There has been untold generations come and gone and well we are all still here.

Re: 1948 Fulfillment of Prophecy? Time will tell!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:50 pm
by President Camacho
These guys are amazing con artists and entertainers. I'm not saying Jesus was one but it's easy to imagine that he was one of the best in his day. They sell belief and illusion. He was by far not the first to claim to be the son of god. Many hundreds of men have claimed with conviction to be directly descended from a god.

Should practices such as these be illegal? If taking mind altering substances is illegal, if yelling bomb in a public place is illegal, if selling alcohol to a minor is illegal... should there be rules against these folks?

Re: 1948 Fulfillment of Prophecy? Time will tell!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:05 am
by Azrael
President Camacho wrote:These guys are amazing con artists and entertainers. I'm not saying Jesus was one but it's easy to imagine that he was one of the best in his day. They sell belief and illusion. He was by far not the first to claim to be the son of god. Many hundreds of men have claimed with conviction to be directly descended from a god.

Should practices such as these be illegal? If taking mind altering substances is illegal, if yelling bomb in a public place is illegal, if selling alcohol to a minor is illegal... should there be rules against these folks?
Should practices such as these be illegal? If taking mind altering substances is illegal, if yelling bomb in a public place is illegal, if selling alcohol to a minor is illegal... should there be rules against these folks?
There should be yes I agree but to do that some moron would claim an infringement on their First Amendment rights! Freedom of religion is a right according to the US Constitution but does it justify swindling and who doing people out of their hard earned cash? Or brain washing them so bad that they sell off everything they own thinking some cloud boy is coming out of the sky? It is a racket with hypocrisy that knows no bounds! You give up all common decency when you accept religion, your morals become twisted and deluded by following some twisted 1600 year old book. Your eyes fail to see reality.

Re: 1948 Fulfillment of Prophecy? Time will tell!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:15 am
by tat tvam asi
I guess the only way to really combat these frauds would be to devise some way of frauding these preachers in return and getting a hold of the money they've taken in and return it to the people through some method. An atheist Robin Hood of sorts...
