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Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Harry Marks
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Who says you can't make this stuff up?

You have to give credit for originality here. Sometimes fiction is stranger than you could have imagined on LSD.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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We should all write to President Trump and thank him for his continued efforts against the Washington swamp.

Just last week he announced that he would pull US troops out of Syria. Washington is furious. The military-industrial machine needs blood to lube its cogs. Secretary of Defense "Mad Dog" Mattis is going to resign, because of the Syria decision. The media spin machine is trying to make it look like Trump is nuts for not endorsing war. Even Republican senator Lindsay Graham is beside himself. He says the decision will lead to another 9/11. That's a threat, not a prediction.

And speaking of 9/11, it looks as if we finally have a substantive court case moving forward. This wouldn't have happened (DIDN'T happen) under the Bush and Obama regimes:

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation!
youtube.com/watch?v=2V3cfCX1s1Y&fea ... e=youtu.be

And the hysterical left continues to unmask itself while, ironically, continuing to wear masks. Democratic leaders encourage hostile resistance to Trump, so Leftists showed up with a guillotine in Portland, Oregon last month:


12160.info/photo/antifa-brought-guillot ... ntext=user

Antifa and NAMBLA (pedophiles) are merging:



The left is now fully exposing its love of pedophilia. The poor kid in the article below is being sexually abused by men, in full public view. In one of the boy's interviews he talks about the LGBTPQ community. First it was LGB, then "trans" was added, then "queer." Now we're being told that "pedophile" will be added:

An 11-year-old boy known as “Desmond Is Amazing” danced on stage at a New York gay bar while grown men tossed dollar bills at him.
breitbart.com/entertainment/2018/12/19/ ... s-gay-bar/

Sad story, but at least the Left is outing itself as the abusive system it is. Leftists preach diversity but hate those with opposing views. Trump's presidency is showing how Leftists in fact want a fascist monoculture, not diversity. And they HATE your children.

Trump just signed a prison reform bill. It was his project from start to finish. Over the next 10 years, 53,000 low-risk prisoners will be released from the prison system that the Bush family is so heavily invested in. These will be pot smokers and such, currently being used for slave labor.

Trump just signed the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalizes industrial hemp. This is a major step toward legalizing all hemp, which should be legal. True conservatives believe that drugs should be legal. It's your body, wreck it if you want to.

And Trump's Wall...America wants it. And America will support the coming shutdown of the government. Trump had the courage to take responsibility for the shutdown. The video of him talking to Pelosi and Schumer is priceless. Those two old hags couldn't believe their good fortune when Trump said he would accept responsibility for shutting down the government if the border wall isn't funded. They looked giddy, so happy, but they are so clueless. Trump is coarse and heavy-handed, but he is also the most courageous president I've ever seen in real time. I can't think of any other who would have accepted responsibility for shutting down the government:


The Democrats are arguing that a border wall is "wasteful spending." It would cost 5-10 billion to build a patrolable wall. Obama gave Iran 150 billion not to build nuclear weapons. They continued with their programs. A 150 billion dollar gift, but Dems won't spend 5-10 billion to stop a bona fide invasion of America's southern border. America is seeing Democrats for the hypocrites and traitors they are.

Senator Ted Cruz says we should use the money seized from drug lord El Chapo's bank accounts to build the wall. El Chapo has 14 billion on the books. Cruz introduced a bill to do this:

Bill reserves billions in potential assets forfeited as a result of the criminal prosecution of Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Lorea “El Chapo” and other drug lords to pay for border security
cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id ... mp;id=3107


This ties back into the first post in this thread, which talks about Trump's Executive Order regarding the assets of people involved in human rights violations. El Chapo can kiss his cash goodbye--only question now is where should the money go? Use it to build the wall.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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I agree with some of the above KS. I think pulling out of Syria will have consequences, but we have to withdraw sometime. The farm bill sounds good.

