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Trump is not a joke

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DB Roy
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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DWill wrote: China wouldn't reveal if tariffs are contributing to its slowing economy, but several analysts think they are. That makes sense because the tariffs are bigger than just soybeans. If Chinese products are too expensive for U.S. companies to think consumers will still buy them, China has to seek other markets, and the U.S. is its number one.
China announced a couple of weeks ago that they will not investigate the Bidens. The Chinese govt has already learned what others are only now learning: trying to appease Trump is pointless. They gave his daughter all those trademarks and he turns around and hits them with tariffs anyway. You bet they are plenty sore and are not going to waste anymore time dealing with him. As for the US market share, they know they'll get it back when the next president takes office so they'll wait it out.

I know there's no evidence that Biden did anything illegal regarding the firing of the Ukraine prosecutor. There is even no direct evidence of his pulling strings to help his son land lucrative posts. Hunter used his connection under his own initiative. But there are awkward appearances for Joe, as well as awkward family matters that have now come to the fore. That's what I meant about Biden making a mistake in running for pres. He was witnessing his son create a timebomb as Hunter accepted the post with the shady Burisma Co., having no qualifications to serve on its board.
They have no leg to stand on. That was Trump's entire cabinet and every post he filled--someone with no experience and no qualifications. And we're supposed to care about Biden's son who did nothing wrong? And the republican will find something else to bitch about even when it's a total non-issue like Benghazi or an email server. They gaslighted the country with that only because people hated Clinton and WANTED to believe anything they said about her. I argued with Bernie-bots who were worse than the republicans when it came to that shit. If Biden gets in, I don't see it sticking. For one thing, I think people are dog-tired of that kind of politics.
It's not relevant to the point, but I hope Biden isn't the nominee. He won't stand up well to the punishment of four months of intense scrutiny and campaigning. We need someone who will contrast to Trump's incoherence is speaking, and Biden surely isn't that person. I had a memory of him so easily handling Sarah Palin in 2008 and doing well against Paul Ryan in 2012, but he has really lost some speed since then.
I don't care who it is as long as they win.
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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At this point, it's hard to see Trump even making it to the elections. He's losing court cases, Pro-Publica just obtained his tax records through FOIA which shows he inflated the profitability of his property to the banks in order to win loans he otherwise wouldn't have gotten (bank fraud) and deflated the profitability to the govt in order to get lower taxes (tax fraud). This is the kind of stuff the Clintons were constantly accused of but no one could prove they did and republicans voters want to lock them up anyway. Now they have proof that Trump did it and they refuse to withdraw their support of him. Hypocrites and self-deceivers. If there was ever an argument for why Christianity isn't worth a shit, there it is.

There can be no denying that Trump is at the center of all this illegal activity. It's not his people doing things without his knowledge--HE is at the center of it and there is no denying. We now know that Rudy Giuliani set up a shadow policy with Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and the DNC for election purposes and that he did it at the behest of Trump. Not only has testimony from Gordon Sondland, Ukraine ambassador, pointed a finger at Giuliani as setting up a shadow Ukraine policy, but, while Sondland kept Trump's name out of it, it hardly matters because we know that Trump ordered the firing of Sondland's predecessor, Marie Yovanovitch, specifically because she opposed having the Ukraine govt investigate the Bidens.

This shadow policy is corroborated by Kurt Volker, State Dept envoy. In testimony, Volker produced text messages between himself and Giuliani concerning having the Zelensky govt investigate the Bidens. Volker also revealed that Bill Taylor, a Trump State Department top official, stated that he thought it was crazy to withhold military aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into the Bidens which means that the top Trump person at the State Dept knew what precisely what was going on and wanted to stop it. Taylor will be subpoenaed and it is expected he will testify rather than cow under Mike Pompeo's order not to. He opposed this chicanery from the start and it is not thought that he would now lie for Trump and put himself in jeopardy.

