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Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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KS wrote:The elites who own the world hate humanity and want to kill us off.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams

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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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Clearing bookmarks, these about Leftist fascism. Until Trump, we had 30+ years of US presidents pipelining American taxpayer dollars to Communist China, to build up that economy. But Trump has shut that valve for a while. We shall see what happens. A lot of the money was put to use developing the Chicom 'Social Credit System.' Read about it below. It's coming to America and the Fourth Reich of the EU, if all goes according to globalist plans. Alex Jones has been reporting on this stuff for a quarter century now. He warned about the rise of the leftist techno-fascists, and now we see those companies accumulating more and more power. And they've become so white-hot fascist about Jones that even mentioning his NAME now in a Youtube video gets the video pulled. On the other platforms you can use his name, but it must be in a censorious way. If you Like a positive comment about Jones, or God forbid Share it, then you suffer the consequences.

The Jones thing and the continuing online persecution of conservative figures is just the fascist Left fine tuning the tools they plan to use to cheat in the 2020 elections. By then, when you type Donald Trump's name into Google, the first hundred pages of returns will be negative reports on him. Millions of Twitter accts will be suspended or disrupted on or about Election Day, so that conservatives can't share poll monitoring info. And of course it will be announced that Melania Trump is carrying the child of a black man. The Dems always have to get sex and race in there. So the Leftist NYTimes and Washington Post will lead with the Melania story, then print a retraction the day after the election. This or something very much like it is what's coming, folks.

But back to the bookmarks:

China’s new ‘social credit system’ is a dystopian nightmare
A low social credit score will exclude you from well-paid jobs, make it impossible for you to get a house or a car loan or even book a hotel room. The government will slow down your internet connection, ban your children from attending private schools and even post your profile on a public blacklist for all to see.
nypost.com/2019/05/18/chinas-new-social ... o-reality/

Happy De-Platforming: Truth Is The New 'Hate-Speech'
...That lockdown is in the process of being reasserted. It is being done by suppressing dissenting or just different viewpoints via what is styled (in the hideous jargon of technocratic tyranny) “de-platforming,” which means barring any person who produces “objectionable” material from making it available through entities such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and so on – all of them owned, it is important to point out, by the same cartel or might as well be – as in the case of the New York Times, Washington Post and LA Times....
zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-02/happy-de- ... ate-speech

Doug Casey: Orwell’s Worst Nightmare Is Coming True
Stop saying offensive words. That’s what the Associated Press (AP), the world’s largest news agency, is telling reporters. The AP puts out a stylebook every year that includes universal guidelines for stylistic matters like punctuation, capitalization, and even word choice. In a recent version, it encouraged writers to not use words such as “pro-life,” “migrant,” “refugee,” “Islamist,” and “terrorist.”
investmentwatchblog.com/doug-casey-orwe ... ming-true/

Preferred Pronouns or Prison (video, 5 minutes)
youtube.com/watch?v=cn5opUFNs-I&fea ... e=youtu.be

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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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Alex Jones offers $1M reward to find person he says put child porn on his servers
washingtonexaminer.com/news/alex-jones- ... is-servers

As part of a court case Alex Jones had to turn over thousands of emails. The FBI notified him that several contained metadata associated with child pornography. Jones has said he will make the code public so that experts can comb through it and locate the ISPs and individuals who created the code. He's offered a million bucks to whoever provides the damning evidence. He WILL get his answer with that kind of bounty. Sad thing is, the same thing could be done with Hillary Clinton's emails from when she was Sec of State and distributing Top Secret info to our enemies via her private server. That code could be tracked to see who was paying Clinton. But no, the intelligence agencies won't allow that.

It is the habit of the Leftist cabal in Washington to accuse the opposition of what they, the Leftists, are guilty of. They accused Trump of colluding with Russia when it was Hillary Clinton who paid a British spy to get in touch with his Russian contacts and concoct a phony dossier. She also helped broker the deal to sell Russia 20% of America's uranium. And then her people accused Trump of colluding with Russia. The same thing's going on now with Jones being accused of having child pornography on his computers. Pedophilia is close to the hearts of the old-guard Washington power establishment. I suspect they're trying to get ahead of the story, so they can control it if it should break in earnest. Jones is on a crusade right now, attacking the attempted normalizing of pedophilia in America. Drag Queen story hours are being forced by the Feds on local libraries. Convicted child molesters are dressing up in drag and terrorizing children with stories about how loving it is to be a drag queen.

