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Trump Bans Chokeholds, Sets Up Tracking System For Bad Cops

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:27 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Trump Bans Chokeholds, Sets Up Tracking System For Bad Cops

...But in a move to address racial rancor after the Memorial Day death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis police, Trump also banned the use of chokeholds (except in life or death situations) and announced new requirements for police.

Trump said that, under a new credentialing process, chokeholds will be banned “except if an officer’s life is at risk.” Chokeholds are already largely banned in police departments nationwide.

An executive order Trump signed at the White House will establish a database that tracks police officers who draw complaints about excessive use of force in their records. The order also establishes a national credentialing system that will give police departments a financial incentive to adopt best practices.

“To all of the hurting families, I want you to know that all Americans mourn by your side,” Trump said. “Your loved ones will not have died in vain.”... ... es-police/


Re: Trump Bans Chokeholds, Sets Up Tracking System For Bad Cops

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:32 am
by ant
This will not get any attention by mindless automatons fixated on the evil that are going on. At least for now
Like Trump putting Mexicans in cages at the border, constructed by Team Obama, that were actually humanitarian cages before Trump used them.

And lets not forget those "thousands of websites" that talked about police reform during the The Messiah's 8 years in office.

Also, this legislation by Trump should really be credited to Obama.. it's because of the Messiah that this happened.
Just ask Harry.


I am thanking KOS's post here because it deserves it and I am honest enough with myself to acknowledge it.

Re: Trump Bans Chokeholds, Sets Up Tracking System For Bad Cops

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:46 pm
by ant
What a bunch of dullards these democratic run cities are.. Like what is happening in Atlanta.
Undermining law enforcement in general is a very, very bad idea. It sends the message to lowbrows that it's acceptable to resist arrest, run from the cops, or try to disarm them after a 30 minute conversation about being shit-faced drunk in a car.

Whatever happened to refraining from judgement until all the facts are in and not making hasty generalizations?

This is the result of the dumbing-down of America via the encouragement of narcissistic identity politics by old liberal dinosaurs that have become antiquated political ideological literary performance artists who have no clue what the reality of the streets is like.