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Entitled to your opinion.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:18 pm
by johnson1010
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

You are NOT entitled to everyone sitting quietly and nodding their head while you say aggressively retarded things. You know what i mean. The kind of things that make food taste bad when you hear them spoken.

Join me in the quest to shine a light on all things heartily deserving ridicule.

Re: Entitled to your opinion.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:15 pm
by Iluvbookz13
johnson1010 wrote:Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
ILuvBookz IN REPLY wrote:Amen to that.

That's the beauty of the world, everyone is entitled to speak their own thoughts and share their input on things. It may come at a cost, but nothing can come for free, right? The freedom of religion, freedom to speak and freedom to challenge authority are some sweet things.

Think of all of the great leaders that have spoken their mind, and look what it has accomplished them.

However, Johnson, you weren't necessarily clear on your last statement...
Johnson1010 wrote:You are NOT entitled to everyone sitting quietly and nodding their head while you say aggressively retarded things. You know what i mean. The kind of things that make food taste bad when you hear them spoken.

Join me in the quest to shine a light on all things heartily deserving ridicule


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:32 pm
by Suzanne
However, Johnson, you weren't necessarily clear on your last statement...
Johnson1010, are you looking to have a scavenger hunt? :hmm:

I'm a bit confused too. Are we seeking retarded opinions only, or can retarted behavior apply as well?

I've got something. Have you ever seen those road side memorials for people who have crashed thier car and died? Flowers, and candles, and pictures are hung on the pole or tree where the collision occured. Soggy stuffed animals, and all kinds of brick a brack are strewn around. I don't get it. And, they are there for years. There is one in my neighborhood that has been there for at least five years. I am so tempted to go over in the middle of the night and remove all the stuff, I'm sick of looking at it, and I think it's a danger. Someone is going to crash into the same tree looking at all the stuff around it. Then what would happen. Would there be two memorials, would the first family claim the rights to the tree?

Re: opinions

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:16 pm
by CWT36
Suzanne wrote:I've got something. Have you ever seen those road side memorials for people who have crashed thier car and died? Flowers, and candles, and pictures are hung on the pole or tree where the collision occured. Soggy stuffed animals, and all kinds of brick a brack are strewn around. I don't get it. And, they are there for years. There is one in my neighborhood that has been there for at least five years. I am so tempted to go over in the middle of the night and remove all the stuff, I'm sick of looking at it, and I think it's a danger. Someone is going to crash into the same tree looking at all the stuff around it. Then what would happen. Would there be two memorials, would the first family claim the rights to the tree?
I'm so relieved to know that I'm no the only one with that pet peeve, I just don't get it.

I don't know if this is a trend elsewhere, but here in NY the latest thing is people putting big stickers in the back windows of their cars stating "In loving memory of so-and-so". It drives me nuts!!

I've left instructions if I did on a road somewhere that I want a Buddha put on the side of the road with a Star of David around his neck, a cross in one hand, and with the other hand he's giving everybody the middle finger. It makes as much sense as the teddy bear and the flowers.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:26 pm
by johnson1010
I'm a bit confused too. Are we seeking retarded opinions only, or can retarted behavior apply as well?
oh man, i am laughing about this sentence!!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:38 am
by Penelope
I agree with you Suzanne, those roadside memorials are really crumby. They are a fast-growing phenomena here too.

I suppose I understand that it might make people feel a bit better to go and lay flowers on the spot where a loved one has perished......but it really is sad if they think that a persons' soul hangs about the point of impact.

In France, I noticed that the local authorities put black silhouettes, life sized cut outs of accident victims at certain roadsides. There might be the silhouettes of two young teenagers, or a man, or a couple of children. They are awful, but my goodness, they make you slow down and think about the weapon you are wielding. So I can see the sense and use of those.

I suppose everyone IS entitled to their opinion but really, that opinion should be held for a reason. So that when asked why, one can give a coherent reply. Otherwise, it is just sentimentality, a very useless emotion. AND, I do know the feeling described by johnson, when a certain opinion heard, leaves a bad and bitter taste in the mouth.

I'll give you an example of my own irrational opinion though. I hate pedestrian subways to help people cross busy roads. I think that the traffic should go underground and the people should walk on top. Subways for traffic would be more expensive, and perhaps dangerous but still, when I am forced to take an underground walkway, I become very that is not rational and sensible.....but it is my opinion and I am entitled to it.....


Re: opinions

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:36 am
by Mr. P
Suzanne wrote: I've got something. Have you ever seen those road side memorials for people who have crashed thier car and died? Flowers, and candles, and pictures are hung on the pole or tree where the collision occured. Soggy stuffed animals, and all kinds of brick a brack are strewn around. I don't get it. And, they are there for years. There is one in my neighborhood that has been there for at least five years. I am so tempted to go over in the middle of the night and remove all the stuff, I'm sick of looking at it, and I think it's a danger. Someone is going to crash into the same tree looking at all the stuff around it. Then what would happen. Would there be two memorials, would the first family claim the rights to the tree?
Surprise surprise! I cannot stand this either. My take is, it is all about the people who lost the dead person crying for attention and a write up in the local paper. There are some in my area that have been up for over a YEAR! They become stems and a faded poster.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:36 am
by johnson1010
i had always thought those roadside memorials were there to remind people to drive safely at dangerous intersections.

"Look. People can, and have died for driving recklessly here."

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:37 am
by Mr. P
johnson1010 wrote:
I'm a bit confused too. Are we seeking retarded opinions only, or can retarted behavior apply as well?
oh man, i am laughing about this sentence!!
I may even get this one on a well as that Buddah image CWT36 spoke of!!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:25 am
by Krysondra
That sounds hideous, Penelope! But I bet it does slow one down a bit.

I'm on junky road side shrine pet peeves list myself. Why put them up if you don't even care enough to tend and keep them up? That just shows a lack of commitment.