Just when it looked like it couldn't get worse for Trump, Mick Mulvaney opens his big mouth and pretty much confesses everything alleged in the phone call between Trump and Zelensky and that it is done all the time and that people need to "get over it." This is nothing short of stunning! Exactly what Mulvaney was thinking when he did this is not known but it is more than enough to push Senate republicans into a position of having no choice but to vote for a conviction. Now Mulvaney is trying to walk it back but it's too late. The only thing he could do now is say he lied about that whole thing and that will destroy his credibility and even get him charged also. But if he knew that what Trump was up to and was assisting him, he will get charged anyway. First there is no quid pro quo, then there is, there there isn't, then there is. This administration is in chaos.

Now you would think that Trump would at least not do anything to erode his support at this point since it is vital that he hang onto it. So what does he do? He orders the evacuation of US troops from Northern Syria which deserts the Kurds who had been faithful allies since Bush. This was seemingly done on a whim. Trump appears to have conferred with nobody over the matter. Many govt officials look like they are shell-shocked right now. How could Trump do this?? We desert an ally, Turkey now starts making moves on the Kurds, ISIS prisoners are escaping by the hundreds. Civilians including children are dying by the thousands. Trump's response? He accuses the Kurds of letting prisoners go as a ploy to yank America back into Northern Syria. Then he threatens to destroy Turkey's economy if they invade the Kurdish territory. Erdogan is acting like he couldn't care less what Trump is threatening. Trump is threatening to wreck a nation over a situation that HE created in the first place! The desperate Kurds are now seeking an alliance with the Assad govt which is back by Russia and what happens if the Kurds are forced to partner up to ISIS? The only winner is, surprise, Russia. And ISIS. Utterly insane.

Military officials are angry and embarrassed and many troops stationed there couldn't look their Kurdish counterparts in the eye as they left the area. Trump's actions have totally undermined the US as a dependable ally. Trump looks weak, cowardly and easily manipulated. He has bowed to Putin, bowed to Kim, bowed to Erdogan. If there is a dictator to bow to, Trump will find him.

Then Trump sends the following missive to Erdogan:

Dear Mr. President,
Let’s work out a good deal! You don’t want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don’t want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy—and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.


Donald Trump

Borowitz or the Onion couldn't have come up with anything so ridiculous! This, folks, is Trump being presidential the best he knows how--this is it! Erdogan was so insulted, he threw the letter away. Trump doesn't want Erdogan slaughtering thousands of people not because it will go on Erdogan's head but because it will go on his own. He had to know when he withdrew US troops that Turkey would immediately move in. In one instance, he denies that he was giving Turkey a green light but another instance he said Turkey could move in if it wanted to. Erdogan doesn't fear Trump because Trump is so weak and will always cave in and they both know it. Trump is a loudmouth with a big stick he's too chickenshit to use. Go ahead, Donald, wreck the Turkish economy. Be my guest. Many evangelicals have split with Trump over this as have many military people. This will go down in history as the Great Betrayal.

But then why not betray the Kurds? He's been betraying America since 2016. The writing is on the wall: "Get rid of Trump and get rid of him now."
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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Trump for certain brushed away his handlers and wrote that letter all by himself. It's unmistakably his own work. Most puzzling is, "Don't be a tough guy." Trump has openly praised autocrats exactly for their toughness, and he sees himself as a tough guy, too. Only, when it comes to standing up to these foreign strong men, he's a puppy dog.

A depressing fact is that it's only 13 mos. until the 2020 election, and with the slow workings of Congress and delaying tactics by the Administration, Trump may not face a reckoning. And anyway, even if more shit hits the fan, would the Senate convict? Probably not. Then we get to an election. What if the economy avoids serious difficulty? With the incumbent's advantage and a billion $ in his warchest, Trump will likely be ours for another 4 years. The key might be who the Democrats put up against him. None of the poll leaders look especially promising.

