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Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:39 pm
by Gnostic Bishop
Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

And screwed parents who are trying to control what drugs their children will access.

Damn you to hell.


What we have are not ideological wars but drug control wars.

I. S. strength is based on revenues from various black market drugs.

Jihadists, by grabbing the spotlight with their barbarity have played to our drama centers and made us forget the real cause of these various wars in the Middle East.

These wars will continue until the day the U.S. Government decide to end them by changing their policy on the legalization of drugs.

They presently only look at pot but will have to include all drugs, --- as we cannot presently keep up with the flavors coming at us and our children.

Change will have to happen in the way we deal with drugs. We have been losing too many lives.
Both directly and indirectly. Indirectly as where I.S. is.

Legalizing all drugs and placing them under prescription control would effectively destroy I.S. as well as help parents control what drugs their children can access. This will, as the Canadian Royal Commission on Psychotropic Drugs, says, be intelligent use of freedom of choice.


Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:18 am
by Interbane
If they are under prescription control, that still leaves room for the black market. Age restriction is the only real way to go. But then, how do you justify allowing people to sell crystal meth in stores? They would be vandalized and robbed and beaten and picketed. There are some drugs that it is very immoral to distribute, based on the addictive and destructive properties of the drug. In these cases, there would still be a black market as well, if only to hide from sight.

Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:10 pm
by Gnostic Bishop
Interbane wrote:If they are under prescription control, that still leaves room for the black market. Age restriction is the only real way to go. But then, how do you justify allowing people to sell crystal meth in stores? They would be vandalized and robbed and beaten and picketed. There are some drugs that it is very immoral to distribute, based on the addictive and destructive properties of the drug. In these cases, there would still be a black market as well, if only to hide from sight.
The world was full of bootleggers during prohibition. Do you see many left? NO.

The same will happen to drug pushers and it will not likely be the corner store that does the supply side. With alcohol we went to a separate supply line and will do the same with the psychotropic drugs.

That will give parents the tools to protect their children from drugs.

Any pushers left over can be dealt with severe penalties as we will know that there target is our children. Those would then be justified while today they are not.


Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:12 pm
by LanDroid
In terms of financing, the Islamic State militant group is more than a very well-oiled machine. Its diverse funding streams include kidnapping, human trafficking, smuggling and theft, plus extortion and shakedowns passed off as taxes and fines, analysts say. Black-market oil sales primarily bankroll the Sunni extremist group, however, generating at least $1 million a day for its campaign to establish a caliphate, U.S. intelligence experts and analysts estimate. ... 51897.html
Not a word about drugs. How peculiar. :lol:

Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:06 pm
by Gnostic Bishop
LanDroid wrote:
In terms of financing, the Islamic State militant group is more than a very well-oiled machine. Its diverse funding streams include kidnapping, human trafficking, smuggling and theft, plus extortion and shakedowns passed off as taxes and fines, analysts say. Black-market oil sales primarily bankroll the Sunni extremist group, however, generating at least $1 million a day for its campaign to establish a caliphate, U.S. intelligence experts and analysts estimate. ... 51897.html
Not a word about drugs. How peculiar. :lol:
You did not hear much on the opium connection in Afghanistan either but it was definitely there and still is today.

Some of the issues you mentioned are spotty revenues. Drugs are the gift that keeps on giving over and over and over.

After the Iran/Contra fiasco, it is not surprising that drugs are not discussed by the U.S.

If the U.S. will trade drugs for guns, what makes you think other forces like I.S. won't?


Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:45 am
by LanDroid
Yes there is opium in Afghanistan. But it's obvious from the revenue sources I posted that legalizing drugs in the U.S. then restricting purchases through prescription control will do nothing to affect the Islamic State.

Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:26 pm
by Gnostic Bishop
LanDroid wrote:Yes there is opium in Afghanistan. But it's obvious from the revenue sources I posted that legalizing drugs in the U.S. then restricting purchases through prescription control will do nothing to affect the Islamic State.
It will eliminate a steady source of revenue.

And locally, it will be doing the intelligent thing in a war against our own children that we have been losing from the time of the Indian Hemp Report, better than 100 years ago, and that every major report since has mimicked in advocating legalization.


Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:45 pm
by LanDroid
No. Here's another article about sources of revenue for the Islamic State. Again, no mention of drugs.
Islamic State, an Al Qaeda breakaway group, may be even tougher to stop. Instead of relying on the charity of outsiders, it has a vast source of internal funding it uses to pay for its military operations and to administer the territory it seizes. The group's fighters have taken dozens of cities and towns in Syria and Iraq in the last year, looting bank vaults and other private resources. In some cases, they have imposed road tolls and business taxes, and reportedly have charged for basic services such as electricity, water and sewage. The militants also control granaries, as well as oil fields and refineries much larger than those destroyed last week. ... story.html

Re: Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:23 pm
by Gnostic Bishop
Try googling C I A and drugs.

Now extrapolate to the other side who do exactly the same thing as they are in exactly in the same game.
