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Iraq, Why Can't We Get the **** Out of There?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:05 pm
by lovemybull
I wish I had majored in Political Science because then I could better understand the basic reasoning of things. Just from a kindergarten perspective. What would happen if they just pulled all the US troops out of Iraq just POOF, all of them out at the same time? It's been already explained that Dubya had no logical reason getting us over there to begin with. So why do they continue to sacrifice these young men and women in a conflict that can't be resolved? I believe this has gone on longer than Vietnam am I right? I don't know, it just doesn't make any sense. I feel for the civilians but sending more troops really isn't going to help them over all either. Can someone break it down for me? :(

Re: Iraq, Why Can't We Get the **** Out of There?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:19 am
by youkrst
Iraq, Why Can't We Get the **** Out of There?

well who said we should be in there in the first place?

was it because they had weapons of mass destruction? or did that turn out to be a lie.

who were the people all in favour of getting into iraq, they could explain why we can't get the **** out.

but obviously if the world is your chess game then stopping the sensible thing from happening is part of the game.

Re: Iraq, Why Can't We Get the **** Out of There?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:35 pm
by lovemybull
So basically that's why there is no logic to it, because Dubya lied and we had no reason to be there in the first place. If it had really been about 9/11 they would have gone after where the hijackers actually originated from. But it wouldn't have been in George's interest to attack Egypt or his good friends the Sauds.