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The Nature of Evil

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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Flann wrote:And now I'm confused. You think this reflection to be a God inspired process and yet are satisfied it's the result of a purposeless process.How do you make sense of this? Do you mean that if you grant that it is a God inspired process then what should follow?
He meant the application of in-group morality to the out-group, and I agree with him. I believe religion is responsible for this leap.

We've gone on a tangent a bit, but that's okay. Why do you think a purposeful agent is required for the things you mention? You say it's more reasonable. What do you mean? I know you believe that purpose can only come from purpose, but you've never explained why you think that.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Interbane wrote:We've gone on a tangent a bit, but that's okay. Why do you think a purposeful agent is required for the things you mention? You say it's more reasonable. What do you mean? I know you believe that purpose can only come from purpose, but you've never explained why you think that.
There are two Christian approaches as you know. One is that God made humans through the evolutionary process and the other direct creation which is considered contrary to scientific evidence by the mainstream.
So Dawkins has the blind watchmaker explanation for what he calls "the appearance of design for a purpose".

The rather too frequent occurrences of convergent evolution imply a directionality to the process if you accept the theory.
In fact things like eyes are postulated to have evolved separately on numerous occasions,for example.

Dennett talks about free floating rationales but where do such rationales originate? Besides he thinks natural selection explains just about everything.
So the ocean naturally selects "fit" boats by not sinking them! As if the human designers hadn't a cell between their ears.

If we grant there is real functional design in human bodies,systems and brains you have to explain such complex and seemingly purposeful design as the product of ultimately inanimate,mindless and purposeless matter.

You have to explain where matter itself and the cosmos with it's laws originate.

So from inanimate particles and chemicals all biological life supposedly sprang culminating in humans with intelligence,purpose, and a moral nature with the ability to think of abstract moral concepts such as justice. Add to that creativity,language and emotions and many other faculties such as vision etc.

So even if I accepted the standard version of evolution I don't see that it must be purposeless.

Purpose is an expression of thought and planning with a goal in mind. But the contrary is that things devoid of any such faculty are capable of creating beings who themselves have intent and purpose.

It strikes me as counter to reason and life as we know has a digital code also.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Flann wrote:You have to explain where matter itself and the cosmos with it's laws originate.
No, you don't. Because as soon as you require such an answer, people start creating answers. Is it really so hard to accept the idea that there is knowledge beyond us? We cannot know how the laws of nature came to be. Maybe some day we'll figure it out. But starting with an answer and working backwards is the best way to build a false worldview.

If you've ever heard me say the theists worldview is arrogant, it's related to this. Theists claim to have knowledge that I believe is impossible. They claim to hold the answer to the most important answer in the universe. What started it all? Have some humility and admit we don't know. Sure, it's okay to speculate. But don't use that speculation to support any other beliefs. That's backwards.
Flann wrote:So from inanimate particles and chemicals all biological life supposedly sprang culminating in humans with intelligence,purpose, and a moral nature with the ability to think of abstract moral concepts such as justice. Add to that creativity,language and emotions and many other faculties such as vision etc.
This is what I was asking, yes. Why do you think these things must have been created by an intelligent being?

Reading between the lines, your statements have something of an appeal to incredulity. It's as if you cannot imagine how such amazing things as purpose and morality could exist unless they were created by an intelligent being. But we're back to the same question - why?

I'm going to speculate here, so don't hold it against me. I think when we're younger, we come to certain conclusions a bit earlier than we should. Grand conclusions. And as we learn more, all throughout life, each and every new bit of information we plug into our brains is indexed and categorized based on those earlier conclusions. These early conclusions form the framework for future learning. So throughout your whole life, all your experiences and learning have been plugged into a worldview where god is responsible for many things. You "use" the idea of god to explain many things, and this grows into a complex web of interdependent knowledge. So when you try to think like an atheist and remove god from the equation, a great deal of what you know no longer makes sense. All those millions of associations that hide in the shadows of conscious processing are now broken associations. So you respond with appeals to incredulity, without having any truly good reason. You "feel" the dissonance, but can't quite pinpoint it.

I know there's no words that work, but for what it's worth, trust me that the naturalist worldview makes sense from top to bottom. Whatever appears to not work, from your perspective, is due to the incompatibility of your web of knowledge.
Flann wrote:If we grant there is real functional design in human bodies,systems and brains you have to explain such complex and seemingly purposeful design as the product of ultimately inanimate,mindless and purposeless matter.
You admit life appears to have function, and it seems to have some sort of direction. I agree with both of these. But function is not the same as purpose. As you say, purpose is an expression of thought. Purposeful design, then, is the same thing as function except that it's created by an intelligence. Yet you still haven't given a reason why there must be an intelligence behind the way life evolved. Your use of the word "purpose" indicates you believe that, but why don't you use the word function instead? It's all the same, in every way. Nothing changes, with the sole exception that you believe an intelligence is the cause, rather than merely the laws of nature. You add the idea of intelligence to the concept of function. But why? Function fits.

