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Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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I'm here besides getting an invite strangely to rejoin Booktalk when before I was banned because of posting theistic beliefs on this basically atheist owned and monitored website, to counter atheistic beliefs coloring historical facts and leading to wrong atheistic conclusions. One of the major conclusions of atheist mythicists like Acharya who also has banned me from posting any of my theistic beliefs on her blog, is that Jesus Christ can be summed up as another sun god, a conclusion quite a few historians researching the historical documents have also reached, and there's good reason for it. The evidence is there that supports the sun god description of Jesus Christ. But it's wrong. And if left unchecked will lead to the false conclusion that Jesus Christ is just another dying/resurrection sun god in the ancient traditions when Jesus Christ is much more than that.

Jesus Christ is Christ Aquarius, the Son of Man is the representative on earth of the Human-Man Face of God Most High, with an evolved Father-Son Messiah/Christ Anointed One theology revolving around the astrological relationship of God Most High as Saturn as Ruler of the Sign of Aquarius where the Man with the Urn or urns has the Living Waters that bless and consecrate humanity through blessing the rightful righteous leadership of humanity, the good king, the good man, who loyally follows the Good Father in compassionate and wise leadership where the Living Waters is to benefit the whole community.

At my online book site, The Aquariana Key, I share this astrological information in the Celestial Torah Christianity section at: http://biomystic.org/celestialtorah.htm. It relies on ancient astrologically based theology built up from the most ancient of Zodiac Signs, the Sign of Aquarius, and shows a direct continuous Christ baptismal theology going back over 4000 years in the Near East with clear iconic images of the early relationship established in Near Eastern theology between the Sign of Aquarius and Saturn as ruler, with the Sumerian Enki-Enlil becoming the Canaanite EL-Yahweh relationship, where EL is the Canaanite name for the planet Saturn, "God Most High" being derived from EL's position as Ruler of the 7th and "highest" Heaven in the ancients' earth-centered cosmos with seven concentric shell "heavens" above it. As only the Sign of Aquarius seems to enjoy being the stellar astrological repository for the Living Waters symbolism of humanitarian concern, and as EL rules the Sign of Aquarius in the ancient astrological system (Chaldean), there naturally developed in the Canaanite Hebrew religion a conceit that ONLY God Most High and the Messiah Christ Aquarius belief system was best for human beings, all other gods, including the powerful sun gods, were inferior to the spiritual God of Gods, God Most High, Saturn who ruled the Man Sign with the Living Waters, so essential to human life, as much so as the sun if not more so because without water, there is no life, without water there is no food, without water there is no us.

As the other powerful ancient civilizations were using the Aquarius Living Waters baptismal rituals but not worshiping Saturn over their sun gods, the ancient Hebrews who wrote the Bible stories, elevated their God Most High and the Messiah as Aquarius Living Water Bearer, to top gods position in the Hebrew version of Akhenaton's monotheistic revolt, only the Hebrews applied it to the Canaanite pantheon removing all but EL and Yahweh and combining these two into One God, YHWH through the Sinai Covenant of Moses. So one can see this Saturn/Aquarius top deities combination is the root of Judaism and symbolized by the Father/Son combined relationship even to be seen in the name "ELiJah". My EL is Yahweh. The fierceness of the protection of this EL/Aquarius, God Most High/Messiah/Christ/Anointed One is the root of the earthly Torah but it was derived originally from the ancient Egyptian's Taurowet theology, it being based on a heavenly or Celestial Torah, i.e. the eternal and therefore reliable astrological system where "As Above, So Below" rules life on earth and the lives of human beings.

Unfortunately the ancient Hebrews, trying to establish their national identity through religious warfare with all other nations and their worship systems, divorced the astrological connections to the Jewish earthly Torah. Priests of Judah, living in mud brick hovels and tents, could not compete with the astrologers like the Magi with their access to the ancient monumental architectural astrolabs so they forbade astrology and created their Word of God which they could control because they wrote it--wrote it using internally created religious visions with their imagery and spiritual ideas found in the astrological mythologies and religious ideas of their pagan neighbors and reworking these spiritual visions into a national theology where One Way, the Jewish God/Messiah Way, is the Only Way to true God-consciousness and obedience to the will of God, the One Way Saturn/Aquarius, EL/Yahweh/Messiah Way. Because it holds the Humanitarian Model that has been evolving through the millennia in the human data base of astrological knowledge. But the rabbis lost this essential Celestial Torah connection. God led me in spiritual revelation experiences to find and recover for all humankind, the Celestial Torah Christianity historical information. Now Christianity can be truthfully said to be at least 4000 years old and independent of the Abrahamic tradition although that's been the historical packhorse for carrying the Christ Aquarius information across the centuries and generations until our times when the packhorse is heading for the sausage factories in Europe. I refer to the work of Israeli archeology exposing the Bible stories as Jewish myths of origin and thereby destroying the spiritual authority of the Bible for all Abrahamic religions based on believing Abraham and all the other Bible characters were real people and real events happened to them. Not so for Gnostic Christianity which never was Bible dependent and since my personal Christian pathway has always been in the Gnostic camp for the last 34 years I can rightfully say my Celestial Torah Christianity beliefs are pre and post Abrahamic Christianity ones, i.e. a new yet very old type of Christ belief. Typical Aquarian characteristic to mix the very old with the very new.