Shocking Number of Drag Queen Story Hour Events Announced
infowars.com/shocking-number-of-drag-qu ... announced/

Video Showing Child Twerking at Gay Pride Parade Causes Outrage
infowars.com/video-showing-child-twerki ... s-outrage/

Why Are Children Getting A Pedo Education?
infowars.com/why-are-children-getting-a ... education/

Jones was threatened with porn charges once before. I'll look for the video before I post this. He was going to a Bilderberg meeting in Canada, in 2008 I think it was. That was back when people were calling him crazy for believing in the Bilderberg Group. "Do you want fries with that Bilderberger?" Yuk, yuk. Anyway, he was stopped at the Canadian border, and the guards had orders to keep him out of the country. So they detained him and his crew at customs for hours. According to Jones one of the guards told him that if they found one picture of one exposed tit on any of the Infowars computers, then they would all be going to prison for ten years. But they didn't find anything, and after several hours hundreds of Jones supporters surrounded the customs station and began chanting. They let Jones and his people go, and he bullhorned the hotel where the Queen of the Netherlands, Henry Kissinger and others were holding their meeting, deciding how to guide humanity for the next year. Video from that bullhorning. This is classic Alex Jones:

Alex Jones Bullhorns Bilderberg Group

The meeting was held in Chantilly, Virginia the next year, but I can't find the video of him bullhorning that event. A local supporter rigged a bullhorn that filled the back of his truck bed, and they backed it up facing the hotel. The blast rattled the windows. Employees came out and asked him to please stop because people inside literally could not hear themselves think. lol

Alex Jones has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for a while now. Their attempts to bankrupt him have failed, so now they're adopting more sinister methods to get rid of him. I hope we have the name of the person who did the metadata alteration by the end of the week. Odds are it will be an employee of the CIA. The CIA has an interesting way of paying its informants. It deposits money in an account and then sends a notification email to the informant. The notification contains the code with which to access the deposit, so of course you have to click on the email. When you do, a packet of child pornography photos is hidden on your hard drive. From that point on, the CIA can have local law bust you at any time. So my bet is CIA.

EDIT: That video clip of Jones may be from one of the Bilderberg meetings at Chantilly. Things get blurry ten years back. Good speech though.
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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Poor Alex Jones. How does one work up sympathy for a man who pushes the vile contention that 20 kids didn't die at Sandy Hook Elementary School? A man who cares so little about the suffering of the kids as they died and the parents who continue to suffer? And if you, KindaScholarly, believe his toxic crap, I'm sorry but you need reprograming.

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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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And that's what makes you a fascist, Dwill--you want to dictate what others can say and believe. Your heroine also wanted to send people to "reprogramming" camps, but she called them "fun camps."


So when did Alex Jones say that nobody died at the Sandy Hook school shooting? I remember he put out a 20-thousand dollar reward for proof that he said that, but nobody ever claimed the money. Or did they? Can you post the clip, please? I may have missed it, but even the far-left disinfo site BuzzFeed doesn't push that story anymore.

In the past week the mainstream media reported that Jones lost a defamation case for a book he wrote called Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. Only problem is, he never wrote the book. Two other guys did, and the media merely attached Jones' name to the story for a couple of hours, then edited it out. Jones' staff saved screenshots of the original.

Also this week the media reported that Jones called the Sandy Hook lawyers "white Jew-boys." Problem is, he said "white-shoe boys." It's a term for Ivy Leaguers.

The destruction of Alex Jones seems to be of paramount importance to the Washington establishment and its compliant media.

Jones had James O'Keefe on his show today. O'Keefe founded Project Veritas, and he's just released a bombshell undercover video of a Google executive admitting the company is working to keep Trump from getting re-elected:

Google Executive Admits Election Meddling to Prevent Trump Winning in 2020
infowars.com/google-executive-admits-el ... g-in-2020/


So, if it's bad for a foreign country to meddle in US elections, is it OK for a multi-national corporation to do the same? The mainstream media seems to think so. If it reports on the story at all it will probably be to demonize O'Keefe yet again for filming people without their knowledge. Look for his abortion videos, the ones where his people pretend to be in the market for organs from aborted babies. They find sellers. Monsters really do exist.

