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End Times

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Re: End Times

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PJPross wrote:This is why I wrote "you don't understand and you're not ready." And that's fine. It's not about meeting "my" criteria. It's not about "my" judgement. "Truth" is not about personal conjectures (it's not subjective). When I mention "truth" you are thinking from a worldly perspective which has NOTHING to do with "truth." The world is NOT what it appears to be. Self-realized, enlightened truth is discovered intuitively and surpasses the five-senses. You can't "reason" your way to truth. You haven't discovered it. It has NOTHING to do with superstition, absurdity, or illogicality. In fact, "spiritual-truth/self-realization" is very scientific. However, instead of being a "material scientist" one becomes a "spiritual scientist." There's no emotional dogma or irrationality. "Truths" are proven to oneself. I'm not going to go back-and-forth with you about something you have absolutely no understanding of when there are those who do comprehend and would benefit more. They are the ones who need my time more. It's much like a classroom. Those who disrupt the class are not there for learning. It's best to put them out-of-the-class so that the teacher can dedicate their time to those who are "awake" and want to learn. When the "student" decides they are "ready to learn" they are welcomed back in the classroom. A student doesn't come to class to teach the teacher and you are not conceiving my words. That's OK...It's not a problem for me but I have no more time for your post. They're irrelevant for my purpose. I won't be replying again. Good Bye
Those are a whole lot of words to say you can't prove any of your points. You can couch it as you being enlightened and me being asleep in the third grade but anything that can't be judged logicially, or mathematically, or physically can't be proven.

You have proved something purely subjective to yourself — and a bunch of other "awake' people may agree with you, but it means about the same as those people who convinced themselves Trump was telling the truth when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. Anyone with even a basic grasp of Mexico's economy knows Mexico couldn't pay for the wall simply because they don't have the money. But once you rule out logic and math as you have, you can believe Mexico will pay, or anything else you like, because you are now hanging out with Alice and the Red Queen:
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

And every good teacher will tell you they learn quite a bit from their students. The students may not go in thinking they'll teach the teacher but it happens every day in every school nonetheless.

We are losing it. There are bright neon signs advertising psychic palm and Tarot card readers in every town I drive through. Newspapers print horoscopes everyday. People don't believe in climate change or evolution but do believe the Bible is the literal word of God with a capitol "G." We are wrecking the environment to the point we have no real concept of the planet our grandchildren will inherit — then we elect lawmakers who have repealed a score or more environmental protection statutes and a President who wants to prop up the coal industry.

Enough. The best thing the surviving students from Parkland did was call BS. It was a child who said the emperor was nekked and kids may only have themselves to rely on if they want a future. Any future. The time is past to start calling bullshit when you see bullshit and I see bullshit from sea to shining sea.
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Re: End Times

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Litwitlou wrote:
PJPross wrote:This is why I wrote "you don't understand and you're not ready." And that's fine. It's not about meeting "my" criteria. It's not about "my" judgement. "Truth" is not about personal conjectures (it's not subjective). When I mention "truth" you are thinking from a worldly perspective which has NOTHING to do with "truth." The world is NOT what it appears to be. Self-realized, enlightened truth is discovered intuitively and surpasses the five-senses. You can't "reason" your way to truth. You haven't discovered it. It has NOTHING to do with superstition, absurdity, or illogicality. In fact, "spiritual-truth/self-realization" is very scientific. However, instead of being a "material scientist" one becomes a "spiritual scientist." There's no emotional dogma or irrationality. "Truths" are proven to oneself. I'm not going to go back-and-forth with you about something you have absolutely no understanding of when there are those who do comprehend and would benefit more. They are the ones who need my time more. It's much like a classroom. Those who disrupt the class are not there for learning. It's best to put them out-of-the-class so that the teacher can dedicate their time to those who are "awake" and want to learn. When the "student" decides they are "ready to learn" they are welcomed back in the classroom. A student doesn't come to class to teach the teacher and you are not conceiving my words. That's OK...It's not a problem for me but I have no more time for your post. They're irrelevant for my purpose. I won't be replying again. Good Bye
Those are a whole lot of words to say you can't prove any of your points. You can couch it as you being enlightened and me being asleep in the third grade but anything that can't be judged logicially, or mathematically, or physically can't be proven.

You have proved something purely subjective to yourself — and a bunch of other "awake' people may agree with you, but it means about the same as those people who convinced themselves Trump was telling the truth when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. Anyone with even a basic grasp of Mexico's economy knows Mexico couldn't pay for the wall simply because they don't have the money. But once you rule out logic and math as you have, you can believe Mexico will pay, or anything else you like, because you are now hanging out with Alice and the Red Queen:
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

And every good teacher will tell you they learn quite a bit from their students. The students may not go in thinking they'll teach the teacher but it happens every day in every school nonetheless.