Intellectually, I was raised secularly and there wasn't much religion in our household at all, only when my missionary aunt visited and a couple of doses in vacation bible school, the only summertime event for us kids in our rural town. At one time I was an anthropology major at UC Berkeley and considered myself more or less agnostic about God which I didn't think about much at all actually. Christianity I thought was a morbid religion, didn't like it. Some interest in the Taoist I Ching and Carl Jung's psychology. Until Easter of 1979 when I went through my own "Road to Damascus" three day long religious conversion experience that converted to lasting belief in God and the reality of the spiritual realm underpinning all material existence. Three days of non-stop synchronicity experiences, all of them revolving around religious ideas brand new to me, and no way for my science-explains-all brain to explain what had happened to me. I'll get into synchronicity events as one of the "seams" in the physical world where the spiritual underpinning can be glimpsed. Oh, I know all about the atheist "science" that will be trotted out no doubt to "debunk" synchronicity as just another human brain illusion, but as I did with the atheist foundational argument, I'll have logic again on my side because you guys think only logical, step-by-step, A-to-Z linear left-brain hemisphere thinking accurately knows what reality is, therefore I use it to destroy atheist fundamentalist theology posing as philosophy by exposing its fatal flaws.

Atheist theology led Acharya and the whole mythicists movement to the wrong conclusions about Jesus Christ and Christianity (and Judaism) because she followed the atheist left-brain dominated thinking placing historical fact A before historical face B her historian predecessors compiled to arrive at C, Jesus Christ is another Sun God and Abrahamic religions are basically sun god religions hiding this fact as well as hiding the fact that they are all frauds creating gods out of man-made astrological systems and astrological mythologies based on natural earthly cycles corresponding to stellar cycles. They weren't led as I was to the Aquarius/Saturn connection as the actual descriptor that makes the best fit for Judaism and Christianity. For instance, missing the importance of the "Mu"/Aquarius, Water God, connection to Moses, and the importance of all the Water God Air Sign (= Storms, lightning, thunder, whirlwinds) while being mesmerized by the sun god characteristics of Jesus which are there, for sure, but do not reveal the religious purpose behind One Way, Our Way, the EL is Jah Way, the Father is Son Way, the unification of Father and Son as God, and a Good God at that, being the reason for worship because that's how They get Us to learn that it is only through the Humanitarian Model that humanity survives to evolve into God at the "End of Days". We prophesy bearers guided by spiritual beings often and spiritual experiences always are sent as messengers from our future selves to guide us in this evolution of humanity into God. This is the root meaning behind Jacobs Ladder which is part of the astrological Sign Language of God because all of Creation has been "arranged" from beginning to end, a fact I found out 34 years ago in my three day non-stop synchronicity experiences that tore away the "veil" and I saw "maya", that the world is truly an illusion and our lives are Scripted from beginning to end. This is the spiritual foundation of all I believe in and why I only use "logic" to convince you atheists of the truth of my beliefs because you can't hear or understand the spiritual Logos that really informs me, and informs me accurately.

49 years ago my wife to be and I on a lark decided to get our fortunes told and visited a Christian psychic reader who amazingly accurately told much about us without looking at us or us saying anything, she just rattled off our interests and problems and predicted outcomes, all our interests and problems very right on the mark with no cues from us except our appearances. The predictions I've long forgot except for two; one that I would go to Africa, and two, Egypt would become very important in my life. This was 1964. In 1979 I go through a life-changing religious experience that puts me on this prophesy bearing role as an Aquarian Christian prophesy bearer, with somehow connection to "Ham" symbolizing rebellion of tradition (Ham daring to peek at his father Noah's drunken state) and the Divine Feminine returning, i.e, not your traditional Christian conversion at all. In 1980 the Nag Ham madi Library is published in English and I find out that my new Christian beliefs share many Egyptian found Gnostic Gospel themes in common, not all, but enough to place me in the Gnostic category. But unlike classical Gnostics, I didn't go for their Dualistic Iranian idea of a basically bad material world vs. a good spiritual one with a stupid Maker God, Yahweh, and a permanently Archetypal damaged Wisdom with an Unknowable God beyond it all, my God was right there at times in my life leading me quite clearly through the classic Jewish prophet tradition even though I had no idea at the time I was Jewish, just placed on point duty for God at Easter of 1979.

