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My poem: Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:33 am
by Quest for the Ark
Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

The truth you seek, this is all i ask,
so please listen to the fore-mentioned task.
If you care, then to you i say,
find your peace, find your way.
Learn the ways of LOVE.
But first you must behold life with respect,
For it is written, just like the pure dove.

I have a question, and this is what i cry - WHY?

Why is humankind so blind, ignorant and cruel?
Must we meet our match, and finally finish this duel?
The remembrance will continue, until this domain,
has seen every creature successfully slain.

It's not any easy understanding, many of you would cry.
If only man understood why he continues to lie.
For in the end he shall realise his way,
as his home and his planet is in ruins where it lays.

Pain and suffering should end and become sparce,
as materialism and greed is recognised as a farce.
begin to understand why so many of you fail to comprehend,
for it is in this way which shall bring about your end.

For you see, your soul, it is a gift of life,
so use it when in need, or facing the deepest of strife.
Complementing existence is the notion of LOVE,
so come on everybody, let's give each other a shove.

There are those that you thank,and others whom you blame,
and without this projection, you would face your shame.
Looking back and reflecting upon the Almighy's decision,
to evolve humankind through a higher transition,
i must stop and wonder if you'll ever understand,
that life is a reward ... ... ... and not a demand.

My princess accepted me for who i am,
and now all i have left is me.
Her companionship was mine to enjoy,
it was unconditional and free.

i will always remember what Lisa and i maintained,
the LOVE we shared is eternal, and it cannot be contained.

R.I.P. Lisa Helen Finnerty.
Damm that Leukemia.

Sean Hayden Terrill
Author - Quest for the Ark

ps hope you liked my poem, read it again and think about it :)

Re: My poem: Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:29 pm
by Aqueda_Veronica
Welcome to the Community, Quest for the Ark :)

I read the poem very carefully and I must say that this part was the most powerful in my opnion:

"i must stop and wonder if you'll ever understand,
that life is a reward ... ... ... and not a demand."

It did strike a cord with me.
Sure, there are some verses I would rearrange and some lines I would paraphrase but I applaud the simple fact that you decided to go for rhymes. That is always more challenging, isn't it?

Pleased to meet you! Have a nice evening and enjoy it here.

Re: My poem: Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:28 am
by Quest for the Ark
thank you.
i'm not really into poems, just had something to say ... there is someone i miss oh so terribly.

Re: My poem: Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:48 pm
by misshapenskies
:) well done! You have quite an individual way of writing I think and this poem shows great flair - you obviously have an imaginative mind ^^
I personally liked this section quite a bit:

It's not any easy understanding, many of you would cry.
If only man understood why he continues to lie.
For in the end he shall realise his way,
as his home and his planet is in ruins where it lays.

What were your ideas behind this? It would be interesting to hear why you decided to write something as metaphorical and deep as this :)

Re: My poem: Is anyone listening, does anyone care?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:28 pm
by Quest for the Ark
thank you for your kind and supportive comments.
my parnter passed away last year, much of the content i wrote about had to do with both our views on life.
i have reworked the poem after some advice from the person who commented first. you can view the poem at the link below on the tribute to co-author page.
Lisa and i wrote a book together "Quest for the Ark" which has recently been published.
enjoy :)