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Re: Coronavirus

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I agree that NBC, CNN and the CDC are fake news. You have reporters pretending to be sick, fake numbers issued and so on. The numbers game is a scandal. Deaths are falling. The "epidemic" is over. As news of this spreads, you leftists will find it harder to continue with your Cult of the Mask. The Biden Burka needs to go.

Some more stories about the failure of the Plandemic:

Why Face Masks DON'T Work, According To SCIENCE (Ben Swann)
"So much debate over whether or not we should be wearing masks in order to fight C0VlD but multiple scientific studies over the past decade have already settled this question. Not only do medical masks not prevent the spread of virus, but a 1995 study proves that wearing a cloth mask can put you at greater risk for infection. Ben Swann breaks down the science."
nofacemask.blogspot.com/2020/07/why-fac ... ng-to.html

Moderna coronavirus vaccine causes side effects in over 50% of patients; antibodies disappear in 2-3 months, rendering the vaccine pointless
(This is the Fauci vaccine. He and Gates skipped the animal tests, and this is what happened. But they're pushing ahead anyway. Gates never vaccinated his three children, by the way. If vaccines are so good, why didn't he vaccinate? The other day he said he would help insure that plenty of his new Wonder Vaccine is set aside for the world's poor, and before that his wife said that blacks need to be at the head of the line. So you leftists can rest easy--the genocide seems to be chugging along).
naturalnews.com/2020-07-16-moderna-coro ... -fade.html
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Re: Coronavirus

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KS wrote:Deaths are falling.
Deaths are going back up.
Why Face Masks DON'T Work, According To SCIENCE (Ben Swann)
Ben Swann, who purports to fact check the fact checkers, is constantly spewing fake news. Masks do work, confirmed by many studies from around the world.
Moderna coronavirus vaccine causes side effects in over 50% of patients; antibodies disappear in 2-3 months, rendering the vaccine pointless
The sad part is that antibodies of people who recovered from Covid also go away after a few months in many cases. It's not just the vaccine, it's the nature of the disease. FYI - most "side effects" were typical to vaccines, such as pain at the injection site. Like, where they poke you with the needle.
I agree that NBC, CNN and the CDC are fake news.
They aren't. They're mostly factual. The sources you cite are the fake news. Your whole universe is backwards, and you're so deep into it that there's no way out. Did you see above where I replied to your "facts", and you scored 0 out of 5? Wake up man.
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Re: Coronavirus

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How gobsmacking strange it is to see anyone going on about "the plandemic," with cities having to park refrigerated semi-trailers near morgues to handle the overflow of corpses. Or that for some covid patients to be treated in ICUs, someone in the unit must first die.
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Re: Coronavirus

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DWill wrote:How gobsmacking strange it is to see anyone going on about "the plandemic," with cities having to park refrigerated semi-trailers near morgues to handle the overflow of corpses. Or that for some covid patients to be treated in ICUs, someone in the unit must first die.
Unless you're someone who thinks this was a "false flag" operation, not by a government perhaps, but the "Bill Gates cabal." Tinfoil hats for everyone!
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Re: Coronavirus

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Make assertions based on fake numbers if y'all want, but deaths in the U.S. have gone down for 12 weeks now. And most face masks are woven at about 100 microns; the Wuhan virus is 0.1 micron. 1000:1. Chain link to catch mosquitoes. Even Fauci said people shouldn't be wearing masks. I once found it strange how you alarmists called us virus skeptics anti-science, when you yourselves are displaying anti-science behavior. You're so screwed up that you're even breathing in your own carbon. So, can a Wuhan alarmist also be a climate alarmist? How do you reconcile those two anti-sciences? One has you breathing in the toxin from the other. It's pretty amazing how you leftists tie yourselves into knots.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KS wrote:Make assertions based on fake numbers if y'all want, but deaths in the U.S. have gone down for 12 weeks now.
I went through a handful of source sites just now to double check, and the 7 day moving average for daily deaths is an upward trend since early July. So either you lying through your teeth, or you haven't checked your sources in a few weeks.
And most face masks are woven at about 100 microns; the Wuhan virus is 0.1 micron. 1000:1. Chain link to catch mosquitoes.
Bet you feel smart with this bit of science, huh? Yes, obviously the virus is smaller than the weave. That's been a known argument since the start of all this. And it misses the point. The virus travels on droplets of spittle - balls of water that are often larger than the weave. The face masks catch the droplets, stopping or greatly slowing the trajectory of the virus.