However, there's a theory circulating that Trump wants to be impeached and removed. Sounds crazy, maybe, but this result would give Trump what he thrives on--reveling in his victimhood and proof that the deep state was plotting his overthrow all along. He could then set up a media company to replace the wimpy Fox News. Put Alex Jones at its head. He could not resign to get out of a job he finds not at all to his taste. That would be showing weakness.
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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I've seen two competing theories on how Trump will devolve. (No this will not end well.) One just mentioned by DWill is Trump will resign, he wants out of it.
I've always believed Trump is ultimately determined to destroy himself -- to confirm his own lifelong conviction that the world is out to get him. In the middle of being impeached, he decides to hold the G-7 at his own hotel. Self-dealing. Clear and undeniable. Jaw dropping.
- Tony Schwartz
Tweet 9/17/19
Tony wrote Trump's Art of the Deal and obviously spent a lot of time with him and knows Trump very well. This theory is supported by others who have followed Trump for long periods of time.

The other theory, by experts on Russia and Ukraine and how powerful oligarchs operate there, is Trump is behaving just like them - he will seize dictatorial power and never let go. Sarah Kendzior is one and she advises to hold on fast to your values because they will be under attack. Try to imagine the worst that will be done, because it will go much further than that. You see people talking about reaching a new low, but ignore that. A mafia style kleptocratic dynasty will be installed. There. Is. No. Bottom.

I expect if impeachment momentum continues, if it appears the Senate might convict, and if polls strongly indicate Trump will lose the election he will resign because his god-like ego could not tolerate such humiliation. However as DWill mentions, if this fever subsides, the economy doesn't enter recession, and Trump wins the next election, I fear for Trump the Autocrat.
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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I think the Senate will convict. They can't acquit and justify it anymore. I think the American people have had enough of Trump and his bullshit. I think if the republicans acquit, there will be hell to pay and heads to roll. Everybody knows that Trump can't heed a warning. If he is acquitted, he will go right back to doing what he was doing and I think people have seen enough. I don't think the economy matters. Nor does it matter about how much money Trump has in his war chest (The Republican Party outspent the Democrats significantly in 2012 and lost). The people simply don't have confidence in this man. In fact, most never did. The only thing that matters is will the voters turn out? No turn-out will give Trump a victory. At this time, I do not believe that will happen. In fact, I doubt Trump will even be on the ballot so if they are going to run someone else, they need to make a move NOW.
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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I agree with most of what you guys are posting but... I have a slightly different take away from the problem of PSfB and the 2020 election. Sometime back, Booktalk discussed J.D. Vance’ “Hillbilly Elegy”. Though I didn’t spend the time participating in the discussion (should have but really busy this past year) I did follow the discussion and I did read the book. I don’t think we can ignore at the present the political power that resides throughout the vast region that comprises Appalachia. PSfB made campaign promises to these people and for the most part he has kept or fought for those promises. It’s true that these hillbillies voted against their own interests but that’s just it with these people, they don’t understand their net interest just an at face value. Appalachia has its counter parts throughout the U.S. . PSfB understands his electorate and he’s using that knowledge to his advantage.

Personally I like Warren and Buttigieg, but I’ll vote for a turnip as long as there is a D next to it.

The trick for the Dems is to appeal to the women of Appalachia. Appalachian men, in their minds are benefiting from Trumps policies, nothing PSfB does or says is going to turn them from trump. It’s the single mothers that are truly hurt by the trump regimes policies. The Dems need to get these women to register if they’re not and then need to get them to vote ‘ in the single mothers interests’. If you follow the positions of the Dems you know well that there should be a natural confluence of the two. (Dem policy and single mother needs).

If the main article of impeachment against PSfB is extorting Ukraine to investigate Biden then impeachment fades as Biden fades during the primary season. Mark my words... Biden will not be the nominee.

I don’t agree that PSfB wants out of the White House and I do not agree that he will refuse to abdicate the presidency if he is voted out. Such notions are nonsensical. We the rational people cannot be pulled into the ridiculous, it is for us to point out the logical faults in such incoherent thinking.

It’s interesting in the most bazaar way to imagine...PSfB is not a joke but at the same time he is the biggest joke of all.

