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Three authors or books over the next year: What will you read?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:55 pm
by TEKennelly
Greetings Talkers,

A question: You are only going to be able to read there authors or books over the next year - what will you read?

Re: Three authors or books over the next year: What will you read?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:42 am
by Litwitlou
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

The Complete Works of Charles Darwin.

How to Assassinate People Who Try to Limit You to Three Books a Year.

Re: Three authors or books over the next year: What will you read?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:49 am
by vizitelly
That's a good place to try and start a discussion. I suppose it depends on the individual approach to reading. Some readers prefer a wide-ranging 'scattergun' approach where books are not necessarily, or seemingly, connected. Others like to concentrate their reading in particular areas or directions; then there are people who have favourite writers or books. Still others feel that anything seemingly prescriptive reminds them too closely of being at school, and react accordingly. I take it to be a genuine inquiry, and so nominate these three writers:

Italo Calvino
Virginia Woolf
Lucia Berger