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New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:54 pm
by Chris OConnor

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:22 pm
by Interbane
Are they really blaming Democrats for the errors of the Bush administration? The biggest threat I see is lack of regulation where it's needed. Republicans see that as socialism? And why continue advocating supply side economics when it's obviously ineffective. Lower taxes have hurt us rather than help us, then going to war on top of that is financial suicide.

Don't get me wrong, I hate government intervention as much as anyone, I despise and resent being ticketed for a granny law on seatbelts. But I also realize human greed will run rampant if left unchecked. Cutting corners in meat packing plants, health foods, the financial system, and offshore drilling are examples.

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:15 pm
by seespotrun2008
Do we know that this is really a Republican ad? It does not say that. It looks like an ad for the next hit adventure film.

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:25 am
by President Camacho
LMAO. Where were these little videos when the country was going to hell under Bush??????

We gave you control of the house and senate... we... it's reasonable to assume that the person who paid to have this video made probably didn't vote for Obama.

Remember how bad it was under Bush? It got baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Really, really, really bad. Like we're buried alive bad. Like anything we do isn't going to be enough to save us cuz we're so screwed, bad. What if Bush was still president? Can you imagine? Remember how the vast majority of Americans voted for change. How we ran to the polls to get these guys out of power???? And now people want them back?!?!?!?!? Whoooooa. I think we need to sit back and just reflect on the stupidity of the Bush administration and its long term consequences. Just let it soak in....

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:16 pm
by johnson1010
90 % of current republican policy revolves around smack talk and demonizing the oppostion.

Hating gays is not a plan of government.

It is abundantly clear that the Bush era economic policies do not work.

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:54 pm
by Chris OConnor

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:16 pm
by Interbane
Who knows, but beware of confirmation bias. Here are some alternative opinions: ... re_su.html

This following one is better, where it shows a graph of Obama's spending, 41% of which is toward financial rescue which was initiated by Bush: ... 87121.html

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:25 pm
by President Camacho
One side wants military spending and tax breaks for the rich... the other side wants to spend more on people that just happen to not be you. They both need to stop spending but they both spend YOUR MONEY. Reps spend it just like Dems - but they do it more unilaterally and it probably benefits you a lot less unless you're fortunate enough to get trickled on. There will be no tax breaks. There can't be. It's impossible. They both spend outrageous amounts. Who started TARP? REPUBLICANS. Who's getting the money back???? Who? Not the people in office right now, right? I bet they haven't got back a single penny of all the money Republicans threw at those RICH BANKS..... you can tell I'm being facetious.

Why do people have an aversion to helping the poor but not the rich when we spend soooooooooooo much more on the rich? It's almost like it's ok for rich people to take. These people are "can't fail" PEOPLE. It's ridiculous. Like capitalism doesn't apply to them. Like it only applies to the middle class now. Rich your set - poor you can relax....

If Republicans truly wanted capitalism they'd let these fuckheads fail. The truth is, they don't want it. They want a safety net for the rich. When you vote republican you are paying the same for less services. Remember how bad it was under Bush? Remember Bush. Remember Bush. Whenever someone tells you something you don't like politically - remember Bush.

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:34 am
by geo
I just lost my post due to the ongoing ridiculous bug that makes this sytem unable to keep me logged in. I give up.

Re: New Republican Ad - video

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:00 am
by FakeGeo
Too bad, geo. Quit whining.

(This is a test)