Backpedaling a few years here, I've seen evolutionary biologists use the term "purpose", as a shorthand way of explanation. But when pressed, they admit their use is technically incorrect. I will try to find the few articles I read on this. They admit that the proper term is "function", because purpose assumes intelligence.

As for direction, consider all the different parts of the environment. There is a set of environmental variables that are mostly overlooked. The amount of radiation, in all it's forms, from the sun. The specific amount of gravity exerted. The ratio of oxygen and nitrogen and other gasses in the air. The ratios and abundances of various elements and prebiotic compounds on the Earth's surface and in oceans. The nuclear forces. The impact of the moon's gravity and night light.

Most of the time when we think of the environment, we think of all the things that frequently change. Yet many environmental factors are relatively stable across the entire globe, so we should expect to see the emergence of similar phenotypes scattered in amidst all the diversity.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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I have been left behind a bit, due to my location in the Old World, but at least I can explain myself a bit.

I don't really think that a Creator is a better explanation of how things came to be the way they are. As a matter of science, I see things more or less how Interbane does. And I think it is a mistake to turn to God as explanation. One ends up with the God of the gaps, who seems to make sense until a more mechanical explanation is uncovered. One also loses the sense that God is encountered, which is clearly how the more ancient stories in the OT had things.

On the other hand, I do not think it unreasonable to see a Creator, or Intelligent Designer, as the more reasonable explanation. It is not my perspective, but I do not find it unreasonable. In fact it is a form of encounter - the awe and wonder that people often feel seeing the ocean waves crash or the rows of mountains majestically arrayed, or the stars with their mysterious stillness despite movement, that is a genuine experience which apparently triggers the same integrating, unifying perception of life that is experienced in meditation and which demonstrably reduces stress, antagonism and judgmentalism.

If I have to put some kind of conceptualisation of God into place, which I resist doing, it is as a process embodied in our reflections, but also in the biological success of extended nurturance of the young and in cooperation for purposes of group success. Call the first one yin and the second one yang. For me the "Ground of Being" conceptualisation is a kind of Demi-urge, emitted by the yin and yang of biological forces, but I may be stretching the point there.

What I wanted to develop was a concrete version of this idea of a process, so that you could understand my view that God is not outside things, operating as an intervener and twiddler of dials. Rather I think we are meant to see God within events, including biological processes, inner dialogue of prayer, and historical advancement. We do not need a dichotomy between natural and supernatural explanations, but rather we need hearts tuned to feel when the process is at work.
Last edited by Harry Marks on Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Interbane wrote:Flann wrote:
You have to explain where matter itself and the cosmos with it's laws originate.

No, you don't. Because as soon as you require such an answer, people start creating answers. Is it really so hard to accept the idea that there is knowledge beyond us? We cannot know how the laws of nature came to be. Maybe some day we'll figure it out. But starting with an answer and working backwards is the best way to build a false worldview.

If you've ever heard me say the theists worldview is arrogant, it's related to this. Theists claim to have knowledge that I believe is impossible. They claim to hold the answer to the most important answer in the universe. What started it all? Have some humility and admit we don't know. Sure, it's okay to speculate. But don't use that speculation to support any other beliefs. That's backwards.
I accept that pointing to laws of nature and functional design in nature is not the same as pointing to God directly.
It's inferential to the best most plausible explanation.Christian theists think there are various strands of evidence.

Historical testimony,and such phenomena as fulfilled prophecy and the subjective encounter that Harry alludes to in his way.
So there is the experiential which includes such things as answers to prayer. It's a conclusion based on these various strands and I accept that the logical inference from design in nature is an inference.

All these things are contested in many ways and we see this the in mythicist denial of historicity,in critiques of biblical prophecy. Also in the charge of subjectivism and what makes your experience more real or valid than others who claim their experiences yet have different beliefs and concepts of God.?

There are critiques of prayer and claims to providential answers in a couple of ways. Co-incidence and a claim of arbitrariness where it is claimed we should see everyone's prayers answered if this were true.

All these would need to be examined separately.