We are losing it. There are bright neon signs advertising psychic palm and Tarot card readers in every town I drive through. Newspapers print horoscopes everyday. People don't believe in climate change or evolution but do believe the Bible is the literal word of God with a capitol "G." We are wrecking the environment to the point we have no real concept of the planet our grandchildren will inherit — then we elect lawmakers who have repealed a score or more environmental protection statutes and a President who wants to prop up the coal industry.

Enough. The best thing the surviving students from Parkland did was call BS. It was a child who said the emperor was nekked and kids may only have themselves to rely on if they want a future. Any future. The time is past to start calling bullshit when you see bullshit and I see bullshit from sea to shining sea.
You are so TOTALLY and COMPLETELY waaaay off from what I'm communicating I just had to respond as I genuinely felt sorry for you. Don't try to impress me, it's not necessary and totally ineffective. I mean you are completely OFF!!! But that's OK it's to be expected. You have every right to be "delusional" but I'm not going to join you! Not everyone has the strength nor insight to comprehend "truth" or obtain "self-realization." Nonetheless, I admire those who do and there are many great ones that I continue to learn from as well. I recognize honor, truth, and one who is on the path to or who have obtained "self-realization." These are the people I admire. Keep in mind, spiritually aware individuals keep up with world affairs too! We're not dimwits who don't take care of our "earthly" responsibilities like paying bills! LOL If you're trying to astound me, sorry, but you've failed. I don't mean that in a harsh way but there's no need for you to continue to respond to me as my words are not benefiting you and I care not for what you think. "Self-realization" is an "inner journey" that many would rather not travel (it's the most difficult but most rewarding path one can take) and the only true path to "freedom" from earth's "illusion." The more intelligent one becomes the better one understands this principle. The greatest minds i.e. Einstein (as someone else mentioned on this thread understood this). However, unfortunately I have to give you the same response I gave to the other poster "I have no more time for your post. They are irrelevant for my purpose. In fact, I won't respond to anymore nonsensical post written purely for entertainment purposes rather than a sincere desire to "truly discern." . Good Bye and Good Luck...!
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Re: End Times

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ant wrote:We all know you admire secular saints like Buffet, Gates, and Carrier. And I'm willing to bet you're pretty darn good at balancing your checkbook.

But, still..., I'll gladly appeal to an intellectual authority like Einstein in this case.
You're right here ant, and knowledge can often lead to depression. Ignorance can be bliss, as long as you have a modicum of wisdom to go with it. Wisdom for living life and knowing how the universe works are different things. You can have one and not the other. Some rare people have both.

When I see words like "Truth" thrown around in quotes and capital letters, I'm attacking the knowledge aspect of the claim. I think PJPross has a working philosophy of self-knowledge and wisdom, and it's bleeding over the borders by poor word choices. Or perhaps it's intentional, in that he believes inner knowledge somehow dictates how the universe outside oneself works. I call shenanigans on that.
Yeah, but, you know, it's the deepest truths we arrive at by intuition that intellects like Einstein (in quotes below) spoke about.
The where did Einstein say the deepest truths are arrived at by intuition?

But still, intuition can lead to truths. But only a fool stops there, rather than taking his intuition and testing it against reality. Intuition is the creative force that leads us to create hypotheses. But those hypotheses are NOT "Truth that proves itself". They still must be tested.

I'm a fan of the sort of intuitive thin-slicing(Malcolm Gladwell) that is not followed by testing. Split-second decision making in military or business situations that allow for no time to analyze in depth. That's all intuition, and it's great, but even then I don't think that's what PJPross is getting at.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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Re: End Times

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Interbane wrote:
ant wrote:When I see words like "Truth" thrown around in quotes and capital letters, I'm attacking the knowledge aspect of the claim. I think PJPross has a working philosophy of self-knowledge and wisdom, and it's bleeding over the borders by poor word choices. Or perhaps it's intentional, in that he believes inner knowledge somehow dictates how the universe outside oneself works. I call shenanigans on that. .
LOL...Excuse me but I don't need you to explain "me." I know EXACTLY what I mean when I use the word "TRUTH"... YOU DON'T...! It's like giving someone a recipe for apple pie and they try to claim you don't need apples to make apple pie you can use cucumbers! It's totally ludicrous. That's the effect of your statement concerning my words. However, you have every right to your opinion that's for sure. Let's leave it at that and call it a day my friend....Good Bye

