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by Randall R. Young
Wed May 25, 2011 9:53 am
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: Militant Atheism
Replies: 100
Views: 38709

Re: Militant Atheism

First, Dawkins was not on Hitler's reading list as I don't believe he had published anything yet. Second, I was listing atheists. Whatever Hitler was, I don't believe he was an atheist. More likely he was an astrotheologist of some kind. A) I think your sarcasm detector is turned off. B) It is inte...
by Randall R. Young
Wed May 25, 2011 9:45 am
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: Militant Atheism
Replies: 100
Views: 38709

Re: Militant Atheism

Robert Tulip wrote:Your suggestion, Randall, that atheism needs a mythology, appears to be a paradox, given the antinomy of myth and logic.
I don't believe I was suggesting that! What I meant was that the world could turn out some actual militant atheists, thereby making the myth into a reality.
by Randall R. Young
Tue May 24, 2011 10:11 am
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: What will Harold Camping say after May 21, 2011 when the Rapture doesn't occur?
Replies: 246
Views: 70009

Re: What will Harold Camping say after May 21, 2011 when the Rapture doesn't occur?

I'd be interested to hear from stahrwe what he thinks is right or wrong with this "proof"--other than it doesn't appear to be infallible, as it turns out. The question is, why not? If the Bible is itself infallible, why aren't the proofs we derive from it similarly so?
by Randall R. Young
Tue May 17, 2011 4:51 pm
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: The Bible's Buried Secrets part II; Atheist Myth debunked and Israel Finkelstein proven wrong.
Replies: 206
Views: 73530

Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets part II; Atheist Myth debunked and Israel Finkelstein proven wrong.

But Robert, we NEED foils like stahrwe for contrast! I, for one, don't think his preaching is likely to convince anyone of much of anything, other than the fact that stahrwe isn't very reasonable, thoughtful or original. After all, when was the last time he said anything we haven't all heard a thous...
by Randall R. Young
Tue May 17, 2011 11:40 am
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: Militant Atheism
Replies: 100
Views: 38709

Re: Militant Atheism

Therefore, maybe it's time to end the myth of militant atheism? It seems to me that there are two ways to approach this: 1. Reason all those persons who use the term out of their irrational beliefs, or 2. Make the myth a reality. Number one strikes me as impossible. How can you reason with those wh...
by Randall R. Young
Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 am
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: A fear of death.
Replies: 60
Views: 21599

Re: A fear of death.

If you had to put together a society on a spaceship, say, that had to choose whether to take a volume by Galileo, one by Locke or one by Shakespeare, are you sure you would go by factuality? Being a practical man, I'd have to go with the Principia, or maybe Euclid's Elements. (Unless it's unfair to...
by Randall R. Young
Wed May 11, 2011 4:53 pm
Forum: Religion & Philosophy
Topic: The Case for God
Replies: 122
Views: 49000

Re: The Case for God

I have a relative who believes in Biblical literalism. In fact, he often says things much like stahrwe. In church this Sunday, he pointed out the "fact" that the story of Eve being created out of Adam's rib holds up because "women have one more rib than men". So I thought about t...
by Randall R. Young
Wed May 11, 2011 4:33 pm
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: Seeing both sides
Replies: 32
Views: 9689

Re: Seeing both sides

Harry wrote:Jesus famously hung out with drunkards and prostitutes!
Jesus brought the wine!
by Randall R. Young
Mon May 09, 2011 4:55 pm
Forum: Science & Technology
Topic: Problems with sci-fi world exploration
Replies: 10
Views: 3282

Re: Problems with sci-fi world exploration

The first gold-strike on mars will revolutionize the space industry like nothing else ever has. Uhh... Current estimates to return a payload from Mars are around $500,000 per pound. Being that gold only costs $24,000 a pound, I can't see much of a market for gold that costs 20 times as much in &quo...
by Randall R. Young
Mon May 09, 2011 3:57 pm
Forum: What are you currently reading?
Topic: Currently reading?
Replies: 196
Views: 76972

Re: Currently reading?

"Euler's Gem" ~Dave Richeson

"The Lightness of Being" ~Frank Wilczec

"The Algebraist" ~Iain M. Banks

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