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Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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I came here tonight to look over the Dubliners thread, but I’ll spend my time on this one instead. I don’t debate much online anymore--most people have made their choice by now between collectivism & individualism--but surprisingly there are still some who are unaware of the war that’s being waged between the two ways of thinking. So I don’t mind verbositizing on the matter. Cup of coffee, kick back, I’m good for a couple thousand words.

Where to begin? Let me jump over to WhatReallyHappened.com and see what they’re reporting...

Okay, scrolling down, here are some headlines that I might go back and read:

NEW YORK TIMES CORRECTS Fake News After Trump Calls Them Out
(Pretty common headline now, but I may look at it, see what horse manure America's flagship of journalism is currently peddling. Leftists have no agenda except to protect the entrenched status quo, so they make up stories about boogieman Trump. Shameful. Seems that you NYT readers would wake up after getting slapped in the face dozens of times. America's flagship of journalism is now a false flagship).

Obama Administration Admits Applied Nazi Tactics To Force Agenda Through
(Of course Ayatollah Obama used fascist tactics, but I'll click and see what the headline's in reference to. His illegal infiltration of the Trump campaign will lead to his impeachment, if we're lucky).

Vegas Docs Reveal Stephen Paddock Told Uber Driver About A "Terrorist Attack For Mandalay Bay"
(A judge just ordered the release of a ton of documents about the Las Vegas massacre. Another story shows documents verifying that Paddock had 3 women in his room the night of the shooting. The official narrative is that Paddock was a lone gunman and he'd been alone in his room for 10-12 hours. The sheriff of LV lied to America from word one of his first press conference. A woman named Laura Loomer is the investigative reporter who's broken the most sensational stories about the Vegas shooting. She should be on the short list for the Pulitzer Prize, in my humble opinion).

BETRAYED: Whole Foods suspends GMO labeling promise, will continue selling unlabeled GMOs after five-year LIE to its own customers

Cool science: Researchers have successfully observed how fish and amphibians regenerate tissue into their perfect original shape

A pretty typical spread of topics for WhatReallyHappened.com. The site is a news aggregator. They just comb through news stories and cherry pick pieces to pass along. Of course we, as readers, then need to cherry pick the stories we read. That’s too difficult a task for some. Lazy readers want to rely on the New York Times or the Washington Post or the National Review--one-stop news shopping where the reportage will reinforce comfortable beliefs. The big establishment papers make up stories for you each day and say, “This is your portion of news,” and their readers then treat those stories as gospel. All other stories are just fishy apocryphal things, not in the canon. But with news aggregation sites you need to do a bit of work, to suss out the bits that are TRULY fishy. That work’s been made harder by the likes of the CIA, which began to deliberately popularize the term “conspiracy theory” back in 1967. The country wasn’t buying the lie of the Warren Commission Report, so the CIA initiated a policy of... Here, read for yourself:


Jump forward in time and we have Obama’s “science czar” Cass Sunstein encouraging “cognitive infiltration” of truth groups. Sunstein craps out a book or so a year in support of anti-human Leftist causes:


When Trump talks about Fake News, he’s talking about things like Sunstein’s and the CIA’s disinformation campaigns.

Anyway, WhatReallyHappened.com is definitely anti-Jew, anti-Muslim & anti-Christian. Of course, those groups make it pretty easy to be anti. Israeli snipers shooting rock throwers in the heads recently wasn’t exactly good PR. And how ‘bout that Pope, trying to pressure Australia into conducting Cardinal Pell’s pedophile trials in secret? And Muslim grooming gangs counting on the protection of the British government. Disgusting.

The Drudge Report is another news aggregator I use, but it’s more broadminded. At the bottom of that page you’ll see several rows of links to news sources from all other the world. Name your poison--French, Russian, British propaganda. But if you can’t navigate the little minefield at WRH, then I wouldn’t recommend venturing onto Drudge’s battlefield. The link to Infowars alone might cause you to blow a head gasket.

The mainstream media is currently in a panic because alternative media has been picking at the threads of the elites' sexual perversity. Economics news doesn’t really interest people, unemployment, blah...but a sex scandal? BINGO. People can’t get enough of the pee pee stories. They’re grand entertainment, until it comes to the stories about children. Those make you real sober real fast. And that type of story is being reported more and more now.