In 1994 after my mother died and we children relearned her mother's maiden name and were surprised how "Jewish" it looked, I hired a rabbi who specialized in Jewish genealogy to do a search and found out our "German" ancestry came from Spain after the Jews were exiled, or killed or converted to Catholicism. My "German" grandmother was a Roman Catholic as far as we knew. But after getting my dna analyzed it showed a quite solid block of European Ashkenazim ancestry in my grandmother spread all across Europe from Netherlands to Eastern European countries to Uzbekistan to the Balkans with Sephardic ancestry from Tunisia and Libya. So my "German" ancestry we thought was actually most all Jewish, another "sign" of spiritual authority for my prophesy bearing work.

In 1998, I found Jesus' Abba, His "Daddy".

God led me right to Him by a good friend handing me a book and saying "Read this." Which I did. It was Semitic Languages Professor John Gray's Near Eastern Mythologies wherein I found out about EL Elyon, God Most High as the Canaanites worshiped Him before the Hebrews did their EL into Yahweh makeover trip. Well, EL's bells, EL was a sweetheart God Most High. He ruled the Divine Assembly, the Canaanite pantheon with compassion and wisdom, not force and fear. The lower war gods used those tools to command obedience. You get Canaanite appellations for EL like "EL the Compassionate One" which even the war gods used but how about, "EL the Kindly One" or "EL the Friendly One"? Canaanites felt so comfortable with EL that they could and did make jokes about Him but it was to EL that Canaanites turned to for forgiveness of their sins which He seems to have given without fuss and no threats of hellish damnation. I realized this was Jesus' heavenly Father and the reason why Jesus' commandments to us reflecting what his Father told Him are so very different from that Old Testament fire and brimstone eye for eye God of Israel. Jesus and Christianity reestablished the original Father to Son, EL to Yahweh, Saturn to Aquarius, astro-theological relationship, the Key to the Humanitarian Model. 1998 I realized too that there would inevitably come a spiritual and ethical choice for all Christians to make: whether to follow God Most High or Yahweh as God the Father. Can't serve both at once and do right by either, says Jesus' wisdom. I called that moral decision the "Armageddon Choice" because EL ruled the Divine Assembly the Canaanite name for which was translated into Greek as "Armageddon", the name Revelation uses for the final spiritual battle. In 1998 Israeli archeologists were gathering together artifacts and all historical clues at the best site in Israel for showing ancient groups living in ancient Canaan at different times, Megiddo, named after the Canaanite Divine Assembly and a strategic valley town where most Canaanite peoples going either north or south had to go through. Turns out the writers of the Bible really were the proto-Hollywood Script writers and told whoppers. The Bible Unearthed tells that story published in 2001 I think. I've never read it but saw the video last year that came out in 2011. Anyway, the Bible's toast as spiritual authority. End Times of Abraham which for me started in 1979 then reinforced in 1998 with Canaanite EL recovered, then again in 2007/8 with the Egyptian connection revelations I began receiving leading to the trip to the Holy Land via Cairo, Egypt in 2010 living quite near Tahir Square in a cheap hostel a year before Arab Spring erupted there. And then in 2011 finding Acharya' book Christ in Egypt that revealed to me the Christ Aquarius connection I was unconsciously doing through my weird Sword of Peace baptism sanctification rituals done at the astrological seasonal breaks starting in 1989. And in 2012 God guiding me right to the Celestial Torah Christianity connection information that makes Celestial Torah Christianity bullet-proof from the coming End Times for Pauline Christianity and all Abrahamic religions by establishing the historical fact that the Messiah/Christ/Anointed One tradition is far more ancient than Judaism or traditional Christianity and is still alive today as the Gospel of Humanity and Celestial Torah Christianity shows the Humanitarian Aquarian tradition again revealed for our new Aeon.

It is my prophesy that Celestial Torah Christianity's revealing the Christ Aquarius identification of Jesus Christ will overthrow Acharya and the mythicists' limited Jesus Christ as another sun god identification as it will overturn the mythicist idea Judaism and Christianity are basically sun god religions. The Saturn/Aquarius relationship that is Key to
the Christ theology is thereby missed in its major importance to the whole Christian theology. I got to my conclusions by being spiritually led to the right information. I think this is why only those who have had spiritual experience are qualified to accurately access ancient spiritual experience based religious ideas and symbol systems. Without knowing what you're doing you're bound to make mistakes and that's our atheists in action when they tackle theistic material.
Last edited by sonoman on Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Just testing out some smilies

:lol?: :ydrbatcdy: :dftt: :whatever: :hang:
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Just trying out some images, see if they fit the atheist clique profile..


