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Robert Tulip

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Re: Trump Watch

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Trump simply rejects the democratic principle of popular legitimate government expressed in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Abraham Lincoln wrote:that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Trump, as a mad autocrat, has been driven insane by his Presidency, and fosters mad dreams of personal loyalty overriding loyalty to the Constitution, like in the Hitler Oath.
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DB Roy
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Re: Trump Watch

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geo wrote:
DWill wrote:Why won't Trump fold his hand and prepare to vacate the office? He's many things, but not stupid enough to miss the writing on the wall in bold, Sharpie strokes. He lost. The best explanation I've seen is that he simply needs more time--time to run a final scam on the public.
For that matter, what's up with the recent shakeup at the Pentagon? He's putting hard-line loyalists into senior jobs at the Pentagon. To what end?
He wants to use the military for political purposes. It won't work but that won't stop Trump from trying it.
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Re: Trump Watch

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That we ever allowed this simpleton to occupy the White House makes me ashamed. A stupid reality TV star. I don't want to see him ever in an official listing of presidents. I want him removed from it. He doesn't belong there.
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Re: Trump Watch

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DB Roy wrote:
geo wrote:
DWill wrote:Why won't Trump fold his hand and prepare to vacate the office? He's many things, but not stupid enough to miss the writing on the wall in bold, Sharpie strokes. He lost. The best explanation I've seen is that he simply needs more time--time to run a final scam on the public.
For that matter, what's up with the recent shakeup at the Pentagon? He's putting hard-line loyalists into senior jobs at the Pentagon. To what end?
He wants to use the military for political purposes. It won't work but that won't stop Trump from trying it.
I've seen several theories.
1. Nothing to worry about, Trump is merely helping friends burnish their resumés. "I served however briefly in said exalted position under Trump..."
2. Trump wants to aggressively cut the number of troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere, but the Pentagon establishment is fighting him, so he is taking control.
3. Trump is removing personnel at the Pentagon and other security services who might say "NO!" to illegal orders, thus preventing him from retaining power.
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Re: Trump Watch

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PSfB has fallen prey to his own rhetoric. He believes his own words. He is a diluted maniac, who has deceived himself into thinking that his ideas are not only important but correct. The troubling part is that there are so many people who have convinced themselves that they are like minded. I want to bring my fellow Americans into an understanding of community!. (Fat chance of that happening).

If there is to be unity in the U.S. . The onus rest entirely on the people that have supported PSfB. Responsibility rest entirely on their hands. PSfB is nothing less than a Social Darwinists. His supporters can not comprehend this fact. The 71 plus million that voted to retain PSfB haven’t a clue as to what the idea of ‘community’ even means. For these libertarian (something else they haven’t a clue about) fools life is only about the other ones doing what they are told. (After all, that is what sycophants do).. (of course sycophants can’t possibly connect the two).

I am not going to be the ‘guy’ who turns the cheek towards right wingers who have and are proving themselves to be extremely petty and vindictive. The 75 plus million who have guaranteed regime change in the National Capital Region are not petty or vindictive. They are pragmatist and realist. They are a diverse community who have demonstrated that community has to prevail over the forces of private equity.

There can be no doubt that there are economic inequalities that have favored individualism at the cost of community. This is a simple and verifiable fact. Leftist have no doubts that shifting favor abilities towards the community can only be achieved through fair market economies, libertarians are deeply troubled by fair trade. Fair Trade.. means that there are controls. Libertarians despise controls.

There is a reason FiveThirtyEight and other polling organizations misread not just 2020 but 2018, 2016, 2012. The polling ignored Colin Woodard and what turns out to be the most important sociological study of these past fifty years. ‘American Character’ has been so drastically ignored that it seems almost deliberate. I have been passive aggressive towards PSfB supporters since the beginning of the retards inauguration, I had developed a thick skin towards their overt aggressions.. I did not consider the childish repercussions.

There is no humor coming from the right. They are diabolical and mean.

I’m tired.. night,
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Re: Trump Watch

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And regarding Trump's party, I forget which pundit said this, but it seems that the label "cult" applies. I know that term is thrown around carelessly sometimes, but when nothing has the power to shake confidence and adulation--or at least submission--to the leader, when no principles are even advanced (viz. the absence of a Republican platform), then the leader is the all that followers look to to justify their devotion.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Robert Tulip wrote:Trump simply rejects the democratic principle of popular legitimate government expressed in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Abraham Lincoln wrote:that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Trump, as a mad autocrat, has been driven insane by his Presidency, and fosters mad dreams of personal loyalty overriding loyalty to the Constitution, like in the Hitler Oath.
Writing the above post inspired me to write a letter to the Editor of the Weekend Australian.