Dollars and gold aren’t the world’s reserve currencies, children are. They’re snatched up and moved around by people who already own everything else. From reading stories posted at WRH I’ve learned quite a bit about the inner workings of the world’s pedophile sex slave system. The Clintons' work in Haiti, Bill Clinton on the Lolita express, constant pedophile charges against the Catholic hierarchy, Israel/Hollywood/Russia’s steady vomiting forth of pornography, Muslim grooming gangs in Britain. That grooming gang mentality is being pushed on the U.S. now, but fortunately middle America's values haven’t been THAT badly eroded, not yet. We will still fight to protect children from being raped, no matter how many times Hillary Clinton denounces middle America as being ignorant and backwards. She murdered Khadaffi so that African Muslims could pour through Libya to flood Europe, and she envisions the same kind of invasion for America. But she and her leftist supporters want to "groom" our children first. America is so, so fortunate that that wad of phlegm wasn't able to cheat her way into the white house.

President Trump’s Vigorous Fight Against Online Sex Trafficking Is A Very Good Start
http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/16/trump ... afficking/
"Last week, President Donald Trump signed the most comprehensive online anti-sex trafficking and child pornography legislation to date.... The new bill goes into effect immediately and bars website advertisers from selling sex services of children and adults under their classified ads space."

Here are a couple of stories I came across yesterday. They’re standard stories about how Hollywood is using its cinematic skills to acclimate us to pedophilia.

STX Beats Lawsuit Over ‘Happytime Murders’ Trailer With ‘Ejaculating Puppets’
thewrap.com/stx-beats-lawsuit-over-happ ... g-puppets/
(In this case, it was ruled that the movie violated Sesame Street's copyrights).

VICTORY: ‘Show Dogs’ pulled from theaters after parents complain it grooms kids for sex abuse
lifesitenews.com/news/victory-show-dogs ... grooms-kid
(In this movie, about show dogs being groped as part of their competition inspection..."Max is advised by another dog, a former champion, to travel in his mind to a “zen place” when his genitals are fondled. When the uncomfortable inspection occurs, Max does indeed go to his “zen place”, where he enjoys a happy mystical vision.")

Is that 2000 words yet? Less than a thousand I’d say, but I’ve made my points. Though I failed to mention that WRH was founded by pro-Obama people who then realized that Obama is a construct of lies. WRH is kind of anomalous in the way that it abandoned its Leftist partisanship, because Leftists tend to have a problem with intellectual honesty. I think that comes from playing politics with other people’s chips. Leftists don’t support economic systems that produce, they support systems that take from the productive. And any system like that is doomed to fail. It kills individual incentive and production falls, so the piles of chips on the table grow smaller. In the end nobody wins, except maybe the psycho who screams that he’s been cheated and kills the other players. Leftists are that psycho.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Obama and Hillary Clinton can still be impeached for crimes they committed as President and Secretary of State. That’s a very real possibility now, since the Inspector General released his report on June 14. The report says that Obama knew about Clinton’s private email server, and he used it.


zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-15/ig-report ... ail-server

30-second video of Obama on 60 Minutes, couple of years ago, denying knowledge of Clinton’s private email server:


While Obama’s lie itself is just some of his usual Muslim taquiyya and probably not prosecutable, the fact that he used the server while president IS prosecutable, maybe even treasonous. As one commentator pointed out: “A paragraph [in Comey’s statement] summarizing the factors that led the FBI to assess that it was possible that hostile actors accessed Clinton’s server was added, and at one point referenced Clinton’s use of her private email for an exchange with then President Obama while in the territory of a foreign adversary,” the IG report says. “This reference later was changed to ‘another senior government official,’ and ultimately was omitted.”

thefederalist.com/2018/06/14/ig-report- ... il-scheme/

Once the Trump/Russia nonsense is put to bed, should we move on to the REAL crimes committed by the Obama white house? In addition to (possibly) passing national secrets to hostiles via an unsecured email system, Obama (allegedly, at this point) planted spies in the Trump campaign. Those spies tried to entrap Trump operatives, to trick them into committing crimes. None of this was ever supposed to come out, of course, because Hillary Clinton was slated to become president. But now a pretty good picture of the Obama/Clinton crimes is emerging. Obama’s stay-behind team of spooks isn’t doing a very good job on the rear guard. So should Obama and Hillary be impeached? Should they be tried for treason and executed if found guilty?

