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Re: Coronavirus

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More of an observation that's fairly obvious than I complaint.
But, okay.
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Re: Coronavirus

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It's interesting that the daily reported case statistics out of China and South Korea have fallen very sharply. Both China and South Korea took aggressive action in terms of lockdowns for China and testing/tracking for South Korea. But the virus is still active in the densely populated cities of both China and South Korea, yet the countries are removing lockdowns and reviving their economies. What is interesting is how steeply the case statistics dropped prior to re-opening the countries. Were the lock down measures that effective? Is it from most people wearing masks in public that is preventing new transmissions? Is the virus mutating into a harmless variant? I don't hear our media asking these questions....
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Re: Coronavirus

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ant wrote:More of an observation that's fairly obvious than I complaint.
But, okay.
I might agree with you about the obsession part, at least for me. I mean, I don't much filter Covid news through the anti-Trump perspective. He has done some things right and some things wrong, in my opinion, about the virus. But I can hardly stand to listen to two sentences the man says. He stands for all the corruption and divisiveness and, yes, racism that I had hoped our country was through with. The fact that there are sycophants like Bill Barr who think that's fine on philosophical grounds makes me scratch my head, but I find myself feeling exactly what Charles "Bell Curve" Murray supposedly said in an interview, "he's our murder weapon."

The "we" might be "Don't Tread on Me" anti-government types, it might be millionaires and billionaires, (those overlap to a remarkable degree) and it might be social conservatives, but their murder weapon is not mine. The stuff this guy has already gotten away with, and the likelihood that he would run roughshod over democratic institutions because of it, makes me shudder. He is Joe McCarthy for lying and paranoia wrapped up with J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon for twisted personality eager to abuse power in secret to keep his hands on power. The country has never faced this much of a threat in the person of one person. We used to have checks and balances. Now we just hang in the balance.
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Re: Coronavirus

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Harry wrote:
yes, racism that I had hoped our country was through with
Oh how naive you are, Harry..I'm a middle aged latino man that went to predominantly white schools from K through 12..
The racism I experienced from kids (a product of parenting of course) was very real back then.. Trump wasn't even on anyone's radar yet back then.

But please, keep marinating yourself in self deception.

During the Obama years I didn't feel racism had been abolished either. At least that wasn't my experience as a person of color
Last edited by ant on Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Coronavirus

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Chinese Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV
...In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”
gilmorehealth.com/chinese-coronavirus-i ... vered-hiv/

The mainstream media created a panic over a "new" virus. Flu viruses mutate each year (creating a "new" virus) and tens of thousands die in the U.S. So where's the panic for that? This is a contrived panic.

What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis
...We are being asked to accept this abrogation of our most precious freedoms, including our freedom to travel, our freedom of association and assembly, our freedom from arbitrary detention within the walls of our own home, our freedom of privacy in transaction and interaction, and other hard-fought freedoms that were purchased at the price of our forefathers’ blood, on the basis of a novel coronavirus that is presenting a novel, existential threat to humanity that has never before existed. ... But that, of course, is a lie. Because every single flu season for your entire life there have been such hypothetical chains of infection that have taken place....
corbettreport.com/what-no-one-is-saying ... na-crisis/

The man at the link below makes a couple of good points. He says the economy was going great for the last ten years according to government lies, ten years of record profits, and then two weeks into a shutdown the banks need a bailout? He also talks about the government's promised suspension of mortgage debt for 3 months. No payments for three months because you have no job, but you'll have to pay in the fourth month. Oh, and you'll have to pay for those 3 months you missed. But he lays it out more effectively than I can. Under 5 minutes:

Ticked Off Vic: A Message to the Government
youtube.com/watch?v=GLcNStHTDjM&fea ... e=youtu.be

If working people who have been thrown out of work are expected to make up 4 months of back rent, then we're going to see a surge of homelessness and a housing crash. Premeditated by people who designed the "assistance" plans. The government.

My favorite Bill Maher interview ever. When he can't mug for a cackling audience he looks like the pathetic worm he really is:

Bill Maher Gets DESTROYED by Dan Crenshaw
thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/brutal-lef ... nce-video/
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Re: Coronavirus

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Fatality rate much lower than expected..

https://reason.com/2020/04/20/l-a-count ... le-feared/
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Re: Coronavirus

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Claim by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier that the novel coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material from HIV is inaccurate
Health Feedback is a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in health and medical media coverage. Our goal is to help readers know which news to trust.

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Re: Coronavirus

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This is interesting.

Bill Gates, Microsoft file patent for dystopian “body activity data” apparatus

"...On the surface, it sounds like your smartphone will simply detect that you’ve done something the government tells you to do. If you obey, you are rewarded with some new cryptocurrency and your “certificate” stays active...."


operation-nation.com/bill-gates-microso ... -implants/

Here's a video about it. He gets to the patent info just before the 2:00 mark:


They told us at the beginning of the PLANdemic that it would take 18 months to reopen society, 18 months for a vaccine and so on. It appears that they need 18 months to complete a technotronic grid. And the heart of the new grid will be 5G technology. This would explain why they want us off the streets, so they can work unimpeded as they do the final installations. They've been hiding 5G transmitters for years now. Literally hiding them, disguising them. A page of images:

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hidden+5G+tre ... &ia=images



With the powerful 5G system in place, and with all of us forced to take an implantable tracking device, the World Bank will then be able to convert our labor directly into "money" for deposit in an electronic bank account. In 18 months people could be cannibalizing one another in order to survive. So most people will convince themselves that accepting an implantable chip in exchange for food isn't so bad.
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Re: Coronavirus

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If BookTalk were to start removing posts that contain lies and misinformation (not to mention bat-shit crazy nonsense), almost everything KindaSkolarly posts would have to be deleted. Just saying. Does BookTalk have an obligation to start monitoring this kind of material?
Question everything
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Re: Coronavirus

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geo wrote:If BookTalk were to start removing posts that contain lies and misinformation (not to mention bat-shit crazy nonsense), almost everything KindaSkolarly posts would have to be deleted. Just saying. Does BookTalk have an obligation to start monitoring this kind of material?
Ultimately IMO I think Chris leaves an enormous amount of leeway for what is posted so that it is up for criticism and or debunking from discerning members.

I like that.. I don't even want to be close to encouraging censorship.

Of course stuff like inciting violence or threatening speak is another matter.

I say leave it
Last edited by ant on Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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