Just a few years ago Harry Reid was the biggest jackass in the Senate now its Moscow Mitch. Point is...it’s partisanship, and right now its this libertarian horseshit that is polluting the minds of a generation of politicians and as a result destroying the audacity of hope. What is that hope? . The twentieth century was the American century, the audacity of hope was to build on the shoulders of that great century. With PSfB and his libertarian enablers we’ve moved into a freak version of Thorstein Veblen’s leisure class theory. The problem is that people don’t get this. But there it is. I said PSfB would move the U.S. back to the nineteenth century and he has. Another problem for Dems is that the nineteenth century was a heyday for Appalachia. :P (man I’m starting to crack myself up) :roll:

I question whether PSfB’s tax breaks and taxdodge handouts to the ultra rich nor his trade wars will have much effect on his Appalachian devotees. PSfB’s base is solid, for them trump hasn’t governed in ways that are anyway more criminal than every other politician in history, in fact for many of them he’s quite honest. In a way their correct, PSfB is an open book...(one whose title is “Duh” :P . )

The common theme here seems to be that despite all the issues confronting PSfB, there appears to be whether by hook or crook, bigger issues confronting the Democrats overcoming PSfB which is...joke worthy, in a sad clownish way itself.

The Dems need to determine what level of libertarianism that they contain within themselves and purge it, then they must go on the attack against the failed test that has been forty years of demeaning Economic Social Darwinism that has brought the world to its current state of putrefaction. I don’t have libertarian sympathies and I have no iota of fear about there being a totalitarian government ever...in the U.S. . Ultimately we’re to honest...deluded?, maybe..Above all, rationality has to win the day.

Impeachment of PSfB should move forward, let it play out, its just another part of the pent-up freak show we fascinate ourselves with.

I’m starting to get cynical so for now “good night” :)

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Re: Trump is not a joke

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I recently saw a short video that addresses your concerns:

youtube.com/watch?v=Uv-jOV7iKlw&fea ... e=youtu.be

the US was on the verge of falling to the Communist Chinese. That's why conservatives voted against their economic interests. If Clinton had won, we would have surrendered all manufacturing and all advanced technology to the ChiComs. Hell, they have MIRV missiles because of her bitch of a husband. And Hillary would have delivered our coup de grace.

Nobody's 100% happy with Trump, but at least he's not a ChiCom enabler.

Here's another video. It is superb:

youtube.com/watch?v=jYprhhWwgMA&fea ... e=youtu.be

Democrats whine about "foreign interference" in elections while they work to give the vote to illegal aliens. Think about that.
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youtube.com/watch?v=jYprhhWwgMA&fea ... e=youtu.be

Democrats whine about "foreign interference" in elections while they work to give the vote to illegal aliens. Think about that.
The garbage is mind-blowing. You need to stay off youtube, it's rotting your brain.
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Re: Trump is not a joke

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The specifics of that video are absolutely true. As far as the generality, that we’re fighting evil, yes, I believe that. Absolute evil exists, and if you don’t fight it, then you serve it.

Leftists tend to be moral relativists. They tend to think that morality is a relative thing and all peoples’ choices should be honored. But should all choices be honored?

Take AIDS/HIV for example. If you know you have the disease and deliberately infect an unsuspecting victim, is that an evil act? We’ve all seen the pictures of people wasting away to death from the disease, so would you be evil if you intentionally condemned somebody to that? If you say no, then you either have no moral compass or your compass is broken.

Moral relativism has been sold to us by people who are attempting to avoid judgement.

Bill Clinton killed thousands with HIV-tainted blood, by the way. That was when he was governor of Arkansas. Look up “Factor 8 scandal” and you’ll see a good example of evil. And look up “Bill Clinton Chinese technology” to see how he catapulted the ChiComs a quarter century ahead in their missile technology. Americans today are under an increased threat of Chinese nuclear attack because of Clinton. The Lewinsky impeachment was staged to divert our attention away from the man’s REAL crimes. He should have been fairly tried and executed long ago.