I don't agree with a border wall. It's stupid. Spend money on border surveillance and capture technology, not a speed bump.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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While I'm not a fan of Antifa, only a fucking idiot would believe Antifa would waste time forming an alliance with NAMBLA!! But then we have a fucking idiot here who does.

https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/antifa- ... ia-poster/

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Despite his promises I don't see how Trump can make any major waves in the DC Swamp now. Too many swamp creatures and Trump's not skilled at fighting them, or even recognizing them. His new Attorney General nomination, William Barr, is a protégé of George H.W. Bush, the one-time king of the swamp. Barr is also best buddies with William Mueller, Washington's "fixer." Mueller was sent in to cover the Clinton Foundation's ass over the Uranium One deal, and so far he's been successful. He's used the lie of Russiagate to project the Clinton/Obama crimes onto Trump. The only problem is that now he can't shut down the investigation. Once he does, the information he's gathered will no longer be part of an ongoing investigation, and it will be made public. For his part in Russiagate, Obama okayed inserting agents provocateur into the Trump campaign. That was possibly the greatest domestic crime ever committed by a sitting US president. Mueller's tired of the investigation but he can't let go now.

The most surprising new revelation in the past couple of years has been the size of the media swamp creature. The Leftist media has always been nasty, but now it's viscerally partisan, and it doesn't care who knows. Witness how it covered the recent arrest of conservative Roger Stone. The man's charged with 7 counts of lying to the government. Big deal. All of the Clintonistas lied, but where were the SWAT teams raiding their homes? On the day Stone was arrested there were more cops at his Lauderdale home than there were soldiers on the bin Laden raid. And then once Stone came out of the Lauderdale courthouse, hundreds of Leftist reporters shouted him down as he attempted to make his statement. Reporters did that. Leftist reporters were ostensibly there to "cover the story," but they howled at Stone, calling him a Russian spy, even though none of the charges against him relate to Russiagate. It was the job of the reporters to make people THINK that the Mueller investigation is rooting out Russian collaborators. Many editorialists called the Stone incident the darkest day in the history of American journalism.

But on the positive side, populism is spreading worldwide. Hopefully the EU is about to fall apart. Several European nationalists are leading in national campaigns. The French are physically rejecting Macron's Nazi rule, and Brazil is rolling back the communism. Plus, Trump's trade war with China is bearing fruit. China's economy is tanking, and that may destroy the plan to make them the center of world rule.

Clearing out some bookmarks:

Jordan Peterson on Price's Law
This is the BEST video I've looked at lately. Price's Law would explain why there's an unending supply of scum rising to the top of the DC swamp.

Europe 'coming apart before our eyes', say 30 top intellectuals
theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/25/europ ... ellectuals

Brazil's Bolsonaro follows through on gun, 'anti-Marxist' vows
news.yahoo.com/brazils-bolsonaro-follow ... 27024.html

Happy De-Platforming: Truth Is The New 'Hate-Speech'
zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-02/happy-de- ... ate-speech

Bill Clinton says "Make America Great Again." Where's the outrage?
youtube.com/watch?v=voMW-P9bU8I&fea ... e=youtu.be


Google Manipulation shifted 800,000 to 4.6 million votes in 2018 Election
(Google is a Leftist corporation)
investmentwatchblog.com/google-manipula ... -election/

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote: Plus, Trump's trade war with China is bearing fruit. China's economy is tanking, and that may destroy the plan to make them the center of world rule.
Or, China's economic downturn may cause it to begin selling the over $1Trillion it holds in US bonds.
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Harry Marks
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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If China began selling their Trillion, it would drive down the dollar and, perhaps, drive up long-term interest rates in the U.S. A lower dollar is exactly what U.S. manufacturers want, and the Administration is essentially pushing for this as one part of Chinese concessions. So the conclusion is, short dollars (sell ahead of time so that you make money if they fall.)

