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victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:22 am
by phillies4evr
I am so proud to be an American in the state of Pennsylvania! Both the governor and senator who were backed by the tea party won last night! If you look at a map of the country, the Republicans beat out the Democrats big-time!! I have been a tea party activist for a very long time and the best news of all is that Nancy Pelosi was dethrowned last night!

So it looks like a good part of our country does not approve of what our president has done or not done in the past two years! I am sorry for those of you who didn't believe me and have more faith in the tea party, but since they really paid off, hopefully more people will join our activism. Come January, things will be better, especially without Pelosi. She has voted too many times with the president so not only is this a victory for the tea party but a victory for all American citizens.

So, if in all my other posts I spoke of how the tea party has really taken off, and for those who didn't believe me, it worked! Some non-tea party activists snuck in and won but, predominantly Republican governors and senators won last night. some people on here lamb-bashed me for being the tea party activist that I am and those people know to stay away from my posts. This really happened last night and the people that disagree with me are now probably kicking themselves for not listening and little closer!

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:06 am
by stahrwe
I agree that last night was a good night but we need to be careful not to cast it as too much of an us vs them scenario. When I was a lad there was a strong conservative element in the Democratic Party. Over the years that conservatism has significantly dimished but it is still present. The Tea Party has always been about reforming government and fiscal responsibility.

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:52 am
by phillies4evr
stahrwe wrote:I agree that last night was a good night but we need to be careful not to cast it as too much of an us vs them scenario. When I was a lad there was a strong conservative element in the Democratic Party. Over the years that conservatism has significantly dimished but it is still present. The Tea Party has always been about reforming government and fiscal responsibility.
star....I now know that with time we'll find out for sure if this tea party system really works. I have been an activist for so long now, and I know I'm jumping the gun in my last post, but I really believe that what happened last night is a victory! Just the fact that Nancy Pelosi was booted off the island as they say on survivor, she can put out her torch and leave the island immediately! As you can tell, she is not one of my favorite people... she ranks down there along with Obama!

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:08 pm
by johnson1010
it isn't that we didn't believe that the republicans would get seats, its that we don't trust the candidates that the tea party has put forward.

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:53 pm
by Interbane
I had no illusions about how the elections would go. The outcome was more or less as I thought it would be. Unfortunately we're now worse off than we were before. More tax breaks to the rich, more complaining that we can't afford certain things(which we could if the rich were taxed), and more blaming things on the wrong people.

Why would you complain about health care? What is the chief concern? Why would you blame unemployment on the current administration? Cause and effect across a nation works in years. We'll start feeling the effects of Obama soon.

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:08 pm
by phillies4evr
Interbane wrote:I had no illusions about how the elections would go. The outcome was more or less as I thought it would be. Unfortunately we're now worse off than we were before. More tax breaks to the rich, more complaining that we can't afford certain things(which we could if the rich were taxed), and more blaming things on the wrong people.

Why would you complain about health care? What is the chief concern? Why would you blame unemployment on the current administration? Cause and effect across a nation works in years. We'll start feeling the effects of Obama soon.

my complaint about the health-care reform is the entire health-care reform. First of all, there are too many other things going on such as getting people back to work, to help people who are in jeopardy of losing their homes, bail out of the banks and then complaining that there is no money left in this country to do anything else. I am a parent of two children. One of them is already in college but he goes to community college because of the cost of the universities. Our other child, is a senior in high school. The major she wants to take will be about eight more years of study. To save money, since the government has not been very thrifty where we are concerned, she will also start her first two years at community college and then transfer. We are hoping that by the time she graduates community college, funding will be more readily available through the government. This will only happen if something is done NOW!!!!!! I. know not all of you are in a position that my family is. I am 100% disabled and my husband, even though he is working, does not make a lot of money. For the government including the state to deny us the money we need so that our children can go to a four-year university, is just wrong! Obama said from the very beginning that there would be provisions for each and every child in this nation to be able to go to college and get the education that they need. So, what happened to that?

He has made way too many promises and the only thing he fulfilled was Obama care which is a huge mess!!!!!!! there are so many loopholes in it, that just because everybody thinks that we will be covered, doesn't mean that a hard time will be given when necessary tests are needed. Also, do you want the government to be able to access your private medical files? What happened to the privacy act? I don't know about you but my private medical records should be kept between my primary doctor and myself. I think I touched upon only a few of the things that the tea party is doing to try to correct. It will probably take some time to undo the mess that Obama has given us, so now it is just a wait-and-see approach. I do believe highly in the tea party and how they plan to undo a huge mess that this country is now left with. Do not blame this on Bush. The economy may not have been great when he left office but.... it was not this bad!

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:35 pm
by geo

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:03 pm
by Interbane
my complaint about the health-care reform is the entire health-care reform. First of all, there are too many other things going on such as getting people back to work, to help people who are in jeopardy of losing their homes, bail out of the banks and then complaining that there is no money left in this country to do anything else.
You say the health care reform is the problem, then you go on to mention other problems. Whatever money the health care reform would cost taxpayers, it could be repaid many times over if we stopped putting people into power such as the tea partiers. They are pawns of big business, and support lower taxes for rich people. The problem is not how much health care reform costs us, but that is an easy target for rich people's propaganda to take our eyes away from them paying more taxes. It's like a fat guy going in to a doctor's office, and the doctor tells him that his knees are bad, but not mentioning that his knees are bad because of his weight. To solve the true problem, the man should lose weight. Then it turns out the doctor is the owner of the fat man's favorite fat food restaurant.
I do believe highly in the tea party and how they plan to undo a huge mess that this country is now left with.
The people who represent the tea party are the ones responsible for the mess we're in. Cutting regulation on the financial industry is a far right agenda. That lack of regulation lead to the bubble then the burst, and the current mess we're in. You're swallowing the crap fed to you through Fox news. It's nothing but a propaganda machine, owned by Rupert Murdock.