Anyway, the mainstream media lies; Jones questions. And he's been doing it for years. Thanks to him the nation now knows what a False Flag event is. Look at the "Iran shot down a drone" bullshit from a few days ago. The Pentagon and congress DEMANDED that Trump murder Iranians because a freakin' drone was shot down. But thankfully Trump said that killing Iranians wouldn't be a proportional response. Which made the Washington establishment furious. They want war. The mainstream media is now saying that Trump "backed down," but he didn't. The establishment tried to trick him into launching WW3. Jones talked about this on the show today.

Alex Jones and many other radio hosts at GCN can be found at the link below. They range from right to left on the political spectrum. Webster Tarpley is there. Smart guy, but I stopped listening to him when he went all in for Hillary Clinton:

gcnlive.com/JW1D/index.php/onair?type=o ... amp;show=1

My gift to you, DWill. Educate yourself.
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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I've seen a few complaints about this thread but unless I'm missing something this sort of discussion is healthy and good for BookTalk.org. I know things can get heated, especially when discussing someone as controversial as Alex Jones, but disagreement and debate are a good thing. If anyone feels that things have gotten out of hand please send me a private message with the offensive quote so I can see it for myself. Simply reporting a thread doesn't show me the specific infraction.

And please everyone play nice. :box: :box2:
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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Chris OConnor wrote:I've seen a few complaints about this thread but unless I'm missing something this sort of discussion is healthy and good for BookTalk.org. I know things can get heated, especially when discussing someone as controversial as Alex Jones, but disagreement and debate are a good thing.
I agree in principle, Chris, but you're not going to see anything like "discussion" or "debate" here. Kindaskolarly has been drinking the Kool-Aid for far too long time. Just look at the sources of his information. We might as well "discuss" why the earth is round to a devoted "flat-earther." How do you respond to those who claim that vaccines cause autism, the moon landing was faked, and the 911 attacks, the Oklahoma bombing and various school shootings were false flag events? There's simply no possibility for a rational exchange of ideas. So the best we can do is ignore the nonsense that is posted her with some regularity. But some of it really is despicable. Alex Jones and his ilk represent the dark side of ignorance and paranoia and anti-rationalism that unfortunately are becoming all too pervasive in our society. We are a country that celebrates freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but how far does that go? I guess if we were to hijack this thread, that would be as good a subject as any to focus on amidst the insane babblings of this particular Infowars groupie.

Is that playing nice? Probably not.

Maybe Kindaskolarly can post one argument or "theory" instead of just regurgitating these mishmashes from very questionable sources. For example, did Alex Jones ever actually allege that the Sandy Hook shootings were faked? He has been sued by the Sandy Hook families for making these allegations and seems to acknowledge now that the Sandy Hook shootings were real. What does that say about the man that he can spout these baseless whacko "theories" and get paid a lot of money for it? Is that okay?
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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I am hesitant to poke my nose into this particular discussion, being from the other side of the pond and therefore aware that I could easily be accused by KS of being uniformed. ignorant and plainly not wanted on voyage. However, bad faith and deliberately inflammatory opinion are irritating - their purpose is no higher than to provoke. Mark Twain wrote that one should never argue with an idiot because you will be dragged down to their level.
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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If nothing else,at least KS offers the rest of us an insight into the mindset of... Oh screw it... How did I once put it?
I’ll paraphrase myself, KS’s postings lend nothing to the life worth living.
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Re: Today Infowars, Tomorrow Booktalk?

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KindaSkolarly wrote:And that's what makes you a fascist, Dwill--you want to dictate what others can say and believe. Your heroine also wanted to send people to "reprogramming" camps, but she called them "fun camps."
Okay, show me where, in my brief comment, I said that Jones should not be allowed to have his internet perch. You challenge that he never made the claim that Sandy Hook was a fake. If that's true, I admit to a small mistake while maintaining that Jones is far from exculpated. My sole point is that it's despicable to stir this particular conspiracist pot, which is what Jones indisputably did, and to support his crazy crusade, if indeed you do (but you choose not to commit). By the way, "crazy" isn't just a casual usage here. Jones said he must have suffered from "psychosis" when he kept alive for years a theory unbelievable on its face.
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