There is a problem, though. The Fed is now unwinding "Quantitative Easing", meaning they are soaking up all the extra funds they put into the world system during the Great Recession. They do this by selling the bonds on their balance sheet, many of which will be bought by Japanese and European companies and people. This could conceivably swamp the effect of the Chinese sales on the dollar, but amplify the effects on interest rates, leading to a large increase in the next year. They will keep short-term rates down, working in the opposite direction, but the net effect could still be slowing rather than neutral.
Last edited by Harry Marks on Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Harry Marks wrote:If China began selling their Trillion, it would drive down the dollar and, perhaps, drive up long-term interest rates in the U.S. A lower dollar is exactly what U.S. manufacturers want, and the Administration is essentially pushing for this as one part of Chinese concessions. So the conclusion is, short dollars (sell ahead of time so that you make money if they fall.)

There is a problem, though. The Fed is now unwinding "Quantitative Easing", meaning they are soaking up all the extra funds they put into the world system during the Great Recession. They do this by selling the bonds on their balance sheet, many of which will be bought by Japanese and European companies and people. This could conceivably swamp the effect of the Chinese sales on the dollar, but amplify the effects on interest rates, leading to a large increase in the next year. They will keep short-term rates down, working in the opposite direction, but the net effect could still be slowing rather than neutral.
If China began selling our dept in significant amounts, the price of the bonds China holds would drop having a negative impact on China's economy; however, China's stranglehold on the Chinese people, the press, any dissension at all, will allow China to weather the effects of their losses far better than the U.S. will cope with so much debt dropped on the world market in a short time.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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All right! Trump's State of the Union address is tonight. He's going to preach unity, while the Democrats urge viewers to turn off their TVs in protest.

realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/02/05/ ... union.html

Trump's approval rating right now is higher than Obama's was at this point in his presidency. And the Dems are self-destructing. They want "no border, no wall, no USA at all." They want to do away with their own country. How insane is that? The rest of the world busts a hump to get here, while thumb-sucking leftists don't even know how good they have it.

Tonight Trump is supposed to address abortion. It's been in the news a lot lately. Liberal states are moving to make infanticide legal (they want to make allowing a child to die once it's outside the mother part of the mother's "choice"). Virginia and its liberal governor were moving in that direction, but then the governor showed up in blackface in an old yearbook. And THAT got people's attention. Wanting to make infanticide legal barely raises an eyebrow, but OMG, he's in BLACKFACE! He MUST resign.


The most promising trend lately is how the money is drying up for Obama and HR Clinton. Fewer donations = less money going through them to leftist/globalist propaganda "news" sites like Buzzfeed. And that means layoffs. When Obama wrecked America's coal industry, the "reporters" at Buzzfeed told laid off miners to "learn how to code." Now the reporters at Buzzfeed are receiving the same advice, and they're calling it hateful. lol:

theringer.com/tech/2019/1/29/18201695/l ... ournalists

Obama and Clinton are being phased out as the faces of the Democratic party, but fortunately they're being replaced by TWO HUNDRED likely presidential candidates, as well as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Or as some call her, Occasional-Cortex.


She was a bartender before she was elected to congress. Her interviews are pure gold. The Left finally has its Sarah Palin.


Should be an interesting speech tonight. I hope Occasional-Cortex does the rebuttal.

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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hardlyskolarly wrote:Trump's approval rating right now is higher than Obama's was at this point in his presidency.
Wrong again.
Obama 1/31/11 - 2/6/11 = 47%
Trump 1/21/19 - 1/27/19 = 37%
And the Dems are self-destructing.
Wrong again.
Democrats just won control of the House of Representatives.
They want "no border, no wall, no USA at all."
Wrong again.
When Trump entered office, 700 miles of border fencing existed, much of it built during the Obama administration.
Trump refused to sign a bill that passed the Senate unanimously which contained $1.6 billion for border security.
They want to do away with their own country. How insane is that?
Wrong again.
You are hallucinating.
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