But why don't we talk like adults about the subject matter and not start off with pictorial name-calling?
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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ENJOY ONLY 2 COSMETICS, enough sleep 4 Dr. Bronner's 'Magic Soap' to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting One! All-One! Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! For facial packs, scalp & soothing body rub, add dash on bath towel in sink of hot water. Wring out. Lay over face & scalp. Massage with fingertips. Repeat 3 or 4 times 'til arms, legs and all are rubbed, always towards the heart. Rinse towel in plain hot water and massage again. Breathe deeply! Health is Wealth. Within 9 min. you feel fresh, and clean, saving 90% of your hot water & soap, ready to help teach the whole Human race the Moral ABC of All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! ALL-ONE! ALL-ONE! ALL-ONE! TO SIMPLIFY & ENJOY LIFE MORE, DILUTE 1/2 OZ. OR 2 SQUIRTS OF THIS PURE CASTILE SOAP WITH 2 GALLONS OR SINKFUL HOT WATER, THEN TOWEL MASSAGE, A FACIAL PACK, THEN WRING TOWEL OUT & FINGERTIP MASSAGE YOUR HAIR & SCALP. ENJQY THE CREAMY EMOLLIENT LATHER ON BABY, BATH, BEACH, BODY, DENTURES, DEODORANT, SHAVING, AFTERSHAVE-SILK-WOOL-PETS-DIAPERS-CAR-HAND AND FOOT SOAP. Thank God we don't descend down from perfect Adam'& Eve to sinful sinner, Brother's Keeper, divided slave! United, hardworking-trained-brave, from dust we ascend up! Thank God for that! Our Brother's Teacher of the Moral ABC mason Hillel taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free! If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you! If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, and yet make allowance for their doubting too! If you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about, don't deal in lies! 0r being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good nor talk too wise! if you can dream and not make dreams your master! If you can think and not make thoughts your aim! If you can meet with triumph or disaster and treat those two imposters just the same! If you can bear to hear the full-truth you have spoken twisted by crooks to make a trap for fools! Or watch the things that you have given your life to broken, and stoop to build them up again with worn out tools! If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it at one turn of pitch or toss! And lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss! If you can force your heart, your nerve, your sinew, to serve you long after they are gone! And so hold on although there is nothing left within you except that voice that says to them "Hold on! Hold on!" If you can talk to crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings and not lose that common touch! If neither loving friend nor enemy can hurl you; it all men count with you, but none too much! If you can work hard to teach each unforgiving minute the Moral ABC, mason Hillel taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free, come hell, hate, ban, you'll enjoy God's spaceship Earth & do great work within it, L which is more my son, you'll be man! A man! Sure, East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet! But there is neither East nor West, nor border, breed nor birth, once the Moral ABC unites all mankind free on God's spaceship Earth! Then & only then, no matter how rough the trip, how charged the scroll, you are the captain of thy ship, the master of thy soul! These are the days my friend, we know they'll never end! We'll work, sing, dance, love, marching on! Marching on! We live God s law today! We win Free speech OK! With full-truth, our only God, we rally, raise, unite the whole human race, lightning-like, in our Eternal Father's great All-One4od-Faith! As teaches the African astronomer Israel since the year One: "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternal One!' "Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!"

To dream the impossible dream! To reach that unreachable star! 41 AII-One, All-One we are! To fight that unbeatable foe! To go where the brave dare not go! To right the unrightable wrong! To love pure, chaste, from afar! To try when your arms are too weary! 'Til All- One, AII4ne we are! For this is my goal! To reach that unreachable star. No matter how hopeless, no matter how far! To fight for the right without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause! For I know that if I follow this glorious quest, my heart will lie peaceful & calm when I'm laid to my rest! And I know that the world will be better for this, that one man, tortured, blinded, covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to reach that unreachable star 'til united All-one, All-one we are!

A fire, a mist, a planet, a crystal & a cell; a jellyfish, a dinosaur, caves where cavemen dwell! Then, a sense for work-love-song-art-law-play-beauty, a face turned up from the sod! Sure, it's constructive-evolution, guided by One, ever-recreating God! One almighty, all-embracing, ever-loving, everevolving Eternal Father, guiding all mankind up from dust, driven by hungers, half-true hate, up by hard work, full-truth, great love, song speech-&-Profitsharing State, up into the Kingdom. the dictatorship of God's law uniting All-One-God-Faith; "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternal One!" Exceptions? None! Thank God we don't descend down from perfect Adam & Eve to sinful sinner. Brother's Keeper, divided slave! United-brave, from dust we ascend up! Thank God for that! Our Brother's Teacher of the Moral ABC, Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind tree: 1st: perfect thyself! 2nd; work brave! 3rd: unite to help leach all, every slave, the Moral ABC, lightning1ike 6 billion strong g we're All-One, as astronomer Israel teaches ' Listen Children Eternal Father Eternal One!' Exceptions? None!

