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Still no atheist logic being shown here

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Still no atheist logic being shown here

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I've heard the "your delusional" crap from atheists for 34 years. I did it myself when I was one and never had a spiritual experience except for one that I didn't recognize as such at the time. The reason I can say very truthfully that atheism is a religiously held fundamentalist belief system is because in all the 34 years I've dealt with atheist criticism of theism the same religious fundamentalist traits are exhibited: the refusal of atheist to acknowledge spiritual experiences are real even though there are thousands and thousands of records of human beings reported such experiences and whole civilizations built around organizing such spiritual experiences. And a human brain that physically registers spiritual experiences. Yet even here we have our fundamentalist atheist mindset that ignores brain science finding our brains evolved to register spiritual phenomena. Is that brought out here? Nope. Is the "God Gene" brain science findings discussed here? Nope. Is the fact that "Nature" has used evolution to place this spiritual reception capacity in human brains discussed here? Nope. Why not? Because atheists say there's nothing there for brains to be processing. It's all imaginary. And yet, the highest form of successful evolution of Life, the species that has overcome all obstacle thrown at it by Nature to become the dominant species on our planet, somehow has done this by paying enormous amounts of attention to non-existent forces? Now who's being irrational, atheists or theists? Please explain, atheists, how our human brains have evolved this capacity for processing non-existent forces as you claim spiritual phenomena are? Please explain how non-existent forces have placed a universal human Sign language system in the heavens that is being used to guide human behavior for the last 4000 years? Please explain how I can now go to China or India or Mexico or Africa and be able to read a paper with my horoscope in it? Why would horoscopes be stronger than any religion in universal popularity if there's nothing there but stars and planets revolving around and around as objects acting under strictly physical laws without any human meaning to them. Could it be that there is another way human beings learn things? Not according to atheists who, like I say, are without clue as to the workings of spiritual phenomena yet egotistically claim they know it all.

Ok, explain the process by which our human brains have evolved the physically demonstrated ability to register non-existent phenomena. Tell me, tell us all what it was that courses through my mind and body whenever a major spiritual revelation struck me? Tell me how I made it up before it happened and then experienced it.

Moving to the other End Times of Atheism killer of the failed philosophy, we have atheist refusal to acknowledge the logic of history that logically overrides any absolutist claims to human knowledge at any particular point in human history. What was known about invisible physical forces only 100 years ago has been greatly exceeded today and this can be applied to most every field of knowledge. Thus the atheists of old who poo-pooed human flight as "impossible" delusions, and wishful thinking of lunatics, were the ones who became the butts of ignorance.

I'm sorry, atheists, but there is nothing you have to offer in the way of logic or proof that can ever topple my knowledge of the material world being underwritten by spiritual reality that humans can only glimpse in momentary episodes of spiritual revelation. You can't see it because you are like color-blind people who think the world is without colors like Interbane used my same analogy posted in my religious work that I wrote when he was still in school. It isn't the holistic brains that are believing the world has no spiritual dimension, it's the ones caught in left-brain domination of all their thinking about the way the Universe works while discounting right-brain knowledge of Creation as "delusion".
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Re: Still no athhttp://www.youtube.coeist logic being shown here

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You seem to fancy yourself some kind of prophet, so I wouldn't expect you'd be interested in logic.

But I will outsource to Sam Harris, who acknowledges spiritual experiences, but that doesn't mean you can just make whatever claims you want about the the nature of the cosmos.


Oh, and I didn't know it was atheists who "poo-pooed human flight." Was it religion that came to the rescue?
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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Moving to the other End Times of Atheism killer of the failed philosophy, we have atheist refusal to acknowledge the logic of history that logically overrides any absolutist claims to human knowledge at any particular point in human history. What was known about invisible physical forces only 100 years ago has been greatly exceeded today and this can be applied to most every field of knowledge. Thus the atheists of old who poo-pooed human flight as "impossible" delusions, and wishful thinking of lunatics, were the ones who became the butts of ignorance.
What you say about atheists claiming human flight was impossible is not limited to atheists. The naysayers could be found within any and every belief system. At the same time that proponents would be found within any belief system.

What's great about science is that unknowns and faulty theories are expected. Scientists were wrong about something? Yes, absolutely, and more than just one thing. That is expected and is a strength. Because our lack of knowledge applies to the entire human species. At least science recognizes that our knowledge is fallible, and corrective procedures are therefore built-in.
I've heard the "your delusional" crap from atheists for 34 years.
Perhaps you are, in fact, delusional. I know, you believe otherwise with all your heart.
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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Interbane wrote:Perhaps you are, in fact, delusional.
and you know that's not an insult sonoman, we are all delusional about some things at least.

i have read many people who thought obama was going to fix everything, that was a kind of wishful thinking/delusion.

some people voted for GWBush and i'm thinking they were delusional too.

still others think that all atheists are deluded killjoys, that could well be a delusion.

i think i'm deluded about some things. let's all embrace the fact that we could be deluded about something at least.

after all sonoman you did write on your website
I am Stephen and I will be your guide if you will allow an appointed Son of Man prophesy bearer for the New Age such privilege. I promise you won't regret it for I do bring saving knowledge of eternal life through the grace of the ascended Jesus Christ who has become one with our Father in heaven.

Father has granted me permission to reveal the identity of God since the Sign for the New Age in heaven has arrived. The ancients could not comprehend the truth so they received the truth in parables and metaphors while secure in their trust in the Son of Man Jesus whose Great Spirit would carry them through to the end which it will as promised.
which makes me curious, how many followers do you have? i mean are there many people who don't think this is all at least a bit delusional.

