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Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote:The swamp is now pushing for immediate war with Syria.
KindaSkolarly wrote: The press is now taunting, saying that he'll be a wimp and a sellout if he doesn't attack Syria, but he's stood up to 99% negative press coverage for a couple of years now. Hopefully he'll whiff the heightened level of bovine excrement attached to this latest fuss and issue stand-down orders.
Where do you get this information? I really want to know.

I have seen no media reports taunting Trump to attack Syria. The American people are definitely against a war in Syria. It would be a very unpopular move. The New York Times, in this opinion piece, argues that the best move would be for the U.S. to "target Assad and his senior lieutenants directly in a decapitation strike, just as the U.S. attempted in Iraq in 2003, and against Osama bin Laden in 2011."

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/12/opin ... columnists

If there is taunting, it's to point out Trump's hypocrisy for criticizing Obama for "broadcasting" America's strategy, when he just did the same thing.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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So, it's the "best move" to murder someone? Today the Russians said they have irrefutable proof that Britain did the gas attack. Would it be the "best move" to kill Queen Elizabeth?

One of the most informative news aggregators I've come across is WhatReallyHappened.com. It was pretty clear from reading the items posted there when the Syrian gas business hit the news what was going on.

As soon as the attack was reported, a BUNCH of America's right-wing politicos urged Trump to retaliate. At pretty much the same time, the FBI illegally seized records from Trump's personal lawyer. The raid on the lawyer was the Left's way of pressuring Trump.

The leftists in America (Democrats and others) have allied themselves with the intelligence agencies. The CIA, DHS, FBI are permanent bodies that span administrations. They don't seek political gain, they seek to cement power. And leftists want big government, so the marriage of Dems and intelligence bureaucracies makes sense.

Anyway, with the Right and the usual international gang putting advisory pressure on Trump to attack, and the Left putting legal pressure on him, it looked as if he might try to do something to draw attention away from the legal stuff. And a solution had been conveniently laid out for him--attack Syria. Fortunately he seems to have sidestepped the issue for now by issuing one of his infamous tweets. We shall see.

The Left AND the Right in America are dominated by neoconservatives. Neocons want war with Russia. We are pursuing a strategy laid out by Russia-hater Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski advised Obama and several presidents before him, and it looked as if his goal of engaging Russia in a major conflict would be achieved under team player Hillary Clinton. But we all witnessed her election night fumble, and the team's now trying to regroup. Players from both sides were putting pressure on Trump the referee to make a bad call on Syria, hoping he'd launch an attack based on unsubstantiated stories. If he HAD done that, then we'd be toe to toe with the Rooskies right now and Trump would be on the fast-track to impeachment. Big points for the Brzezinskiites.

What else? Obama's contribution to the Brzezinski plan was to help install a fascist government in the Ukraine. Obama and NATO and the EU did that. The "liberal" west installed Nazis in the Ukraine, on Russia's border. Obama's other big contribution to Brzezinski's plan was to launch the Timber Sycamore operation, but Trump just threw a wrench into that. So the Brzezinskites aren't too happy with Trump right now. Expect more shenanigans.

Trump needs to neuter the intelligence agencies. They represent entrenched self-interest, and they're attempting to sabotage the will of the electorate. One thing Trump could do is declassify all the millions of documents relating to the Obama administration's crimes. Most are being withheld from public view because they're classified, so just...declassify them. Let Judicial Watch and other oversight organizations look through them. Another thing Trump could do is open the books on the intelligence agencies. They're not held accountable in their spending, so how can they be held accountable in their actions?


Russia says Britain helped fake Syria chemical attack...

In a televised briefing on Friday, Russia's Ministry of Defence repeated the Kremlin's stance that the attack was faked, adding that it had proof that Britain participated in its staging.

"We have … evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organising this provocation," defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

Mr Konashenkov said that Russia knew "for sure" that between April 3 and April 6, the White Helmets — a group which helps civilians in opposition-held territory in Syria — were "under severe pressure specifically from London to produce as quickly as possible this pre-planned provocation".

abc.net.au/news/2018-04-13/russia-says- ... ed/9657314

So, according to the reasoning of the New York Times, a quick decapitation strike against Queen Elizabeth and her inner circle is the "best move." Sounds reasonable.
Last edited by KindaSkolarly on Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Okay, Trump just launched an attack on Syria. Hopefully it's a limited attack and Russia will continue to show restraint.