Interbane wrote:You admit life appears to have function, and it seems to have some sort of direction. I agree with both of these. But function is not the same as purpose. As you say, purpose is an expression of thought. Purposeful design, then, is the same thing as function except that it's created by an intelligence. Yet you still haven't given a reason why there must be an intelligence behind the way life evolved. Your use of the word "purpose" indicates you believe that, but why don't you use the word function instead? It's all the same, in every way. Nothing changes, with the sole exception that you believe an intelligence is the cause, rather than merely the laws of nature. You add the idea of intelligence to the concept of function. But why? Function fits.
I think function particularly the more complex it is implies purpose. We have complex interdependent biological systems functioning so that we can breathe,see,hear,walk,talk,and think. And for humans all of this includes us having a sense of self,a moral sense and intentionality and purpose ourselves.
To say it's just incredulity is to not recognise why it lacks credibility and rational coherence. Supposed purposeless function achieves goals but these goals are denied as being purposed.
Interbane wrote:Most of the time when we think of the environment, we think of all the things that frequently change. Yet many environmental factors are relatively stable across the entire globe, so we should expect to see the emergence of similar phenotypes scattered in amidst all the diversity.
The informational nature of biological life appears to be the main determiner of phenotypes. This in itself indicates a plan and purpose though it is complex and the interactions within the cell and with the environment are important.
Harry Marks wrote:I don't really think that a Creator is a better explanation of how things came to be the way they are. As a matter of science, I see things more or less how Interbane does. And I think it is a mistake to turn to God as explanation. One ends up with the God of the gaps, who seems to make sense until a more mechanical explanation is uncovered. One also loses the sense that God is encountered, which is clearly how the more ancient stories in the OT had things.
Harry Marks wrote:What I wanted to develop was a concrete version of this idea of a process, so that you could understand my view that God is not outside things, operating as an intervener and twiddler of dials.
I think this is one of the weaknesses of the intelligent design movement's paradigm. It seems like God every so often steps in creating new life forms. While I don't have a problem with divine intervention it's clear that the reproductive process has built in information and systems.

It seems like some atheists like Richard Dawkins see evolution as an alternative blind designer which precludes an actual intelligent designer.

I.D. critiques this with the argument from irreducible complexity.This is not an empty argument I think, and the gradual piecemeal development of complex and interdependent systems is not an adequate explanation, in the view of it's critics.
Last edited by Flann 5 on Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Although “evil” is a word that is frequently misused and is often rooted in biblical images (of Satan, etc.), I agree that it can potentially remain useful to those with naturalist views. The question, though, is what is meant by “evil”.

One point of reference can be seen in Simon Baron-Cohen’s book, “The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty”, which looks at a genetic defect, an absence of empathy (and, with this, great potential for cruelty) as one way of looking at “evil”.

How would you describe evil, from a naturalist perspective?
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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OCahill wrote:Although “evil” is a word that is frequently misused and is often rooted in biblical images (of Satan, etc.), I agree that it can potentially remain useful to those with naturalist views. The question, though, is what is meant by “evil”.

One point of reference can be seen in Simon Baron-Cohen’s book, “The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty”, which looks at a genetic defect, an absence of empathy (and, with this, great potential for cruelty) as one way of looking at “evil”.

How would you describe evil, from a naturalist perspective?
I haven't read Baron-Cohen's book. Is he saying that a lack of empathy is due to genetic defect? The problem would be where societies on a large scale such as with Nazism behave in these ways.
It doesn't seem plausible that they all had a genetic defect. If it was genetic it would hard to describe it as evil any more than the behaviour of a pack of wolves would be evil.
I'm sure Baron -Cohen's book has interesting material in it.
Thanks OCahill. You have Irish genes I think, but we won't blame them for everything you do.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

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Flann wrote:All these would need to be examined separately.
I've examined all the things you mentioned in painstaking detail. Not a single one of them hold up. We've had conversations about many of them on this site. Conversations that have all ended without any response from the theist side. It's as if the truth doesn't matter.
Flann wrote:To say it's just incredulity is to not recognise why it lacks credibility and rational coherence. Supposed purposeless function achieves goals but these goals are denied as being purposed.
Lacks credibility? That's just slang for "I don't believe it". But we still haven't gotten to the root of why you don't believe it.

Humans have purpose. We build worldviews to the point where we understand the world, then we imagine a future we want by extrapolating forward in our worldview. That is purpose. Purpose is the product of intelligence, and humans are intelligent.

But you still haven't said why you think that function found in nature implies purpose. It implies no such thing. I'll try to suss out your logic, so correct me if I'm wrong.

P: Most items humans create are created for a purpose. They have a function as well as a purpose.

P: Most life we see has a function.

P: Most things of function we're familiar with also have purpose.

C: Most life we see has a purpose.

I know this can't be the logic you use, since there is a glaring error. But what logic are you using to defend the idea that function in nature implies purpose? I'm sorry for being so difficult Flann, but I feel like this is going in circles. Are you sure it isn't merely a "feeling" you have?
Flann wrote:The informational nature of biological life appears to be the main determiner of phenotypes. This in itself indicates a plan and purpose
Says who? Simply saying it indicates purpose doesn't mean it indicates purpose. It doesn't. It's a bald assertion. Please, lay bare the logic you're using. The reasoning, if logic is too much of a pita. Just be more clear.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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