Einstein, 1939, after Nazis & Commis united, proposed Bombs that destroy all, unless we teach lightning-like the whole Human race the Moral ABC uniting All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! As teach all astronomers since the Year One, Abraham-lsrael-Moses-Buddha-Hillel-Jesus, Spinoza-Paine, Sagan & Mohammed, inspired every 76 years, for 6000 years, by the Messenger of God's Law, the Messiah, Halley's Comet, the Blazing Star of Abraham-David-Buddha-Bethlehem & Mohammed! Free Speech is man's only weapon against half-truths that enslave! Full-truth, our only God, unites all brave, if 10 men guard Free Speech brave!!

Berlin Rabbi Baeck, Einstein Rabbis Buber - Israel - Levey - Liebman & after 66 million Marxist murders, tortured-blinded, soapmaker Bronner found: "The mark of the mature man is his ability to work brave, teaching all, every slave, African astronomer Israel's 6000 yr. great All-One-God-Faith: Listen Children E1emal Father Eternal One! We're All-One or none!" Berlin Rabbi Baeck; teaching how united only we survive, survive!

1st: If I'm not for me, who am I? Nobody! 2nd: yet, if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing! 3rd: If not now, when? Once more: Unless constructive-selfish I work hard, like Mark Spitz, perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help perfect me!!
4>: Only hard work can save us, but if we teach only our clan? We're all hated then! So, we must teach friend & enemy, the whole Human race, the full-truth, hard-work, free speech, press-&-profitsharing Moral ABC's All-One-God-faith, lightning-like, 6 billion strong, for we're All-One or none! All-One-God-Faith, as teach the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel, for 6000-years, since the year 1: 'Listen Children Eternal Father Eternal One!"-We're One! All-One!

11th: Essene & Chinese birth controls must reduce birth or Easter Isle type overpopulation destroys God's Spaceship Earth! God's law prevents all conception below pH3. Therefore, Essene contracepted for 400 years with rosehips, pH2! So, absolute clean, apply vaseline, oil, butter or cream, insert teaspoonful juicy lemon pulp, pH2. O.K.! Next day, douche with qt. soapy water, pH8, restoring pH5 balance God made! Eggwhite is pH9, Dr. Bronner's Soap, pH8, guaranteed the mildest made; below pH8 soaps biodegrade, synthetic-sulfides cannot. At conception, 10 grams contain 100 million humans! or... 10 humans in 1 invisible microgram - smaller than dust! Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Then, who else but God gave man Love that can spark mere dust to life! The Moral ABC, uniting All One, brave, all life. Who else but God! Who else! (see Eucalyptus-Peppermint & SalSuds qts.)

Love is like a willful bird, do you want it? It flies away! Yet, when you least expect its bliss, it turns around l it's here to stay! For centuries man struggles, half-asleep, half-living! Small, jealous, bickering with mountains of red tape! To be awakened the night God choose giving His great reward for hard work, the Moral ABC-unity-ecstasy-love evolving man above the ape! The Moral ABC - unity-love evolving man above! Coincidentally L yet Oh-so-slow, sweet-kisses-whisper-softly into waiting ears; arousing hha4enly flames that enlighten renew, brilliant fires blazing through dark, lonesome years! Who else but God gave man this sensuous passion!

' Passions that quicken your senses, fulfill; quench the thirst of lonesome years! Yet the sun has shadows, learn to control your will; to enjoy life long happiness, not tears! Wait! Rise to the stars above & thrill! Arouse the very flames of life! Sweetheart, kiss me: Hold still, hold still! Listen to God's reward for strife! Rosebuds, slowly woken, break budding open! delicate, sweet, so on soft fingertips; shivering up your spine, red pulsing blood; in lightning speed through your pure body's lips! Caressing deep, searching, way out of sight; oh beautiful spirit of God's eternal Spring! Heat of passion in a warm moonlit night! Ecstasy to be buried in heaven, within! Relaxed then to long, dreamless sleep; body & soul join close in life's most brilliant bliss! Revealing clarity4eauty-harmony-peace, sailing on far away sun-laden ships! Yet-what-cunninq-feminine-touch, can draw new desire to pulsing lips! When-soft-hands wander-casually-such, deftly down near lingering tips! Who else but God gave man Love that can spark mere dust to life, the Moral ABC uniting All-One, brave, all life.