Below is a link to the most exhaustive timeline I’ve been able to find on the Clinton/Obama/Intelligence Agency crimes:

docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cialWWJ ... =125747095

Stories from just the past couple of days:

Bombshells Everywhere During Horowitz Day 2 Testimony
zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-19/bombshell ... -testimony

McCabe Refuses to Testify at Senate Judiciary Hearing – Invokes 5th Amendment Rights
thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/mccabe-ref ... nt-rights/
He offered to testify if granted immunity for his crimes, but the offer was declined. He was supposed to be the patsy in the Obama/Clinton election-rigging crime(s). He's in big, big trouble.

Why is the Democrats' bizarre IT scandal being ignored?
foxnews.com/opinion/2018/06/19/why-is-d ... nored.html
Debbie Wasserman is in big, big trouble.

Top Clinton Campaign Operative and AG Lynch Caught Exchanging “Highly Classified Material” During Election
http://12160.info/forum/topics/huge-top ... -exchangin
Loretta Lynch is in big, big trouble.

Mueller’s Bumbling and Hysterical Special Counsel Team Is Getting Pummeled in Court
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/0 ... l-of-this/
I especially like this story. The Mueller investigation needed something to give to the press a while back, so they made these phony charges. One of the companies listed in the charges didn’t even exist at the time of the alleged crimes.

Hopefully congress will subpoena some FBI agents soon. They're really upset with their bosses, and they HAVE to testify if called by congress. Two or three knowledgeable witnesses, under oath, could bring down the Clinton/Obama crime organization.

And while I'm thinking of it, Trump just destroyed the Democrats’ sole issue for the upcoming election. Of course, they can only run racist campaigns, and this time around the focus was supposed to be on Latino kids. Telemundo was helping to set the stage with pictures like the one below, on the left. That’s supposed to be one of the kids that Trump locked in a cage:


But now Trump has signed an Executive Order that says children should not be separated from their parents at the border. The order is unenforceable and will be overturned by the first court to consider it, but it absolutely steals the Democrats’ thunder. And Trump rightfully placed the burden on congress to change the laws that Obama enforced. I remember when 10,000 kids disappeared from the border in one month under Obama. It was conservatives who screamed about it, not the “progressives.”

And speaking of progressives (I put a screenshot of Peter Fonda's tweet here, but it's pretty foul. So I removed the image and placed a link to it. Warning...it contains "progressive" language:

cdn01.dailycaller.com/wp-content/upload ... .50-AM.png

It should be pretty obvious to all by now why populist movements around the world are attempting to sweep the old power establishment aside. People like Fonda, and the mindset that he represents...you just get tired.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KS wrote:Where to begin? Let me jump over to WhatReallyHappened.com and see what they’re reporting...

Okay, scrolling down, here are some headlines that I might go back and read:

NEW YORK TIMES CORRECTS Fake News After Trump Calls Them Out
I've rarely seen more fake news in one place than on this website. Is it intentionally satirical like the onion, or is the guy serious? The Gallery of Fake Dead Bin Ladens! 911 is a fraud, climate change is a conspiracy, Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, etc. The place is a cornucopia of fake news.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Thanks for reminding me to check into WRH tonight:

YUGE! Former IG - They Knew Hillary Was Using Private Server - “This was all planned in advance”

The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal emails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency email address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says.

“This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a state.gov email address like previous secretaries.

“That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private email server until later,” Krongard said in an exclusive interview. “How else was she supposed to do business without email?”

He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5½-year vacancy was unprecedented.

“This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,” he said. “It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.”


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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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I think I’ll leave those links for you to read. But let’s see what’s going on at WhatReallyHappened.com...

Japan Suspends Missile Evacuation Drills
“While the American media is still uncomfortable proclaiming that President Trump achieved anything in Singapore, it appears the Japanese are willing to believe it made a difference. ... As Frank Sellers reports at The Duran, in solidarity with the peace making process, the Japanese are willing to suspend certain missile evacuation drills...”
Must be fake news, since WRH reported it.

