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Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:34 am
by Interbane ... .html?_r=1

I had trouble copy/pasting it, so here's the link. Someone help me out here, what do we do about lobbyists?

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:15 pm
by johnson1010
Government service is just that. Service. It should not be for profit, nor to gain power, or otherwise amass riches for yourself, or for lackys.

No kick-backs. No cushy jobs with the companies you who want you to rule in their favor. No predatory legislating in favor of companies you have previously worked with. No gifts. No presents. No free-bee trips, boats, cars, jets, or rides in any of them. Limit campaign contributions with extreme predjudice. Eliminate campaign advertising on regular television and cable. Establish new channel where legitimate campaigns run ads for free, with schedule divided by local / state/ national coverage times. Channel personnel fact-check statements in ads, call them out on their bullshit.


Theres so much more that needs to be done.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:58 pm
by Dexter
Until you reduce government power, you will have lobbyists influencing legislation. If you can dish out billions of dollars of favors, do you really think it can be done purely "in the public interest"? Campaign finance laws are just for show.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:56 am
by JulianTheApostate
The massive influence of lobbyists, especially those promoting corporate interests, is definitely a problem. Political campaigns are very expensive, and catering to special interests make it a lot easier for politicians to raise enough money to be elected.

Public funding of political campaigns would be very helpful. I'd much rather have the government pay for campaigns directly, since the current system of informal bribery has a much higher cost. Unfortunately, many citizens don't recognize the corrupting influence of campaign contributions and dislike the idea of taxpayer money paying for stupid campaign ads. Also, the vested interests that benefit from the current system will oppose any efforts to change it.

Individual campaign contributions can also help. If a higher fraction of campaign funding comes from individuals with no string attached, politicians become more free to do what they believe is best. Though I mainly contribute to candidates to help elect the more agreeable candidate, reducing corporate influence is a side benefit.

I'm pessimistic about the situation improving. After all, the Supreme Court blocked restricting on corporate campaign contributions in the Citizens United case and the Tea Party types tend to be heavily pro-corporate.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:27 am
by patrickt
My god, didn't you get the news? In the new adminsistration of Hope and Change there are no lobbyists. They're banned. They've been driven out of the temple by the Messiah. They are no longer an issue. Now, moving right along.....

Corrupt politician is redundant.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:50 am
by downtown1441
Yeah whenever someone tries to get in a discussion with me about some specific political issue I have a real hard time participating since it's like, "Uh - the lobbyists and corporations have bought and paid for our entire government. Nothing else really matters."

I don't know how people can work on Capitol Hill, just happily plugging along, when the entire system is just so friggin' corrupt.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:43 pm
by patrickt
Your absolutely right. Between the corrupt unions and so-called special interest groups it's impossible to find an honest person in Washington.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:29 pm
by Avid Reader
Interbane wrote:what do we do about lobbyists?
Shoot them? Just a thought.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:27 pm
by Kevin
Interbane wrote:I Someone help me out here, what do we do about lobbyists?
Ignore them! Stop voting for the parties that are being bought. Think about non-participation! EDIT: ...too much smash, bam boom kill... judo, not UFC.

Re: Corrupt American Politics

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:00 pm
by johnson1010
Speaking of corrupt politics, here's Newt Gingrich getting eviscerated by Jon Stewart, since nobody else is bothering to connect dots. ... share_copy