The Clintons are supremely evil people, as are the Bushes, the Obamas, the Bidens...so many. None of those leaders could have survived the kind of scrutiny that Trump’s been subjected to. Trump’s the most investigated president in history. Just think what the ones mentioned above would have had to answer for given the same type of scrutiny. I suspect that’s why they display such hostile animus toward Trump, because as president he’s in a position to expose their corruption. The current Ukrainian accusations against Trump came after his people began interviewing officials about Crowdstrike’s role in the 2016 election. An offshoot of that questioning was, “What did the Bidens do?” The Washington establishment went nuts in response. The elites are panicked because if just ONE CORNER of their corruption is lifted, then they’re in danger of having the whole scab ripped away. And they won’t survive. Hence the need to block Trump.

I voted against my economic interests when I voted for Trump. He presented his tax plan before the election, I reviewed it, and I voted for him even though it meant I would pay more in taxes. He outlined his tariff war against China, I saw that it would mean higher prices for me, and I voted for him anyway. The survival of the United States trumped pocketbook concerns in the 2016 election. And I think this is where the Democrats miscalculated. The moral relativists were shocked to learn that so many people still believe in something strongly enough to vote against their economic interests. We believe the country is worth preserving. Leftists want a country without borders, occupied by “residents” rather than “citizens.” They want to destroy the nation. Trump said he would do what he could to stop that, so we gave him his chance.

I feel sorry for leftists. Most of them have no religion and no belief in a higher authority aside from government. That would be fine if they understood that THEY are the government, but they don’t. They let the Clintons and Obamas do their intellectual heavy lifting and merely parrot the talking points. Like with the electoral college. Hillary Clinton says it should be abolished, so her parroting followers say it should be abolished. But the electoral college is all that stands between us and a direct democracy. In a direct democracy, 51% can vote to kill the %49. And Hillary Clinton wants that kind of government for America. Have any of you leftists asked yourselves WHY she wants that?

Bill Clinton And The Deadly Arkansas Tainted Blood Scandal
newswithviews.com/bill-clinton-and-the- ... d-scandal/

Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology
capitalresearch.org/article/flashback-b ... echnology/

Killing Ron Brown: A Clinton Crime Family Story
“Your life is in danger. At this moment, a Chinese nuclear warhead sits in a missile silo. Its guidance, if launched, instructs the warhead to detonate a mile or two above your home. And this was all made possible by extortion, murder, and illegal campaign contributions to Bill and Hillary Clinton....”
hennessysview.com/2016/10/02/killing-ro ... ron-brown/

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”
Hillary Clinton’s idol, Saul Alinsky, also preached this. The Clintons were involved with Russia. They sold 20% of America’s uranium to Russia. Then the Clinton-owned Democratic party accused Trump of being involved with Russia. Now the Dems are attempting to do the same with Ukraine, to cover the Obama/Biden/Clinton crimes in that country.
grandmageri422.me/2017/10/25/karl-marx- ... confusion/

Alinksy’s daughter: What the media won’t tell you about Hillary
“In 1993, the president of Wellesley College approved a new rule upon being contacted by Bill Clinton’s White House. The rule stated that all senior theses written by a president or first lady of the United States would be kept under lock and key. The rule was meant to keep the public ignorant about the radical ties of the first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to the radical Marxist organizer, Saul Alinsky....”
conservativereview.com/news/alinskys-da ... -tell-you/

HIV-positive man who intentionally infected ‘thousands’ of partners turns himself in
“Police arrested David Dean Smith, 51, last week after he turned himself in -- and admitted he had unprotected sex with "thousands" of partners with the intention of killing them by infecting them with the virus....”
nydailynews.com/life-style/health/hiv-p ... e-1.999178

Governor Brown Decriminalizes Act of Knowingly Spreading HIV
This makes Jerry Brown a mass murderer.
independentsentinel.com/governor-brown- ... ading-hiv/
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