Like a beacon breaking through dark clouds that pass; your deep embrace, your sensuous kiss, who else but God can make Love last 1 trillion years of sweet eternities! Who else but God! We are not true, while calculated calm controls us; blood flows near spirit in cold divided flame! Only love's stormy passion, striking deep within us; can turn blood to spirit $ spirit to blood, untamed! Spirit to blood, untamed!

Arctic White Owl, has babies only when there is 9 months food supplied to survive! Beavers, by teamwork family life! Bees drop 3% drones from hive! Cleopatra's Teacher of Love, the ABC of Mama Cat, teaches: 1st: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! 2nd: Constructive-selfish hard work save home-food-young! 3rd: Absolute teamwork fertilizes God's Earth! 4th: Absolute harmony with God's timing, easy Birth! 5th: Mother's love-discipline, joy, praise! 6th: Father's stern-discipline, off titties when raised! 7th: Hard Work; self-discipline, brave! 8th: God's Eternal Discipline, save! 9th: Nine lives, self-reliant, brave! 10th: Dignity, 'beauty, relaxation, fun! 11th: Tenacity gets it done! 12th: Perfect sense of direction, ESP! 13th: Free, brave! No slave! Mama Cat's ABC of Love & the inspiring Swallow's Song uniting ALL-ONE! ABOVE! ABOVE! DILUTE ENJOY 1 SQAP FOR 18 DIFFERENT USES! GUARANTEED PURE POTASSIUM CASTILE SOAP & 10% VEGETARIAN: SUPERMILD CASTILE HAS OUTSTANDING WATER SOFTENING & CLEANSING POWERS. PREFERABLE TO HARSH SOAP & DEFATTENING SYNTHETICS. IT DOES NOT CUT DIRT, BUT DISSOLVES IT. IT IS THE MILDEST, MOST PLEASANT SOAP YOU EVER USED OR MONEY BACK! ENJOY BODY RUB TO STIMULATE BODY MIND-SOUL-SPIRIT AND TEACH THE ESSENE MORAL ABC UNITING ALL FREE IN THE SHEPHERD-ISRAEL'S GREAT ALL-ONE-G0D-FAITH! GET $3 ESSENE SCROLLS!
"The 2nd Coming of God's Law!"-Mohammed's Arabs, 1948, found Israel: Essene Scrolls & Einstein's "Hillel" prove that as no 6-year-old can grow up free without the ABC, so certain can no 12-year-old survive free without the Moral ABC mason, tent & sandalmaker Rabbi Hillel taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free in our Eternal Father's great AII-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none: "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!"
>From '29 to '44, soapmaker-master-chemist Bronner built 3 American soap plants, trained 9 chemists, licensed 6 of 53 patents for $60,000! But after '44, after losing father-mother-wife, almost his own life, tortured-blinded, he deeded to African astronomer Israel's 6000 year great All-One-God-Faith all of his patents, plants, products, profits, 4 new industries: 13 Essene Birth Control patents, Planetemples & 'Town Without Toothache' potassium-soda industry giving mankind a new Mineral-salt, Calcium-malt, Corn-sesame-bread, Mineral-bouillon, catspaw sandals, & 'Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps,' All-One! In '47, after father-mother-wife murdered, ourself tortured-blinded, we wrote this poem: To keep my health! To do my work! To love, to live! To see to it I gain & grow 8 give & give! Never to look behind me for an hour! Never to wait in weakness nor to brag in power! Always working, searching for more truth, more light! Always writing, teaching what I found good & right! Robbed-starved-beaten-blinded, wide astray! Sack with the full-truth I've gained, back to the way: Smile, help teach the whole Human race, the Moral ABC of AII-One-God-Faith, Lightning-like strong & we're All-One! All-One!

Confucius Absolutes 600 B.C. 8 Mohammed's Wisdom 600 A.D. unites all mankind free:

The 1st law of God's tremendous Universe is order! Absolute all-embracing, ever- evolving, ever-recreating, ever-loving order! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!

2nd, every body in God's tremendous Universe must eat or there is no body! To shine on, eat must even the sun, consuming every second 4 million metric ton! To shine on, eat must even the sun! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!

3rd, every ton of good food requires teamwork in harmony with God's law, timing-team-work- wisdom-power-mercy-love can reap 6 million more fruit above, above! Exceptions eternally? None!

4th, any man raising 600 fruit trees in harmony with God's law, timing-teamwork-wisdom-power- mercy-love can reap 6 million more fruit above, above! Exceptions? Eternal? Absolute none!

5th, only constructive working men have built all civilization & everything good that's in it! Intolerant parasites, in order to eat, must dominate-dic1ate-distort-dilute-destroy- smear-slay-slander-cheat or they won't eat! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!