In recent years, Australian-born billionaire Rupert Murdoch has used the U.S. government's increasingly lax media regulations to consolidate his hold over the media and wider political debate in America. Consider Murdoch's empire: According to Businessweek, "his satellites deliver TV programs in five continents, all but dominating Britain, Italy, and wide swaths of Asia and the Middle East. He publishes 175 newspapers, including the New York Post and The Times of London. In the U.S., he owns the Twentieth Century Fox Studio, Fox Network, and 35 TV stations that reach more than 40% of the country...His cable channels include fast-growing Fox News, and 19 regional sports channels. In all, as many as one in five American homes at any given time will be tuned into a show News Corp. either produced or delivered." But who is the real Rupert Murdoch? As this report shows, he is a far-right partisan who has used his empire explicitly to pull American political debate to the right. He is also an enabler of the oppressive tactics employed by dictatorial regimes, and a man who admits to having hidden money in tax havens. In short, there more to Rupert Murdoch than meets the eye.
In 2003, Rupert Murdoch told a congressional panel that his use of "political influence in our newspapers or television" is "nonsense." But a close look at the record shows Murdoch has imparted his far-right agenda throughout his media empire.
MURDOCH THE WAR MONGER: Just after the Iraq invasion, the New York Times reported, "The war has illuminated anew the exceptional power in the hands of Murdoch, 72, the chairman of News Corp… In the last several months, the editorial policies of almost all his English-language news organizations have hewn very closely to Murdoch's own stridently hawkish political views, making his voice among the loudest in the Anglophone world in the international debate over the American-led war with Iraq." The Guardian reported before the war Murdoch gave "his full backing to war, praising George Bush as acting 'morally' and 'correctly' and describing Tony Blair as 'full of guts'" for his support of the war. Murdoch said just before the war, "We can't back down now – I think Bush is acting very morally, very correctly." [New York Times, 4/9/03; Guardian, 2/12/03]
MURDOCH THE NEOCONSERVATIVE: Murdoch owns the Weekly Standard, the neoconservative journal that employed key figures who pushed for war in Iraq. As the American Journalism Review noted, the circulation of Murdoch's Weekly Standard "hovers at only around 65,000. But its voice is much louder than those numbers suggest." Editor Bill Kristol "is particularly adept at steering Washington policy debates by inserting himself and his views into the discussion." In the early weeks of the War on Terror, Kristol "shepherded a letter to President Bush, signed by 40 D.c= opinion-makers, urging a wider military engagement." [Source: AJR, 12/01]

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:07 pm
by phillies4evr
geo wrote:
phillies4evr wrote:
. . .We are hoping that by the time she graduates community college, funding will be more readily available through the government. . This will only happen if something is done NOW!!!!!!
You do know the Republicans are about smaller government, right? So you're an avid tea partier, but what you ultimately want is more government subsidies? Maybe you're backing the wrong horse, fellow.
phillies4evr wrote: I think I touched upon only a few of the things that the tea party is doing to try to correct. It will probably take some time to undo the mess that Obama has given us, so now it is just a wait-and-see approach. I do believe highly in the tea party and how they plan to undo a huge mess that this country is now left with. Do not blame this on Bush. The economy may not have been great when he left office but.... it was not this bad!
Let me guess. You watch FOXNews on a regular basis. Do you really believe that Obama messed up the economy in two years? How? With stimulus spending? Or the bank bailouts that were actually initiated by Bush? The Health care bill hasn't even been fully implemented yet, so it hardly seems possible this is what torpedoed our economy. Do you think for yourself at all?
first of all, I am a woman not a fellow as you so called me. I honestly don't watch that much of Fox news. And yes, I believe that Obama did mess up the economy big-time! Ex-President Bush did start it and I won't blame it all on Obama, but, Obama has made it much worse. I am not backing the wrong horse,'fellow'. Maybe you don't understand what the tea party is all about. Maybe you should read up on it more. you are wrong about one thing... part of Obamacare has already taken place. My children can stay on the plan until they are 26. That is the only issue I agree on. My son, who is almost 21, could have gotten insurance from his employer even though he only works part time. So, that was a big waste of time trying to pass that part of the bill right away! I absolutely am dead set against Obama care as it stands today! As I mentioned in my last post, I do not want the government to have access to my private healthcare file!

Re: victory for the tea party activists!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:28 pm
by phillies4evr
when you start treating me as a woman that I am, which I feel is part of your problem, then I will continue this conversation. I don't care who you are, women were given the right to vote and have plenty to say and are just as knowledgeable as men. When you apologize to me, I will continue our conversation. Until then, remember the tea party movement just wants the country back to the way it was before Obama came into office. I know he isn't all to blame but he took a bad situation and made it much worse. Honestly, and not because I am a woman, I would've voted for Hillary. I was so sorry when she dropped out of the race. The reason I am a Republican is because at this point the Democrats have screwed up enough and it's time that the Republicans, especially the tea party to try and straighten us all out. I am done conversing with you into the sexist remark you made to me. You knew damn well from my profile that I am a woman! End of discussion