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End Times

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Re: End Times

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Harry Marks wrote:
Under_Taker wrote:You ask for more end time predictions? Well there is no shortage of them:

Brief History of the Apocalypse

http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/09/22/b ... edictions/


There are many, many more out there.
So, one might say these prophetic predictions are dead even though they are technically still alive. Wow! Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Zombie Apocalypse."
You could say that but they are mostly cash cows now a days...Zombie Apocalypse is a Hollywood invention and not likely going to happen in real life.....Most of these things are rooted in religious belief as for example Mr David Meade but he's not the only one....there are many more examples out there.....Best thing people can do when they see this stuff is ignore it because the accuracy rate is about a big fat zero! Then you get the religious fanatics who claim otherwise....
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Harry Marks
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Re: End Times

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Thanks for that clarification. And here was me thinking Zombies are a real thing. It's okay, when the world ends at 6 tomorrow, none of the zombies will come with us anyway.
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Re: End Times

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The lunar eclipse on July 29 is generating hysteria in at least one lunatic! Check out this 90 second video. Until Christians hold these jack wagons accountable and shun or punish them, this stupidity will continue...

https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/98 ... -the-world
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Harry Marks
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Re: End Times

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LanDroid wrote: Until Christians hold these jack wagons accountable and shun or punish them, this stupidity will continue...
They get plenty of shunning, but don't seem to notice. Since we are not going to burn them at the stake, I fear we will have to live with stupidity on the internet. Who would have thought it possible?
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Re: End Times

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Hoping some here may find interest in this material that I just pulled together on the ideas of American atheist writer Frank Zindler on how Christianity originated as an interpretation of zodiac ages, it seems to me that this scientific framework is essential to explain the psychological mistake of fundamentalist theories of end times, which derive their original meaning from the cosmic observation of the current precession of the equinox from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

Zindler discusses the precession hypothesis extensively in the book Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth. In Chapter Four, Cognitive Dissonance: The Ehrman-Zindler Correspondence, Zindler writes that his “precession theory” is that “Christianity was the response to precession from Aries into Pisces.”

Arguing that “practically everything in early Christianity was redolent of the smell of astrology”, Zindler asks if Christianity began as an esoteric mystery cult with exoteric propaganda, with the crucifixion an astral phenomenon, the chi-rho cross related to Plato’s Timaeus, and the two fishes and five loaves of the feeding of the multitude an allusion to the two fish of Pisces and the five visible planets.

Zindler argues that the evolution from Christ to Jesus began as an astral mystery cult in response to the movement of the vernal equinox out of Aries into Pisces, as supported by early Christian iconography. Seeing the symbols of Christianity as representing the intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic, Zindler suggests the Christian New Age was the precessional Great Year, the zodiacal age of Pisces, and mentions that he published his precession theory of Christian origins in the journal American Atheist in the form of a popular article entitled ‘How Jesus Got A Life.” Modelling ancient observation with astronomy software Voyager, Zindler says he sought to get a feel for what it would have been like for a Mediterranean observer to witness the movement of the vernal equinox into Pisces (5363).

Next in Chapter Sixteen, Bart Ehrmann and the Crucified Messiah, Frank Zindler observes that the chi rho cross was used for the time god Chronos by Aristotle, and this combines with the evidence supporting the notion that Christianity began as New Age cults observing the passage of the vernal equinox from Aries into Pisces. He calls the chi rho the ‘severed umbilical cord’ from the birth of Christianity from an astral mystery cult watching the precession.

Citing Virgil’s song of the new age in his Fourth Eclogue, Zindler describes the timing of the New Age of the New Testament as “a perfect fit for the passage of the vernal equinox into Pisces.” He says “just as Mithras had been the God of the Age of Aries, Christ would have been the God (‘chronocrat’) of the New Age of Pisces… the New Age cult of the Caesars was based on the same astronomical phenomenon.” He says the quoting of Aratus by the author of Acts is evidence of knowledge of precession, common knowledge to the Stoics of the first century, and evidence of the precession-stimulated origin of Christianity.