8th: The mark of the mature man is his ability to work brave, teaching all, every slave, how to replace coal-oil-gas-mineral-nuclear, unemployed-inflation, welfare-waste-war with Essene Birth-Control for very girl, Swiss 6000 year Universal Military Training UMT for full- employment, raising 1 trillion Israel-system trees, 2 million Dutch dikes, 3 Greek mirror- solars, 4 Hannibal windpower plants, 5 billion Amish-Amway-AT&T profitsharing jobs, 6 Milorganite plants, 76 million Planetemples teaching All-One-God-Faith, Austrian music, Babylon roof-gardens, California rain forests, China-bikes, Cartha-UMT, Catspaw sandals, compost tree, C02 bomber, the Moral ABC, cattle-lemon-Esperanto. Finn-jails, gasohol, German solar-Zeppelins, Health-meat-salt-soap-tape, jojoba-aloevera-chia-ginseng-garlic, Kibbutz, Nature Friends, patents, Swiss economy, Town-Without-Toothache, Patrick Henry teaches PHt's of USA-USSR H20 cwp, with 76 million battery-banks, powering every car-factory-farm-home-Milorganite-monorail! To teach healthy Hunza 150-year great life by God's Law, timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-love, uniting All-One above! Above! Know 41-4. Only hard work unites all! Scrolls: $10 for 10; $3 for 1, help unite all!

12th: Over-population destroys God's spaceship Earth, unless Essene-Chinese controls limit all birth! Instead, absolute clean, apply vaseline-oil-butter or cream, insert teaspoon juicy lemon pulp, pH2, God's Law prevents conception 100% below pH3. Next day douche with qt. soapy water, pH8, restoring pH5 balance God-made! Who else but God gave man this sensuous passion. Love that can spark mere dust to life! Beauty in our Eternal Father's fashion! Poetry, uniting All-One, brave, all life! Who else but God can make Love last 1 trillion years of sweet eternities! For when conquered after years of toil- sweat-blood, Love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust to intense blazing fire & create new Love-faith-hope-guts-strength, as only God inspire! Unite the Human race in All-One-God-Faith, as all mankind desire! Who else but God. "An Army of Principles," wrote Thos. Paine in 1799 "can penetrate when an army of soldiers" can-not! It will succeed where diplomacy may fail? It will always construct & help unite One-God-Faith, where every other weapon divides the Human race! The onslaught of such an Army of Principles cannot be stopped by the Rhine, the Channel or the ocean! It's progress will match on the horizon of the world & it will conquer every tyranny, every Human heart by teaching every man the Moral ABC of the Free: Free to communicate-cooperate-construct! Free to build, protect & share! Free to grow, develop & expand! Free to unite in love, cherish & enjoy the Kingdom, the dictatorship of God's law, uniting the whole Human race in our Eternal Father's great All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none: Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!"

American democratic President Wilson, 1917, replaced Marxism by Lenin. "We are not a nation of classes, races, minority or pressure groups! Anybody trading on our race, color, nationality or religion is not yet American, does not yet deserve to enjoy the liberties of the Stars & Stripes! He does not yet know, that the Army of Principles by America's Founding Father, the world's 1st steelbridqe-builder, Thos. Paine, since 1799, unites the whole Human race in our Eternal Father's great All-One-God-Faith! Once we teach it, 6 billion strong, we're All-One! "As teach Abraham-Israel-Moses- Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed, inspired every 76 yrs. by the messenger of God's law, the Messiah, Halley's Comet! 6000 yrs. since the year One! We're All-One! All-One!

In '68 American Mao professor Marcuse upset Moscow's Czech power till Moscow's Press had the courage to confess: "Marx is god! Marcuse his prophet! Mao his sword! 50,000 American university professors, his disciples! Black Panthers his killers!" What an apology we Rabbis owe Marx-Moscow, all Jews, all mankind, IRS slave, for our 2000 year failure to teach brave the constructive-selfish Moral ABC the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind free! The exact opposite to absolute-unselfish Marxism, that enslaves the Free! Unless we teach the whole Human race the Moral ABC from uniting All-One-God-Faith, we're dead men on furlough from half-true hates!

>From '29 to '79 we wired our "Public Servants" over 13,000 times to help unite the whole Human race in our Eternal Fathers' great All-One-God-Faith! With the 8 great books by Thos. Paine, suppressed since 1799: The Realist Declaration, The Age of Reason & The Army of Principles will instantly unite the whole Human race in our Eternal Father's great All-One- God-Faith: "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" WE'RE ALL ONE!