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Re: End Times

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PJPross wrote:I won't be replying again. Good Bye
PJPross wrote:You are so TOTALLY and COMPLETELY waaaay off from what I'm communicating I just had to respond as I genuinely felt sorry for you. Don't try to impress me, it's not necessary and totally ineffective. I mean you are completely OFF!!! But that's OK it's to be expected. You have every right to be "delusional" but I'm not going to join you! Not everyone has the strength nor insight to comprehend "truth" or obtain "self-realization." Nonetheless, I admire those who do and there are many great ones that I continue to learn from as well. I recognize honor, truth, and one who is on the path to or who have obtained "self-realization." These are the people I admire. Keep in mind, spiritually aware individuals keep up with world affairs too! We're not dimwits who don't take care of our "earthly" responsibilities like paying bills! LOL If you're trying to astound me, sorry, but you've failed. I don't mean that in a harsh way but there's no need for you to continue to respond to me as my words are not benefiting you and I care not for what you think. "Self-realization" is an "inner journey" that many would rather not travel (it's the most difficult but most rewarding path one can take) and the only true path to "freedom" from earth's "illusion." The more intelligent one becomes the better one understands this principle. The greatest minds i.e. Einstein (as someone else mentioned on this thread understood this). However, unfortunately I have to give you the same response I gave to the other poster "I have no more time for your post. They are irrelevant for my purpose. In fact, I won't respond to anymore nonsensical post written purely for entertainment purposes rather than a sincere desire to "truly discern." . Good Bye and Good Luck...!
My God, you're wordy. The bold and the caps and the triple punctuation marks make me think you're very young. The ad hominem attacks don't help your case either.

"I won't be replying again" I'm communicating" "I just had to respond" "I genuinely felt sorry for you" "Don't try to impress me" "I'm not going to join you!" "I admire those" "I continue to learn" "If you're trying to astound me" "I have to give you the same response I gave to the other poster" "I have no more time" "I won't respond to anymore nonsensical post"

Everything's still all about you. LOL. You have to be fresh out of high school. Always remember, Grasshopper, “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.” ― Lao Tzu
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Re: End Times

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PJPross wrote:LOL...Excuse me but I don't need you to explain "me." I know EXACTLY what I mean when I use the word "TRUTH"... YOU DON'T...!
I believe you completely here. When you use the word "TRUTH", you know exactly what you mean. It appears your definition of "truth" is "my opinion I believe with certainty". You aren't stating anything true about the outside world, only your inner self. That's fine, and I respect that. But your "truth" doesn't overrule what we know of how the universe works. Your enlightenment is not greater than the greatest minds of the last 4 centuries in figuring out how the world works.

If you pose your ideas as self-help, that's great and I wish you luck. But posing them as an all-encompassing understanding of the universe is uneducated nonsense and the pinnacle of arrogance.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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Re: End Times

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Interbane wrote:

Intuition is the creative force that leads us to create hypotheses.
Creative force? You've been watching too many Star Wars movies.

On a more serious note, what is the source of intuition, in your opinion?Or, what exactly is it? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

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It's unconscious reasoning, as opposed to conscious reasoning. I like Daniel Dennet's phrase the most, and it's how I've come to think of the deeper workings of the mind. He calls it the "hidden layer". Not anything superstitious or spooky. It's just that so much happens in our brains that happens without us realizing it(unconsciously). Our passive introspection isn't all-encompassing. We don't have a god's eye view of what happens in our brains. We make connections all the time without realizing it, both awake and while dreaming. We can sit on a problem for a week or so, and all at once the answer pops into our heads. Or it can be immediate. I remember being asked a super difficult math question in the Air Force, and the answer popped into my head without the need for conscious thought. I'm not that great at math, and that only happened once. The processing still happened, but I wasn't aware of it.

There's some interesting reading that translates over to the hidden layer of the mind in ANN's - artificial neural networks. Although artificial, they achieve similar results in connecting concepts as the human brain does. Nowhere near to the same extent, of course, and the methods are mathematical rather than our neural heuristics. This book is on my shelf waiting to be read:

https://www.amazon.com/Make-Your-Neural ... bs_3896_16
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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That looks like a great book.
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Re: End Times

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PJPross wrote:
Harry Marks wrote:All those hundreds of millions of planets circling other stars exist for the purpose of selling the book. That's easy.
:excuseme: My book isn't written on a secular level and is ONLY for those who are truly searching for answers in earnest. I'd rather individuals NOT to purchase my book if they're not sincere about reading its contents. I prefer those who are genuinely seeking or already knowledgeable and enjoy reading various books on the topic. There are many others like me who "understand." I'm straightforward. There's no chicanery going on here. I'd rather give my books away. Oh, by the way...Happy New Year! and :chillpill:
The only real seekers are Gnostic Christians. In fact, we are perpetual seekers and refuse to idol worship whatever ideal we think we have found.

All Christian and Muslims are idol worshipers, se your list of seekers will be devoid of those.

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