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Libya- Aid to other countries DOES cost money

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:37 pm
by vetwriter
So many people want to intervene in Libya, but do those people realize that it costs money to do such things? Sometimes I think not. I'm not saying that I am for or against involving our country in foreign matters, but I wish people would realized that our jets, our military, the cost to replace our equipment if something gets damaged, the fuel, communications, etc., all costs money. Americans say they want to help, but many aren't willing to have their taxes increased to pay for such things, and politicians are afraid to raise citizens' taxes for fear that they won't get re-elected. People need to wise up before they either blame our president for not getting involved, or offer up our services.

No fly zone in Libya could be around 300M per week!!! People, if you are for helping them, be prepared to help your own country pay for it by an increase in taxes. Money to do these operations doesn't just magically appear.

Re: Libya- Aid to other countries DOES cost money

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:14 pm
by JulianTheApostate
This brings up something that bothers me, as someone who supports more social spending and less military spending. The public debate seems to focus on the cost of social programs but not of military action. For example, the Iraq War was incredibly expensive, as Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explained in his book The Three Trillion Dollar War. Still, supporters of that war were rarely asked how they'd pay for it or whether it was worth the price. However, whenever someone proposes a social program, there are incessant complaints that the country can't afford it.

I don't understand why that is, though the right-wing nature of the mainstream media is definitely a reason. Republicans can get away with calling themselves fiscally responsible, even though they support unnecessary wars and ridiculously high defense budgets.

Re: Libya- Aid to other countries DOES cost money

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:03 pm
by vetwriter
Well, I wouldn't say I would like less military spending necessarily, but if we're going to complain about helping other countries, then we should be ready to make a sacrifice on our part. Sometimes I don't feel that we compensate our own military men enough. Why should we pay some contractor 3 or 4 times what our enlisted guys make? For the price of one contractor, you can send mulitple military men overseas. Also, it takes money to stay on top. People don't realize how much it costs to have a strong military, to have the top Air Force, the best planes, the best manpower, technology, etc. Anyway, I digress. If we're going to spend it, then it should be for making our country stronger. If it means improving our country, I'm for it, whether it be regarding the military, education, safety, security, etc.