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world debt bankers delight

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One with Books
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world debt bankers delight

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all your ignorant arses belong to us :twisted:

6 billion victims? wow that is crime on a mind numbing scale.

what do bankers produce besides debt slavery?

am i wrong in thinking that bankers politicians, and religious nut jobs are spoiling potential fun for people.

they stole the world is it time to steal it back yet?
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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Lots of people to blame. And of course people choose a lot of options to spread the blame around.

Bankers sure have a large part to play. And by that I don't mean the tellers, or even the middle managers. I don't even mean the small local banks. Although those are mostly gone now. Swept under by the tide.

So many people tend to take the advice of "experts" over their own gut feelings. For example, if I make $23,000 a year can I afford a $1,200 a month mortgage? I may really know down deep that I cannot afford this; it is ridiculous!!! Well the bank says I can. Reaaaallly!!! It is clear that the bank has experts, and what do we know. They could be right, right? And people want to believe. They want to own a house so badly. That was a mistake on the parts of thousands of people, many of whom have lost their homes because they could not afford them. The banks were evil to do this to people who trusted them.

The country almost collapsed because of this mistake and the greed associated with it. And unfortunately, while some high-end banking institutions suffered losses, or failed, the largest and richest did not. Like bookies, they laid off the debt on others. I think that was us, the American taxpayers!!! We, through our representatives in Congress, gave them $786 billion dollars!!!

I like Michael Moore's movies. While they are perhaps a bit too caustic and often too dramatic as well, they tell the story and share the emotions of quite a few Americans.

So who pays for these evil acts? Is there any retribution or punishment. Apparently not!!!! Some of the richest may have had to give up a few thousand on their bonus' or their shares. So we all just have to put it behind us and move on. If we just sit around and focus on blame, I have learned that gets us nowhere!!! We are usually the only ones that suffer.

We can say "well, we will never make that mistake again!!!" But we will make others. We will be convinced that the decisions we make are not mistakes at all. Politicians will make us believe what they are saying is really true and then they will do just what they want when they are elected. So we can vote them out in two or four years!!! Too little, too late!!!

We are human, we make mistakes!!!
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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Sorry, even after this long, long note just one more thing.

I read a poll that says the American people have only 12% faith that Congress is any good. 82% say they are not. So what? If that many people don't like it, then I guess we must be able to change it, right?

What are we doing to change it? We voted the very problem into office. Those who said they would make jobs immediately if they were voted in!!!!! Did they? Shouldn't they be voted out now that we know they did not "immediately" change laws that would make jobs magically appear? Of course!!!!

In the past when Americans got fed up, they took serious action. They had a revolution!!!! They created new parties that would make different decisions!!!!

So what are we going to do to stop this? If we do nothing, then aren't we to blame? Anyone old enough to vote can make the difference. But will they listen to the hype, or will the do something?

I guess we all will have to wait and see just how upset Americans are that over 4 million people are unemployed, that businesses shut down every day and more workers are added to that long, long line. That our representatives are rich and so why would they care if anyone else gets medical coverage.

This is not about a book, so guess I am just talking now!!!! But ultimately just as we can decide what books we read and what books we don't, we can do the same with the individuals that represent us in Congress. We have that right. If we fail to appreciate it, there are certainly many countries that would not understand that as they are not able to make these decisions and if they attempt to try, they are dead!!!

One with Books
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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indeed, at some point after years of trying to deal with cobwebs and still finding we are choking on cobwebs one must begin to consider killing the spider.

or to use a another metaphor after spending a great deal of life mopping up the water yet still finding drowning is a problem, one must begin to look for the scource of the leak.

the symptoms are abundant, lets diagnose the disease.

our so called leaders speak
with words they try to jail you
they subjugate the meek
but it's the rhetoric of failure.

i really relate to this guys pain.

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Re: world debt bankers delight

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The disease is greed. It started small, but it is quite alluring so it spread all over the place. We see it everywhere now and it is growing way out of proportion to what the market can bear (so to speak). Very doom and gloom for sure!!!

