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The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:19 am
by Asana Bodhitharta
The real problem with Atheism is not so much their disbelief in God. The real problem is in their disbelief in any evidence for believing in God.The fact is any reasonable person would have to be delusional to not recognize some very basic things, such as, we know that tome, space, energy and matter work together in an intelligent way.Can we agree on that.

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:31 am
by Mr. P
Great...another one.Mr. P. Mr. P's place. I warned you!!!The one thing of which I am positive is that there is much of which to be negative - Mr. P.The pain in hell has two sides. The kind you can touch with your hand; the kind you can feel in your heart...Scorsese's "Mean Streets"I came to kick ass and chew Bubble Gum...and I am all out of Bubble Gum - They Live, Roddy Piper

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:26 am
by phiend
I think I'm going to take the "Dawkins" stance on this one. Although you can construct a correct English sentence, this fact does not mean the sentence deserves and answer. I could say, why are unicorns hollow? That appears to mean something, but it doesn't deserve an answer.

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:45 am
by Chris OConnor
Phiend is right. Your post doesn't make much sense and it probably will be a waste of time trying to have a discussion with you.

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:01 am
by Mr. P
Not to mention that we have all had this discussion before...and no answer is ever satisfactory to the one who believes in the god.Mr. P. Mr. P's place. I warned you!!!The one thing of which I am positive is that there is much of which to be negative - Mr. P.The pain in hell has two sides. The kind you can touch with your hand; the kind you can feel in your heart...Scorsese's "Mean Streets"I came to kick ass and chew Bubble Gum...and I am all out of Bubble Gum - They Live, Roddy Piper

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:44 am
by Chris OConnor
Let's all be sure to not drive off anyone even if we find their positions to be X, Y or Z.

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:29 am
by Mr. P
I understand your point Chris...but if we start attracting only theists...That would be a shame...and that the nicest way I can put it.Mr. P. Mr. P's place. I warned you!!!The one thing of which I am positive is that there is much of which to be negative - Mr. P.The pain in hell has two sides. The kind you can touch with your hand; the kind you can feel in your heart...Scorsese's "Mean Streets"I came to kick ass and chew Bubble Gum...and I am all out of Bubble Gum - They Live, Roddy Piper

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:45 am
by Chris OConnor
NickOh, I totally agree! I just don't want to drive away anyone that is stimulating discussion around here. We will always attempt to market to freethinkers. I actually emailed about 50 people from that site "Why Doesn't Gog Heal Amputees?" I can't help it if we pull theists in the process.

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:05 am
by Mr. P
Well...they are usually are the Preachers...and probably hope to convert us! Mr. P. Mr. P's place. I warned you!!!The one thing of which I am positive is that there is much of which to be negative - Mr. P.The pain in hell has two sides. The kind you can touch with your hand; the kind you can feel in your heart...Scorsese's "Mean Streets"I came to kick ass and chew Bubble Gum...and I am all out of Bubble Gum - They Live, Roddy Piper

Re: The real problem with Atheism.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:58 pm
by Asana Bodhitharta
I apologize if my post was not something desirable here. I was e-mailed to join and discuss issues here. If no one wants to actually discuss anything that is your right.However, In what way do insults become refutations of anything?Energy, Matter, Space, Time and Intelligence are all Absolute and permanent while randomness is only temporary until a building up of order occurs. correct?