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US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:08 pm
by Azrael
LOS ANGELES — The Roman Catholic Church in the United States has become embroiled in a new pedophilia scandal with six women and one man alleging sexual abuse by a priest over three decades.

The lawsuit filed Wednesday in Oakland, California accused Father Stephen Kiesle of acts of sexual abuse between 1972 and 2001, and alleged that Catholic Church officials knew of the crimes but did not stop them.

Pedophile priest scandals and allegations of high-level cover-ups that swept Australia and the United States in 2004 have surged again since last year and rocked the Catholic Church in Europe and the United States.
The Catholic bishops in the United States of America and the Holy See have long facilitated the sexual molestation of children by engaging in the harboring and protection of known child molesting priests," read a copy of the latest lawsuit obtained by AFP.

"The bishops and Catholic hierarchs have done so to prevent the priests from being prosecuted and to avoid scandal," the lawsuit read.

It said church figures "have subjected Catholic families and children in these communities to known pedophiles, counting on the devotion and reverence in the communities to keep any further abuse by the priests secret."

The plaintiffs, six women and one man, said they were abused by Kiesle throughout childhood and adolescence, although one alleged victim, Teresa Rosson, 48, said she suffered abuse at the hand of the cleric until about a decade ago.

The lawsuit is the latest of several to embroil the US Roman Catholic church, which has been repeatedly accused of closing its eyes to the sexual and physical abuse of children by priests and church officials. ... dlGsxSDhnw

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Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:33 pm
by seespotrun2008
It is really sad. Pedophiles seek out that type of work because it allows them access to victims. So while the Catholic Church continues to allow these people to continue committing heinous acts, it has made the ordination of women a crime. It also spreads the lie that pedophiles are homosexuals. Most pedophiles are heterosexual. It is messed up.

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:45 am
by johnson1010
Here's what's terrible about this.

Every job has bad people in it. Why anyone is surprised that religious leaders are not exempt, is beyond me. Yes, there are murderous, stealing, pedophile preachers. To an extent, that can be expected.

The fact that they exist is bad, but the fact that when a preacher is found to be abusing children, AND THE CHURCH COVERS FOR THEM, that is completely unacceptable.

Some times you can't help it when you discover you have in-advertantly got yourself tied up with a very bad person. When you find out that they are pedophiles, you drop them off at the nearest police station with all the evidence on them you could gather.

THen you sell their terrible asses down the river and wash your hands of them. You DO NOT re-assign them to some distant community and tell them to pray to Jesus the oily to be better people.

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:01 am
by Azrael
pray to Jesus the oily
Jesus the who? Thats a new one! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:09 am
by johnson1010
Christ is not a last name. It is a title.

To christen is to annoint, or dip in oil. Magic juice which purifies whatever sinful thing it touches by reducing the surface friction.

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:53 am
by Azrael
Has not reduced to much friction they still think this mythological clown is coming back soon!

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:08 pm
by Grim
Flagged: this should be moved to the current events sections as it is in no way a philosophical subject.

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:24 pm
by Suzanne
Grim wrote:Flagged: this should be moved to the current events sections as it is in no way a philosophical subject.
You are correct, it has been moved into current events forum.

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:41 pm
by Azrael
Grim wrote:Flagged: this should be moved to the current events sections as it is in no way a philosophical subject.

-/-( -/-(

Re: US Catholic Church tarred with new child sex abuse scandal

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:52 pm
by Suzanne
What do you mean by your last post Star Burst? It's still a thread, it's just been moved into a more appropriate forum. Your original post is a news story, it should be in the current events forum.