New York Times: Spike the food supply with sterilization chemicals to cause global infertility and depopulation
“A November 4, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled “A Sterility Drug in Food is Hinted” came with the byline, “Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.”
Leftist NYT, always arguing in favor of killing people. Kill, kill, kill. Subscribers to the NYT are members of a death cult.

Stunning CBS Poll! Build the Wall, Deport or Detain Illegal Entrants
“The CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker Poll conducted by YouGov June 21-22 during the midst of the controversy over migrant families and unaccompanied children flooding the southern border shows a shift toward President Trump’s views. In March, the CBS poll showed 60 percent opposed a wall....”
Ouch. Doesn’t get more Deep State propaganda arm than CBS. Leftists just can’t catch a break.

“Just in the last few days, the liberal outrages have been hard to keep up with: hounding the Secretary of Homeland Security out of a restaurant, then “demonstrating” on her lawn with chants and blaring audio of crying children; denying the White House Press Secretary and her family dinner at a Virginia restaurant; trying to get Hall of Fame basketball player Kevin McHale fired from his job as an NBA announcer because he attended a speech by the President of the United States; falsely accusing an ICE agent who is a double amputee as a result of an IED explosion in Afghanistan of being a neo-Nazi; confronting the Attorney General of Florida as she left a movie theater. And that is only a partial list, covering only the last few days....”

I have a question for you leftists. Is it time to round up Trump supporters? Seriously. Like with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She was run out of a restaurant, and then the owner of the place followed Sanders and her family to the restaurant across the street in order to continue the harassment. And the Democratic Party’s leading spokesperson, Maxine Waters, says that ALL Trump people should be harassed like that ALL the time.

New Default Leader of the Democratic Party

Here’s a one-minute video of Mad Maxine advocating the Brownshirt treatment for people who oppose her (and God, because God's on HER side, she says).


So, is it time to round up the Trump people? Failing that, should they be made to wear swastikas, since leftists say you’re a Nazi if you’re not a leftist. But swastikas are a symbol of hate, and the Dems are all about love, right? So maybe just make Republicans wear a yellow star or something. Maxine says you should “push on” Trump supporters, and if you’re going to “push” (wink, wink), you need a target for your baseball bat.

Trump recently stole the Democrats’ election theme (he eats migrant babies for breakfast) by issuing his executive order that keeps families together. But the Dem Machine had all of that Grade-A hate in the pipeline, so now it’s spewing out like... What was that toy called? Let me look...


It was The Water Wiggle. That’s what the Democrats’ hate reminds me of at the moment. By the mid-term elections everybody will be soaked to the bone and sick of the “fun.” Lemme post another pic of the Democratic Look of Love:

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote: Like with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She was run out of a restaurant, and then the owner of the place followed Sanders and her family to the restaurant across the street in order to continue the harassment.
Don't know about all that, but it kinda ironic to have Trump supporters pleading for civility. I mean, why did we elect this guy, the most divisive major party nominee since at least William Jennings Bryan, if we care about civil treatment?

Me, I'm against all harassment, intentional disrespect, and confrontation for the sport of it. I am so ashamed of my country right now, I don't bother to draw a distinction between Maxine Waters' incivility and "Second Amendment People" incivility (remember that one, when Trump called for shooting at the opposition?) But I do know who started it.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Trump is pushing us into 1984. He keeps claiming the media is the enemy of the people, and people believe him. Then they turn around and soak up the drivel from truly fake news sites such as WhatReallyHappened.com and the echoes grow.

This feels like a mix between a King and a Heinlein novel, how things are twisted and corrupted and massive portions of the population go along with it. How do you stop the misinformation and conspiracy theorizing? These people are gifted with absolute certainty!
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Interbane wrote:Trump is pushing us into 1984. He keeps claiming the media is the enemy of the people, and people believe him. Then they turn around and soak up the drivel from truly fake news sites such as WhatReallyHappened.com and the echoes grow.
1984 or even further back. Author David Brin wrote a piece a few years back which postulates that we are in Stage 8 (approximately) of the Civil War. This assessment seems pretty accurate to me, and it was written in 2014.
Phase 8 - …the Nixonian, southern-strategy “flip" leads ultimately to today's full scale New Confederacy effort to finally destroy the United States of America.