Lo and behold, numerous new studies and scenarios across the world show masks to be effective. Real life instances like that at Brigham Young, across tens of thousands of staff. Fauci has changed his stance on masks since a couple months ago, in lieu of the evidence.
It's pretty amazing how you leftists tie yourselves into knots.
I can see how it would look that way to someone whose own beliefs are tied in knots. You're the one who's wrong KS.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote:And most face masks are woven at about 100 microns; the Wuhan virus is 0.1 micron. 1000:1. Chain link to catch mosquitoes. Even Fauci said people shouldn't be wearing masks. I once found it strange how you alarmists called us virus skeptics anti-science, when you yourselves are displaying anti-science behavior.
It's truly galling that KS is still saying that Fauci says people shouldn't be wearing masks, when he knows perfectly well that Fauci has changed his position and is now saying just the opposite. And as Interbane points out (as I have pointed out earlier in this very thread), the virus is expelled in droplets of saliva which are much larger than .1 micron mentioned above. There is much strong evidence that masks are effective in reducing the spread of the virus.

KS is either a damned liar, an idiot, or a troll (or possibly all three). The end result is the same. He's deliberately trying to pass along false information.

Edit: It's interesting to note that even Donald Trump has come around begrudgingly on wearing masks, though this comes several months after the CDC and Dr. Fauci began to recommend wearing masks and face coverings. A bit slow on the uptake, this Donald Trump. And while other slow-uptakers still decry the pandemic as a left-wing conspiracy, the Trump Administration has just announced announced a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer to deliver 600 million doses of a potential coronavirus vaccine later this year. That's a lot of money for a fake virus.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/worl ... k-273b49f4

And wasn't it KS himself spouting a bunch of nonsense (actually in defense of Alex Jones) a couple of months ago that no vaccine is possible for the coronavirus because it's just a variation of the common cold? What about it, KS? Did you change your mind about that?
KindaSkolarly wrote:As far as Jones goes, he's more trustworthy than the people telling you that a vaccine for the ChiComm Flu is on the way. It's a coronavirus, same as the common cold. We all know the old bromide, "They can put a man on the moon but they can't cure the common cold." If there was a cure for the cold, we'd have had it by now.

So the vaccine promise is bullshit.
https://www.booktalk.org/post171879.htm ... ld#p171879
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Re: Coronavirus

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geo wrote: Fauci has changed his position and is now saying just the opposite.

Edit: It's interesting to note that even Donald Trump has come around begrudgingly on wearing masks,
We all did a double-take, around my place, when Trump changed to advising mask-wearing, but it is a huge relief to see his non-narcissist side. We know it was just bending to political winds, but hey, if political winds can blow a little sanity between those ears, then that's a W for democracy.

KindaSkolarly, on the other hand, is not accountable to any electorate.
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Re: Coronavirus

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Not sure if T has really come around to wearing a mask...he did that one time. At the revived corona virus update he said that masks can be effective. He also made the quite shocking statement that his admin. could be doing some things better. He didn't say either of those things with conviction, though, reading them with the enthusiasm usually seen in hostage videos (as one wag said). Will he demonstrate seriousness in his new awareness? How will he conduct his rallies from now on?

Trump is often just not very smart. At the briefing, a reporter asked an irrelevant and baiting question about Ghislaine
Maxwell, Epstein's alleged procurer. That would have been an instance where T was justified in "cancelling" the reporter's question. Instead, he takes the bait and answers, "I wish her well." Oy vay, his people must have exclaimed.

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Re: Coronavirus

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Trump's a member of the only political party in America that has power--the money party. He'll change his tune as needed to serve it. In the end you'll have to make a personal choice about whether you want technocrats with holdings in pharmaceutical companies to inject you with untested drugs. I just wish you suicides had the decency to off yourselves without trying to drag the rest of us with you.

Face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC
blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/07/20/face ... y-own-cdc/

Dr. Warns New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA
duckduckgo.com/?q=Dr.+Warns+New+COVID-1 ... amp;ia=web

I put a page of links to the above video because it's the kind that you anti-science fascists will want pulled down pretty quickly. The doctor gets into the meat of the matter at about 6 minutes. She gives an overview of DNA and then describes how the new "vaccines" will change it. She says the reason this is being done is so that we can all be patented as new creations, and that may be. She gets into DARPA and the science of nanotechnology...fascinating, but old news to me. She sees the full picture of how humanity will be eradicated, and it infuriates me that she has to articulate it. You boneheads who support the technocracy running the global shutdown are seriously dangerous. You're children waving guns. First the climate scam, now the Covid hysteria. Watch her video through to the end. YOU made her cry you clueless, leftist fucks. Listen to the future she describes. She's been a doctor for 20 years and she SEES the transhumanist nightmare that's headed for us like a bullet. While you babies wash your hands and sing Happy Birthday to yourselves. Children. You pathetic children. "Wash your hands for the length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday." Do you insert your own names in the song you trembling fucking babies? Think about the MALEVOLENCE of the social engineers who tell you to sing to yourself while they prepare to inject you with poison. Sure, Bill and Melinda Gates said they'll just use it on indigent Africans for now, but they're coming for you. And you'll be thankful because you're gutless suicides who want somebody else to pull the trigger.

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