The Trump haters have screamed that he's a Russian colluder, and now they can scream that he should be impeached for bombing the Russians. Will their wormy brains even be able to recognize the schizzy nature of their internal counter-views? I doubt it. They'll continue to parrot what they're told to parrot.

Trump's bounced back from a lot, but this will be a tough comeback. We elected him in part to avoid conflict with Russia. Crazy old Hillary Clinton wanted to bomb them, when she wasn't selling them our uranium. Trump was supposed to negotiate with them.

I'm reminded of Invasion of the Body Snatchers tonight. It's as if the Washington swamp has absorbed Trump and he's not really aware of it. He's doing the bidding of the swamp creatures. A sad night.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote:Okay, Trump just launched an attack on Syria. Hopefully it's a limited attack and Russia will continue to show restraint.

The Trump haters have screamed that he's a Russian colluder, and now they can scream that he should be impeached for bombing the Russians. Will their wormy brains even be able to recognize the schizzy nature of their internal counter-views? I doubt it. They'll continue to parrot what they're told to parrot.

Trump's bounced back from a lot, but this will be a tough comeback. We elected him in part to avoid conflict with Russia. Crazy old Hillary Clinton wanted to bomb them, when she wasn't selling them our uranium. Trump was supposed to negotiate with them.

I'm reminded of Invasion of the Body Snatchers tonight. It's as if the Washington swamp has absorbed Trump and he's not really aware of it. He's doing the bidding of the swamp creatures. A sad night.
You're forgetting that DT already bombed Syrian chemical weapons facilities a year ago, so this wasn't a departure for him, but rather can be seen as one of his few consistent actions whether you think it's wise or not. He was moved by pictures of dead, gassed children; he wanted as usual to one-up Obama; he knew he had to do something to show he's not in total thrall to Putin--take your pick.

Nobody's saying he should be impeached for sending the rockets. Where do you come up with that, or with the idea that he was elected to avoid war with Russia, even in part? Please show me HRC saying she intended to attack Russia, or do you simply know what was in her heart?

Don't worry about Trump being captured by neo-neocons on this issue. He had committed to harsh sanctions against Russian interests who were thought to have aided Syrian chem weapons manufacture, but then after Haley previewed the sanctions in front of the world, Trump reversed her in typical supportive fashion.

What I'm most curious about is what's up with the alt-right's love affair with Putin and Russia.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Hillary Clinton can't breathe without hissing "Russia." She flatulates "Russia" at every podium she fouls. She's so vitriolic on the topic that America assumed the vitriol would naturally manifest itself in aggression if she got elected. Her Russophobia was one of the main factors in her defeat. Turns out she was just accusing Trump of what she did, but that's another (Uranium One) story.

And Trump's bombing is an impeachable offense. All presidential murders of that type are impeachable, but they're never pursued. However, given the current hysterical mindset of the Leftists, they might jump on this opportunity. After all, Assad launched no gas attack. Trump acted before all the facts were in.

As far as the Right not hating Russia, the Right knows that Russia is a traditional ally of the US. The Tzar sent his fleet to the US in 1863 to help protect the union against foreign meddlers Britain and France. Then in WW2 we allied with Russia against the Axis powers.

The Left tries to keep Americans stirred up about Russia because the Left supports Communist China. One way to build up China is to weaken the US, and Russia. So the Left-controlled media and Hollywood make Russia the bogeyman in every narrative. But it's China who just received a self-appointed dictator-for-life.

A Russo-American alliance would bring peace to the world. Russia and America, along with the English-speaking nations and the soon-to-be-unified Korea (thank you Donald Trump), would be a bloc that would neutralize the ChiComs. Détente would soon result, and the world would bloom.