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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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sonoman wrote:Is the "God Gene" brain science findings discussed here? Nope.
you could start such a discussion yourself.
sonoman wrote:the refusal of atheist to acknowledge spiritual experiences are real
as Dexter pointed out and i thought of it too, Sam Harris is quite interested in such experiences, i think nearly everyone acknowledges spiritual experiences are real, but real what? is the question.

if your interpretation is correct and you are an appointed emissary of the Father, didn't He tell you people might contest your interpretation and did He not suggest by His Spirit things to say that might help the blind see. You dont seem well prepared or comfy in your revelation, sorry sonoman, but i think you might have to consider the possibility that you are trying to sell a scooter to people who already have a ducati.

if you really know the Father why do you seem so uncomfortable in the presence of those who have every right to be dubious.

can you not just think "oh well, poor things they don't know the Father so i will just have to let them stew a bit in their atheistic juices" (not you of course ant, none of that atheist smuggery for you!)
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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Still waiting for logic to be shown here. The closest thing to it so far is admission that everyone is "delusional" about something. As for this Sam Harris, who's that to me? My same criticism applies to him: no experience in the subject matter he's claiming expertise in. And you atheists lap it up because you share the same fundamentalist mindset that is in denial about 40,000 years of rather intense human preoccupation with so-called imaginary forces as well as being in denial about our human brains evolved to process spiritual stimulation, "hardwired" in is the term for it. So, I am expecting answers how a species that successfully deals with all environmental conditions to arrive at the top of the food chain gets a brain that is "delusional", one that has reacted to non-existent imaginary forces and invisible entities like one sees in mentally disturbed patients behavior. How does this happen, billions of human beings not being locked up or wandering around in confused states of mind, most all of them carrying forth human activity successfully if they are all suffering from delusions?

Is this person delusional?

"One must, however, take care not to understand this conversation with God- the conversation of which I have to speak in this book and in almost all of the works which followed- as something happening solely alongside or above the everyday. God's speech to men penetrates what happens in the life of each one of us, and all that happens in the world around us, biographical and historical, and makes it for you and me into instruction, message, demand. Happening upon happening, situation upon situation, are enabled and empowered by the personal speech of God to demand of the human person that he take his stand and make his decision. Often enough we think there is nothing to hear, but long before we have ourselves put wax in our ears.

The existence of mutuality between God and man cannot be proved, just as God' existence cannot be proved. Yet he who dares to speak of it, bears witness, and calls to witness him to whom he speaks- whether that witness is now or in the future."

Martin Buber

Was Buber suffering from delusions because he's reporting synchronicity experiences like I reported mine?

I'm sorry but what has Sam Harris contributed to the Humanitarian Model? Skepticism? The Scientific Method? No, they're the property of all humanity and have been since long before Sam was born. I can't help you if can't see the Humanitarian Model theology passed along via the evolving astrological data storage of the Humanitarian Model in the Sign of Aquarius, the "Man" Face in the Zodiac who has the spiritually alive Living Waters to aid and benefit humanity by giving it to the worthy leaders of humanity, the kings and priests and prophesy bearers who follow the compassion and wisdom of the Highest God in a Father and Son relationship that has existed in symbolic form carried through time and several packhorse religions for 4000 years to our times and the future now that the Gospel of Humanity is here and the Celestial Torah Christianity information as well. The Gospel of Humanity explains the literary Son of Man symbolism used by Jesus Christ in the Gospels. The Celestial Torah Christianity information reveals the astrological foundation for that same Son of Man symbolism with Aquarius as the "Man" face of God in Family relationship with God the Father, that motif seeming impossible to destroy, (Judaism tried to destroy it with their man-made YHWH creation but Christianity stepped right in to start the correction), and now it's popped up again in our astrological ages cusp times with my spiritual revelations, me as spiritual point man carrying Jewish (Sephardic) genes relating me to my ancient prophesy bearing ancestors, and me being double Aquarius centered carrying on the Father (Saturn) to Son (Aquarius) spiritual relationship in my person.

Because I've been led by God I arrived at the Christ Aquarius knowledge that still eludes atheistic mythicists like Acharya relying on human intellectual effort to research and build a case for Christ as only another sun god which he is but is also so much more that she and others missed because they weren't led to the core truth. Christ Aquarius will be the defining characteristic of Jesus, not the sun-god aspects which he shares indistinguishably from perhaps dozens of other ancient sun gods. It is ironic that you all accuse me of doing the same thing, building a chain of evidence for my spiritual mission but somehow it's invalid if a theist builds a "case" too like I have done with the Gospel of Humanity and the Celestial Torah Christianity information, whereas it's OK for atheist researchers. And another point I might as well state to correct atheist illogic is that religions too evolve over time and change the basic data base as new spiritual information arrives, e.g. the correction of Christianity to Judaism's spiritual errors, e.g. the correction of Catholic heresy by Protestant Reformation, e.g. the correction of basic Christian beliefs by the Celestial Torah Christianity information. While fundamentalists are locked into their various belief systems, atheists included, and are in denial of any facts that contradict their beliefs, the truly spiritually led are always open to the Spirit when It moves again through human minds. Those spiritually awake will hear the new Christ Aquarian Call.
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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and you know that's not an insult sonoman, we are all delusional about some things at least.
I did mean it sincerely. The people who are most likely to be delusional are those who won't even consider it.
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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Still waiting for logic to be shown here.
There are 3 instances of logic in my posts alone. Perhaps the issue is that you're not adept at recognizing logic?
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Re: Still no atheist logic being shown here

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I'm not asking this to be nasty but am genuinely curious as to the definitions/history/author/origin, take your pick, of these two terms "the Gospel of Humanity is here and the Celestial Torah Christianity"
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