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The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:07 am
by crownofpearls
The Holy Bible teaches the stories from Abraham to Moses the voice of God from heaven and his word that he speaks to his people with the visions and lessons they have to learn from. God is here to give you the ability to hear his word and to learn from the lessons he has to teach you, so by all means listen!

And, if you hear these voices and see visions this might and may very well be your call from God to religion. So having said this, how many people think it's true that God speaks his word from heaven by the Holy Schizophrenia who are known to have this ability? It would be an easy task to write about I think.

What are your thoughts?

Re: The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:45 am
by DWill
crownofpearls wrote:The Holy Bible teaches the stories from Abraham to Moses the voice of God from heaven and his word that he speaks to his people with the visions and lessons they have to learn from. God is here to give you the ability to hear his word and to learn from the lessons he has to teach you, so by all means listen!

And, if you hear these voices and see visions this might and may very well be your call from God to religion. So having said this, how many people think it's true that God speaks his word from heaven by the Holy Schizophrenia who are known to have this ability? It would be an easy task to write about I think.

What are your thoughts?
It's an interesting question you pose. I see it as having to do with the willingness to believe, traditionally, that certain ancient people were spoken to by God, Abraham being the most famous. However, can you think of anyone today, even among the religious, who will see as credible a contemporary's claim to have heard the voice of God? I can't. It seems that we now are aware of brain diseases that cause people to have internal stimuli that produce delusions and hallucinations, and we believe such people are not to be revered but to be referred for treatment. Yet many continue to make exceptions for the old stories of direct communication with the divine. That is puzzling to me.

Re: The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:27 am
by Rajesh
"It seems that we now are aware of brain diseases that cause people to have internal stimuli that produce delusions and hallucinations, and we believe such people are not to be revered but to be referred for treatment."

Dwill, this is exactly the first thing came to my mind when i read
"And, if you hear these voices and see visions this might and may very well be your call from God to religion. "


Re: The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:55 pm
by didan
The Holy Schizophrenia ? Is that a book? or you coining Abrahamic religions that way? Please clarify.

If someone is having psychiatric issues, that is a topic of its own for sure.

From an evolutionary perspective, the formation of ethics was based on these experiences of prophets 'hearing' from God in various societies around the world. In modern day, people still have an internal spiritual awareness and feeling that God is guiding them, speaking to them. It's like a gut feeling, an intuitive wisdom from within that people like to center their behavior and beliefs around (meditation) because the results are good for them.

Re: The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:13 pm
by youkrst
crownofpearls wrote:What are your thoughts?
well let me tell a story

the other morning i was feeling discouraged and somewhat overwhelmed when out of the blue into my head pops the word "conqueroo" and again quite insistently "CONQUEROO"

conqueroo?!?!?! what the hell is that supposed to mean? i thought to myself

does it mean conquer as in overcome and roo as in kangaroo?

ahhhhh lets google it i thought.

next thing you know i'm gettin' it, in blues lyrics (muddy waters, dr john etc)

it's a reference to "black john the conqueror" the trickster spirit that taught the slaves how to overcome the oppression of "old massa"

next thing you know i'm reading "High John de conquer" by zora neale hurston and enjoying a very VERY nice mythological tale.

and singing to myself "black john the conqueror" by Dr John

now the funny thing is i work in an oppressive corporate environment where "ole massa" is alive and well in my corporate overlords and they frequently get me down, but not this week baby! not with black john de conquer showing me how to deal with that shite.

so as didan says
didan wrote:It's like a gut feeling, an intuitive wisdom from within that people like to center their behavior and beliefs around (meditation) because the results are good for them.
just like socrates and his daemon, there was me and high john.

now i have long found that i can swim in the same water the schizophrenic drowns in

and if you think of the stories as metaphors and allegories well who knows there could be a baby in that bathwater. ... oup%3A6664

Re: The Holy Schizophrenia | and the word of God.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:18 pm
by Interbane
And, if you hear these voices and see visions this might and may very well be your call from God to religion. So having said this, how many people think it's true that God speaks his word from heaven by the Holy Schizophrenia who are known to have this ability? It would be an easy task to write about I think.
How would you rule out the idea that it's not a divine message, but genuine schizophrenia? Are you saying that you believe there are schizophrenics who genuinely hear God?