Not by force of arms, but by ending the effectiveness of politics as a pragmatic, open-minded process by which undogmatic citizens negotiate a mix of experiments and find out what works -- the methodology behind all of our successes. Replacing all of that with dogma more intense than communism ever was.

Pragmatism and science and re-evaluation are now portrayed to half our neighbors as enemies. A conviction of moral superiority that cannot be shaken by facts.
http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2014/09/p ... l-war.html

Some conservatives still try to describe the Republican Party as the "Party of Lincoln", but this is sheer nonsense. If chattel slavery were somehow still legal today, which party do you think would be at the forefront of abolishment? Democrats or the party that is increasingly aligned with white supremacy? As Brin says, the parties have flip-flopped, and since Trump was elected, the Republican Party has become the party that wants to destroy all democratic institutions. The party that is opposed to science and reason.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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geo wrote:Some conservatives still try to describe the Republican Party as the "Party of Lincoln", but this is sheer nonsense. If chattel slavery were somehow still legal today, which party do you think would be at the forefront of abolishment? Democrats or the party that is increasingly aligned with white supremacy?

This is accurate, but there is more going on than meets the eye. The Republican party was formed mainly from the Whigs, who were followers of the pro-infrastructure Whigs of Britain. Generally fans of economic development, the (Hamiltonian) Whigs tended to back canal and turnpike policies, and to cultivate careful economic policy such as a Central Bank. The (Jeffersonian) Democrats tended to see all concentrations of economic power as hostile to the common man, including central banks and government-sponsored transport.

Lincoln originally argued against slavery because it held back working people from education and thus from development. (Whatever his feelings on the morality, he took a pragmatist's approach to opposing slavery and its spread.) As the party of economic development (the Civil War Republican-dominated Congress created the Homestead Act and the institution of "Land Grant" state universities, among its many titanic institutional innovations) the Republicans were naturally associated with the big business boom in the 1870s and 1880s. When big business got out of hand, and the muckrakers showed what secretive and abusive practices by Wall Street titans had led to, Teddy Roosevelt and W. H. Taft brought progressive reforms, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson continued them.

In general, Democrats were in the wilderness from WWI to the Great Depression, so FDR was able to lead them to take up a progressive mantle. (Al Smith and the opposition to Prohibition set the tone for this, but it was ambiguous with gangsters on the side of liquor.) Yet Republicans still had an association with "sound money" and other pro-business politics, and so the Democrats were as populist in 1932 as some others we could name.

It was the natural extension of New Deal programs to racial civil rights that determined the trajectories the parties are on today. The Democrats took a decision to use government programs to correct injustice, and so the Republicans who had once promoted government action for economic development became the anti-government party. Since their rhetoric and direction became the creatures of billionaires, they became an alliance of small government economic conservatives (Milton Friedman disciples, essentially) with entrenched social conservatives who did not agree with all this "correction of injustice" for a variety of reasons. (That isn't so different from Brin's take, but tracing the roots illuminates reasons why the flip-flop took the form and timing that it did).

Up until the time of Bill Clinton, the Democrats were strong for unions and resisted free trade, while the Republicans saw it as an extension of the magic of free markets with the side benefit of reducing union power. The current Republican quandary arises because the pro-business policy of free trade ran crashing into the populist resistance to elite policy views, thanks to the Chinese export surge.

The only thing the Republican "party" has been able to get together on so far is a big cut (which will explode the deficit) in taxes for corporations and the rich. It is unlikely they will be able to agree on much more. The alliance cannot handle either Medicare and Social Security or Trump's exploitative but incoherent, even chaotic, approach to trade.
geo wrote:the Republican Party has become the party that wants to destroy all democratic institutions. The party that is opposed to science and reason.
It would be a mistake to assume the Republicans will continue to back Trumpism after Trump leaves the scene. But its problem will continue to be reason. It was getting harder and harder to find a Republican who could hold together the coalition. Nobody in the race except Trump could appeal to the anti-reason, anti-education forces within the party, which have been more and more empowered by its pandering to special interests (although the equally Macchiavellian Ted Cruz made a good showing, being the last non-simian standing). A candidate who insists on only taking positions he or she really believes in will, like Romney, not be able to ride the anti-liberal, anti-government hostility that drives the Trump wing.
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