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26 year old from Texas dupes the U.S. Army

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:17 pm
by bleachededen
When they say anyone can join the army, they really mean it!

From Yahoo! News:

Re: 26 year old from Texas dupes the U.S. Army

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:51 pm
by KristoffX
hahah he made money off the army while others died fighting hahaha, wait, huh?

Re: 26 year old from Texas dupes the U.S. Army

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:34 pm
by President Camacho
Yeah, this kid could have become Governor of Texas or the next U.S. President. He clearly has no ambition.

Re: 26 year old from Texas dupes the U.S. Army

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:15 pm
by bleachededen
KristoffX wrote:hahah he made money off the army while others died fighting hahaha, wait, huh?
Seriously. I don't find it funny, I find it quite telling of how screwed up every single aspect of our country is, that even the military can't tell a true officer from some random kid with a phony uniform. Not funny at all. Is there ANYTHING America won't f*ck up?!
President Camacho wrote:Yeah, this kid could have become Governor of Texas or the next U.S. President. He clearly has no ambition.
No, for that he doesn't need ambition, he needs a wealthy, connected family. There's a distinction.

And who knows, maybe he was gonna "work" his way up?

Impostors in the army, terrorist suicide bombers passing flight school and attacking civilians with the very planes they flew, presidents becoming presidents without the popular vote two elections in a row, uninvited guests shaking hands with the new president at International Galas, parents faking missing children in weather balloons to get a spot on a TV reality series, a major oil company ruining the Gulf of Mexico, who knows what could happen now? What's there left to screw up, really? As one of the Sergeants in Full Metal Jacket said, "It's a big sh$t sandwich and we all have to take a bite."

We're on a one way ticket to whatever Hell will be, hand basket, coach class. $5.00 extra for carry ons, and that includes your head. We're all screwed.