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Re: End Times

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Robert Tulip wrote:
Arguing that “practically everything in early Christianity was redolent of the smell of astrology”, Zindler asks if Christianity began as an esoteric mystery cult with exoteric propaganda, with the crucifixion an astral phenomenon, the chi-rho cross related to Plato’s Timaeus, and the two fishes and five loaves of the feeding of the multitude an allusion to the two fish of Pisces and the five visible planets.
Interesting. I've never thought of it that way. I do remember singing Age of Aquarius on the bus to CYO Camp.

When I think about the origins of Christianity I think about the names of the days of the week. Not a whole lot of Christianity to be found there.

For Christmas we bring a tree into our homes, decorate it with pretty lights and shiny things, then place gifts under it. Why? Because spruced up conifers have everything to do with the birth of Jesus and nothing to do with Celtic tree worship.

The astrology theories make sense. Perhaps I never thought of that because the word "astrology" makes me a bit queasy. That comes from reading a lot of Heinlein who missed no opportunity to mock astrology.
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Re: End Times

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Robert Tulip wrote:The traditional fundamentalist theories of "the end of the world" involve a basic error. The term mistranslated "world" in the Bible is "Aeon", which actually means "Age". Aeon is best understood to mean Zodiac Age, in line with the pervasive concealed use of this vision of time in the Bible. Pervasive hostility towards astrology has forced suppression of this basic fact, and allowed the crazy idea to get traction that the world will end. It will not. The coherent meaning of this eschatological idea of the End of the Age is that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, understood as a time of transformation and repair, not collapse. It is possible to analyse this Zodiac Age concept scientifically against pure astronomy, leaving out all speculative interpretation. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles illustrate the major impact of zodiac ages, producing 'seasons' analogous to the seasons of the year, and to the diurnal pattern of night and dark. Christian eschatology fits perfectly within this scientific framework, but the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, connecting religion and astronomy, has meant that it has not been thoroughly explained as yet. That is what I plan to do.
Great post...! Unfortunately many get their understanding of the term "end times" via TV and other secular interactions. They take no time for critical thinking and inner reflection in order to comprehend what those words really mean. You explained it well. I wrote a book "Are The Planets Just For Decoration?" that touches on astrological topics. Each astrological sign has two chapters. I touch on the basics of each sign in the first chapter and its spiritual purpose (or lesson) in the second chapter. As the 12 signs are the 12 life cycles each soul experiences through their numerous incarnations on the road to self-realization. Anyway, if you are interested in my book you can find it here...http://www.prosperityjoy.faith I'm currently having a free give away as well.
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Re: End Times

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Are The Planets Just For Decoration?

The fact that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies filled with hundreds of billions of stars makes me think the planets circling those stars aren't actually "for" anything and just are. I'm sure to you a supernatural deity created the universe and put all those heavenly bodies there for a purpose. To me this would be a tremendous waste of time, space and matter. To think a god created planets 5 Billion light years away is just insane.
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Re: End Times

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Chris OConnor wrote:Are The Planets Just For Decoration?

The fact that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies filled with hundreds of billions of stars makes me think the planets circling those stars aren't actually "for" anything and just are. I'm sure to you a supernatural deity created the universe and put all those heavenly bodies there for a purpose. To me this would be a tremendous waste of time, space and matter. To think a god created planets 5 Billion light years away is just insane.
Your conscious isn't ready to accept the higher levels of truth of our existence which can never be discovered via the five senses. There's nothing wrong with that. Perhaps one day you will "awaken" and perhaps not. It's on you. Take care...!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I am having a giveaway for my book "Are The Planets Just For Decoration?" on my site http://www.ProsperityJoy.Faith It might answer some of your questions. :)
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All those hundreds of millions of planets circling other stars exist for the purpose of selling the book. That's easy.
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