Where reading choices are concerned, we see "best sellers" that are dreck. But money-makers, yes indeed!!! So "best seller" today means makes the most money. It means worth the publishers' time to read. And it also means that many authors choose to write dreck because it is selling. Can we place blame at their door? If there are authors out there reading these posts, would they not want to be a best-selling author and make lots of money? We see some authors that even go so far as to write two types of books; those that sell and those that they really consider to be worthwhile reading. (Some manage to do both in one book!!)

It may be too late to kill the spiders or stop the source of the leak in our own homes. There may be a need to change history so that there are no more spiders and so that water is rerouted entirely. (These analogies get convoluted after awhile!)

Another example: workers in the United States. Corporations say workers have gotten greedy and want too much money so they close plants and ship the production oversees. They say this is only a good business decision as labor costs are the main expense of business. That is crap. They are doing it because their greed has grown and grown and they have decided the money workers make here would be better off in their pockets. They take a job that pays $15.00 an hour and ship it oversees where the worker gets $.60 and hour. It is a viscious circle though because then these workers cannot buy food, clothes, or anything else. So other smaller business' go out of business. They certainly can't put any money in savings for when times are tough and they often have to spend all their savings trying to survive the "tough times." But the corporations are doing just fine thank you.

It may be capitalism, but where does it say that capitalism is strenthened by shipping jobs to countries where wages are so low. And is capitalism government bailing corporations out when they are in trouble? Doesn't that cause the basic concepts of capitalism to break down? It looks like there has been a serious breakdown somewhere along the line and it needs to be shored up and some duct tape applied if nothing else until everyone can come up with a good permanent fix. I read a poll that said only 12% of Americans have any faith in Congress to help us with that fix; 82% believe they are not effective and can't do the job.

I guess it may be because I was around when 1984 was written as well as Fahrenheit 451. They were very frightening and the concepts in them still are. I just do not want any governing body to have that much control over any facet of my life. And no matter what society is and what we all think it should be, because of this forum I doubt anyone believes that burning books that may send the wrong message is a good solution to anything!!!

One with Books
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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It may be too late to kill the spiders or stop the source of the leak in our own homes. There may be a need to change history so that there are no more spiders and so that water is rerouted entirely. (These analogies get convoluted after awhile!)
(These analogies get convoluted after awhile!)
then simply coin a new one, it's never too late to stop bashing your head against a brickwall, and boy howdy auto-cat it sure feels good when you stop.

the power elite, bankers, powerbrokers etc etc are like thugs or rapists they wont back off until they are made to.

the only authority they have is the authority we foolishly surrendered to them.

but to coin a new metaphor, there is nothing like a taser to the nads to give a rapist a soft on.

it may take millenia but sooner or later people will wake up to the fact that they are being played for fools.

in the mean time my favourite revolution is the inner one, personal transcendence trumps outward oppression any day, you cant decieve what can see through you.


have you seen that clip before Casey??

One with Books
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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One with Books
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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Creative Writing Student
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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I have always been a fan of George Carlin, so glad to find another. Although we can see from the number of viewers to his comedy routines that we are not alone. I know he was a comedic genius, but he was really one of the few that ever really got it right. He is one of those, you either love him or hate him for what he had to say.

As for the other video, "yes, that is right!!!"

Our country is in sorry shape, and we should not feel better simply because we have company. While we watched these other economies crumble, we proceeded to do the same exact thing!!! I guess America thought it would succeed just because!!!

I am not sure it will take millions of years, as I guess by that time there will be no humans left. But that will probably teach even those who are ruining the country a lesson they can't escape.

I have attempted to read books about the economies of the various European countries going under and how they owe money that they can't pay back, and of course the books that talk about our same position with China, but they are just too depresssing. I only get about three or four chapters in and have to stop.

When I seem people who have lost their jobs and can't find any others who are forced into poverty and often homelessness still voting as if any of the politicians will help them, it just makes me sad.

One with Books
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Re: world debt bankers delight

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Hey Casey
I am not sure it will take millions of years
i'm not that pessimistic :) millenia are thousands not millions of years.
it just makes me sad.

it makes me sad too, but it also makes me angry, and inspired, hopeful, intrigued and a host of other things as well.

and very curious, about how so many people have been lied to for so long.

hopeful, because as i look around i see many people fighting a good fight, as an example of hope have a look at this clip...

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