But the Leftists don't want a peaceful world. Their credo is Order out of Chaos, so they promote divisiveness. They do it internationally with the drumbeat of RussiaRussiaRussia, and they do it domestically with racism, sexism and seedy party hackism.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Russia did not exist during WWII. The Soviet Union, our ally, annexed Poland, Hungary, the Baltic States, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, etc., put nuclear missiles in Cuba, and tried to drive us out of Berlin with a blockade. Only the near-miraculous airlift saved West Berlin. Somewhere in there they found time to create the Gulags and murder dissidents by the millions. Putin is a dictator -- no wonder Trump admires him.

Soon-to-be-unified Korea? As Buddy Holley sang, "Rave On, It's a Crazy Feeling."

The left doesn't want peace? The draft card burning Viet Nam protesters were from the Right? The Left invaded Iraq over non-existent weapons of mass destruction?

You know what, I don't think you believe a word of that post. I think you must be trolling.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Litwitlou wrote:.

You know what, I don't think you believe a word of that post. I think you must be trolling.
Maybe, but I believe the statements are sincere; they're consistent with a species of thought espoused by the extreme right. For an explanation of how they came to be, perhaps Robert's posted link to the echo chamber piece will help.

With extremist hate, we see this dynamic of claiming perfection on one side (in this case, Russia), while execrating the other side, sometimes to the point of using language of contamination ('flatulates Russia at every podium she fouls.") Recall the Hutus labeling the Tutsis "cockroaches."

Russia is the perfect champion of white nationalists, nearly "pure" racially (.12% of its people are of African descent). It's the new home of Aryanism.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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My mistake, thinking that Russia was part of the Soviet Union during the war years. And who can forget the riots for peace during the Vietnam war? Does the Left credit itself for that? It's certainly promoting Freedom From Speech lately. Check out the article below, watch its short video, then wave your freak flag high. Leftists are the new Nazis in America:

Milo Yiannopoulos shouted out of NYC bar by crowd chanting 'Nazi scum get out'
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- ... nting-nazi

Anyway, what a good week it was in the fight against the swamp:

Attorney General Opens Investigation: Obama/Holder/Lynch $6 Bil. Cash-in on Taxpayers

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally announced an investigation into the use of federal money to fund radical leftwing advocacy groups. In making the announcement Sessions cited that at least six billion dollars was funneled into what was essentially a slush fund for Obama’s army of street activists. It’s almost a certainty that that amount is going to grow significantly. The groups receiving the money included La Raza (now UnidosUS), NeighborWorks America, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Operation Hope, Black Lives Matter, and a spin-off of Acorn The Mutual Housing Association of New York, among numerous other extremist groups....

investmentwatchblog.com/attorney-genera ... taxpayers/

In 2008 Obama said the U.S. needed a Civilian National Security force that's as large as our military:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s (21 seconds)

So now, hopefully, well get to see how Obama and the leftists funded their divisionist, racist "security" forces over the past ten years.

And in an act of sublime idiocy, the Democratic National Committee has just filed a lawsuit against Trump, Wikileaks and the Russians for... Read for yourself at the link below. The great thing about this is that Trump's legal people will now be able to look at all kinds of "classified" and off-limits material during the discovery phase of the trial. They'll be able to look at the stuff that the DNC and other nefarious leftist organizations have been able to keep hidden, up 'til now:

Trump To "Counter" DNC Lawsuit; Seeks Servers, Clinton Emails And "Pakistani Mystery Man"
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04- ... ystery-man

The Deep State (DC bureaucratic swamp creatures) will probably blow something up real soon, as a diversion.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Placed by accident on the wrong thread yesterday, moved here.

OK, so where are we on this?

14 months ago Trump tweeted that he'd been wiretapped, and the Leftists (just entering the psychotic break brought on by the Trump victory) savaged him. They said he was imagining things, that he needed to be removed from office. Now we know that he was indeed being spied upon. The story is still developing, and there are a lot of news stories on it if anyone cares to look. The FBI placed spies in the Trump campaign. For them to do that would take a warrant, and the attorney general at the time, Loretta Lynch, would have had to sign off on it. She is going to prison for the rest of her life if this plays out without interference. Though when it's time for the nut cutting she'll probably try to save herself by turning state's evidence. I hope she does. I want to hear her honest version of what happened during the infamous meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac.

