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Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:57 pm
by JeremyBenson
This has most likely been done, but how many of you believe in any level of conspiracy fact? While I don't believe in a blood drinking lizard shape-shifting elite, I do believe in some of the conspiracy theories that I've heard. I question some of the world's richest people, and after seeing a chip in my bank card I must say that it's opened my eyes to the possibility of a chipped humanity...

What do you guys think?

Re: Conspiracy

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:05 pm
by etudiant
"blood drinking lizard shape-shifting elite"

You're not talking about Steven Harper, are you?

Re: Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:38 am
by JeremyBenson
lol, I need to pay more attention to Canadian politics :( I know Stephen Harper from images, and some news, but can't say 10 things that he's done...

I guess that would make me one of the people that don't help the situation as much as I should. Sadly that's the thing about voting, it makes a big difference in the world. I'd like to vote and advocate lesser known parties that stand for what I believe... but wouldn't want to see a weak leader, as that could lead to serious war time issues...

What a world, eh?

Re: Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:08 am
by Chris OConnor
I don't give much credence to conspiracy theories. The complexity of keeping most of these stories secret is just too great. I've never bought into the concept of "the government" vs. the rest of us. In my view we ARE the government. Terms in the US tend to be short with fresh faces entering office every so often. These short-term politicians would never and could never keep vital information from the general population seeing as they came from and will return to that same general population soon.

Re: Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:20 am
by JeremyBenson
""the government" vs. the rest of us." but government doesn't see a lot of change in influence these days... I mean there was Goerge Bush Sr, and then his son, and in there somewhere the Clinton family, and even Bill's wife ran... Now obama...yet they all seem to hang out.... I know that's not much proof.... but I mean it shows close connection...

I would feel safer if someone got presidency and didn't hang out with the same crew...

Some of us feel that a group has taken over... The idea is that these people are men, and men can make choices, and set up laws which put them in a position where they can potentially seize power...

take Hitler for instance... would you see that as a case of government against the people? :P

Re: Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:21 am
by JeremyBenson
Sorry I made a double post... so I'll revert this post to an apology for that :)