The trouble is that the wrong people are always the most energetic, united & intense, dividing the hardworker to die in self-defense! That fact alone brings Hitlers & Stalins to power & that fact will only change when we teach the whole Human race the Moral ABC of All-One-God-Faith, lightning-like, 6 billion strong & we're All-One! All-One! All-One! As Israel teaches since the year One: "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!' Exceptions? None!
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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sonoman wrote:
Jesus Christ is Christ Aquarius, the Son of Man is the representative on earth of the Human-Man Face of God Most High, with an evolved Father-Son Messiah/Christ Anointed One theology revolving around the astrological relationship of God Most High as Saturn as Ruler of the Sign of Aquarius where the Man with the Urn or urns has the Living Waters that bless and consecrate humanity through blessing the rightful righteous leadership of humanity, the good king, the good man, who loyally follows the Good Father in compassionate and wise leadership where the Living Waters is to benefit the whole community.. . . .
This paragraph makes no sense to me. Just saying. The problem is you're using a bunch of specialized terms that are not known to the vast majority of English speaking people.

For example, what is the Human-Man Face of God Most High?
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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I started reading Sonoman's screed above, but did not read all of it.

His argument rests on the idea that the ancient Israeli God El is the planet Saturn. Saturn is known as Old Father Time, and is identified with the Greek Kronos or Chronos, hence the basis of chronology. Further, in conventional astrology, Saturn is the planetary ruler for the sun signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. Modern astrology has handed Aquarius over to Uranus as planetary ruler.

Sonoman mashes all this together to say Jesus Christ is a Saturn God, a Time Lord like Dr Who, and therefore is primarily Aquarian, on the model of the prophet Elijah whose name means Saturn is God. This is culturally interesting as poetic myth, but not as rigorous analysis. It ignores the central solar attributes of Christ in the birth and passion narratives.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Between Sonoman and Ptimb in this thread, I feel like I've been force fed through a warped Hunter S. Thompson story written in Portugese. I think perhaps Ptimb was making fun of Sonoman, but they are both equally nonsensical to me.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Ptimb was definitely making fun of the "word salad" Sonoman is serving.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Here we go again with slander being employed as argument against the historical information presented in Celestial Torah Christianity. We even have what appears to be this forum's resident atheist astrologer who is another one analyzing spiritual symbolism from a non-spiritual perspective and thinking we should pay attention to this lack of knowledge of what he's talking about, e.g. not recognizing the clear fact that Judaism and Christianity following it is all about the Saturn/Aquarius combination which is why control of water figures so prominently in Jewish mythologies. Without understanding this Saturn/Aquarius relationship Robert comes up with the atheist misreading, missing how the sun god aspects are actually secondary to the Messianic Aquarius/Saturn as God Most High ones. As I say, if Jesus Christ was really a solar deity, he would carry the name of an Egyptian sun god and have a name like "Eleazar" or "Lazarus", i.e. El Osiris, but he doesn't have that type of name because Jesus was named after Yahweh as a Son of God Most High, Saturn. I mean, clearly you atheist mythicists have blown it big time by forgetting all about the Jewish commandment to worship EL on Saturn's Day, not on the Sun's day, so this Jesus Christ as a Sun God is mistaken conclusion because atheists weren't privy to the importance of Saturn/Aquarius spiritual meanings until now when I pointed them out in Celestial Torah Christianity historical facts backing up my beliefs.

When you guys can show how Judaism and Christianity posits a Sun God with the Aquarian Living Waters symbolism, when you can show how Jews and Christians are taught to worship Osiris or RA and not EL Elyon, then you've got something to say but I don't think there's any way you can elevate Osiris or RA over EL in Judaism or Christianity. You forget that Judaism's priesthoods made a habit of "capturing" pagan top gods by making pagan deities into proper "Hebrews" like Vedic deities Brahma and his consort Sarasvati being made into Abraham and Sarah, like "Moses" capturing the Egyptian pharaoh royalty for Israel, like Jesus capturing all the Greek and Roman Empire interest in Mystery Religions dying/resurrection sun and grain gods by applying myths to Jewish spiritual leaders that contain supernatural power acquisition to take it away from pagan religions, e.g. the sun god aspects captured in Judaism and Christianity. But still these sun god attributes are only aspects of the basic Saturn/Aquarius configuration that defines the special quality of Judaism and Christianity. Sun gods were common throughout the Near East while the Christ/Aquarius/Saturn worship was and is unique to Judaism and Christianity and the source of the "One Way" to the Father theological doctrine of Christianity.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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The Man Face of God (Most High) is Aquarius, the Man Sign who has the Urn or urns of Living Waters to give humanity. The Cheribim who guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden are astrological creatures with Aquarius as the Man Face. The Merkabah of Ezekiel's fiery chariot of God is also a Cheribim creature. The Sphinx is the Aquarius/Leo astrological creature and so too is the Jewish Angle of Peace, Angel of Jerusalem, Lion of God, Ariel being composed of the Aquarius/Leo aspects of the astrological Four Directions root in the fixed Signs of the Zodiac.

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