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Dick Cheney in a wheelchair

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:55 pm
by Trish
I can maybe understand a back brace or even a cane for a back injured by heavy lifting. I don't get the wheelchair. Personally, I think it was a cowardly excuse not have to stand at the inauguration. How could he not muster himself to stand out of respect at least for the office? I mean there's Muhammad Ali with advanced Parkinson's and Sen. Kennedy with incurable brain cancer out there in the cold standing. I was disgusted. The only thing I'm glad about is he had to sit there, shut up and listen to a matter of fact indictment of his policies and now we're going to do things differently.
Good riddance! :furious:

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:58 pm
by Raving Lunatic
I have learned alot about Dick Cheney this week. I have found out that alot of the things that went bad in the Bush administration was because Cheney was actually hiding things from Bush. Cheney wanted power anyway he could. So I was not too surprised with his "behavior" during the ceremony. Trust me I am not a Bush supporter, but I am even less of a Cheney supporter.