A timeline, to help clarify my own thinking here...

Trump was running against 16 other Republicans. It was all supposed to be theater, we knew it would come down to Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. But then Trump beat Jeb Bush by offering to discuss the Bush family's actions on Sept 11, 2001. Bush died onstage. His mom and dad hissed like demons in the gallery. The greatest moment of political theater I've ever witnessed. And Trump inviting Bill Clinton's rape victims to one of the debates with Hillary was the second greatest moment. In one campaign, Trump destroyed two dynasties. Which is what the American people wanted. If the Dems wanted to win they should have run the rightful winner of their primary process, Bernie Sanders.

But I digress. The timeline...

Trump left the Bush dynasty in a bloody pulp on the debate stage, and the FBI decided he was a menace to the entrenched power structure in Washington DC. The Deep State only wants longtime political hacks operating in their 'hood. No outsiders welcome. So the FBI placed some spies in the Trump campaign.

The spies did their work but failed to turn up anything. The election approached, but Washington believed the push polls that showed Hillary winning in a landslide were accurate. Just to be safe, though, they had Hillary bitch about Russia. Anton Chekov said something about placing a gun over the mantle in Act One if you're going to use it in Act Three, and the Russian narrative was put in place partly to be used against Trump, if somehow the vote rigging failed and the Wicked Witch didn't win.

But then Americans turned out in DROVES to beat up on the witch, and she too died in a bloody pulp. It was as if a house from Kansas had been dropped on her (which is kind of what happened, come to think of it).

The Dems refused to let go, going through recount threats, threats about preventing the inauguration on grounds of incompetency, threats to invoke constitutional removal power, and so on.

Then we had a year of the heads and former heads of our intelligence agencies in the news. They gave testimony, talked to reporters and wrote books. They are SO on the record now that it will be hard for some of them to avoid prison. John Brennan's going to the stripey hole fer shure, the reeking old jihadist traitor.

And now, voting trends are turning against Democrats. They were 16 points ahead nationally a month ago, but now they're 3-4 points behind. The Dems just wasted a year of time and effort harassing Trump, and people resent it. So things don't look good for the Dems going into the midterm elections. The out-of-power party normally makes some gains in off-year elections, but not this time. People are sick of the Dems. They have one agenda--to impeach Trump. Not for anything specific, but just because they don't like him. That's not only juvenile, it's dangerous, and it looks as if America's fixing to flush the Dems down to the BOTTOM of the septic tank this time around. Which is sad, because that will do away with any semblance of liberal/conservative balance in the country.

Anyway, that's where the coup against Trump stands at the moment. And it is a coup, make no mistake. But I have faith in the constitution. If Trump would fire a few people in the Dept of Justice, the situation would right itself in almost no time. Within a year we'd have the indictments, the plea bargains, and the Clinton/Obama cabal in shackles. Once that cancer has been removed, liberals can get back to the business of protecting the poor, instead of serving the Clintons.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote:One of the most informative news aggregators I've come across is WhatReallyHappened.com.
Heh, well that explains a lot. As I recall, that started as a 9/11 Truther site, but now has won a prestigious Conspiracy Factist Award as a Top 25 Conspiracy Blog, awarded by TruthRising.net. Here are a few things I learned while checking out some of these fascinating web sites. :x
  • * Jews living in Israel are fake.
    * Astrophysicists and cosmologists fall into one of three categories: 1. Frauds, Hoaxers, Liars and Thieves. 2. Cheerleaders 3. Meek and sheepish nobodies.
    * A deep working knowledge of the Occult is mandatory for every true Anarchist to know in order to become fully spiritually awakened.
    * The True name for God the Father is YAHUAH, and YAHUSHA for The Son.
    * Water always finds its level and all the oceans are flat, hence the term “sea level.”
    * Prince Harry flashed an Illuminati or Satanic hand gesture during a photo op with Melania Trump.
    * There is no photographic evidence of satellites.
    * The U.S. Government is missing $21 Trillion.
That's all the time I could waste, let's just say I do not feel enlightened... :P
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