It got published today! Here it is.
Further to the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln (Last Post, 13/11), in his Gettysburg Address Lincoln said “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. By refusing to accept the election result Donald Trump seems to question this core principle of democratic legitimacy.
Topical in view of Obama's comment that "I'm more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials, who clearly know better, are going along with this. It's one more step in delegitimising not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally, and that's a dangerous path."

The Lincoln reference is a dig at Trump's notorious debate comment that "nobody has done more for the black community than Donald Trump... with the exception of Abraham Lincoln".
Last edited by Robert Tulip on Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Taylor wrote:There is a reason FiveThirtyEight and other polling organizations misread not just 2020 but 2018, 2016, 2012.
Polls had Biden +3% in Ohio. Trump won by 8%.
I knew this was going to happen on the morning of election day. I work with some hillbillies in a mfg. plant. Disclaimer: I use that term without intending to be insulting because many of them live in the town where J.D. Vance grew up, the author of Hillbilly Elegy. On election day a few of them were saying things like "Me and my dad and my mom and my sister and and my aunts and uncles and gramma & grampaw ALL got up early and voted today for the very first time in our lives!" It was obvious who they were so excited to vote for. It was also obvious that no pollster had ever attempted to question folks like that. I figured there must be millions more doing the same thing and immediately knew Ohio was lost.

I'm elated that we averted an unmitigated autocratic disaster by defeating Trump! But how do we work with 73+ million and counting who support Trump after 4 years of this...??? :x
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Re: Trump Watch

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The thing I'll never figure out is why Trump refused to take the lead on covid. What was he thinking??? It was the chance for him to shine and he just blew it. Covid lost him this election. There can be no argument of that. He had no policy, no plan, no nothing on how to battle the disease. So he denied it was deadly, denied it was getting worse when there could be no doubt of it. Then all this idiotic resistance to mask-wearing and social distancing. Turning it into politics. That made no sense. He had to try and look like he was doing SOMETHING. But, no, he didn't try. He didn't care at all.

Then the Woodward tape comes out and everything became even more inexplicable. I had assumed he was just too stupid and lazy to take any interest in understanding the disease but he KNEW!!! He knew it was dangerous and that it would kill people--he KNEW!! He knew how it was transmitted and how deadly that made it--HE KNEW!!!!! And, yet, publicly, he did nothing!! How do we explain this?? Why did he not act when he had the chance??? He'd be a hero now instead of a lame-duck goat who is probably going to either end up in prison or lose all his money or both. He made no plan at all. He lied and said the disease was "totally under control" when his regime had done nothing whatsoever to contain the virus. That was a total lie. As a result, we may have half a million dead by January. He's going to pay for that. Once this disease is truly behind us and the vaccines handed out, the American people are going to demand a reckoning.

Then he savaged the idea of mail-in voting. Why? Apparently, someone told him it favored democrats. So? Make it favor republicans. Start telling republicans to mail-in their votes. Encourage it! Demand it from your followers! Implore them! Nope. Instead he made idiotic comment that mail-in voting was crooked while absentee voting was okay. Here's the thing: I got 9 or 10 letters from the city urging me to send in for my mail-in ballot. I put it off for the longest time but finally did it. When my ballot arrived, I had it in a USPS mailbox an hour later. That was in August. My mother didn't mail hers in until two weeks before the election. You see? Mail-in voting gave you a huge amount of time to get your ballots in! In-person voting is just for one day. If you miss that day--tough--no vote for you. Meanwhile, even mail-in ballots that arrived late were counted in they made the deadline. My point is, it was clearly the way to go! Why have all your votes restricted to one day when you could have had months to get them in??? That made no sense to me. Mail-in voting was a superior way of voting. But Trump pissed that away for a one-day vote. When you saw all those mail-in votes that had to be counted and knowing at least 2/3rds of them were for Biden, it was all over. Trump screwed himself on that. Absolute botch!

Yet, Trump seems genuinely surprised that he lost. Seems almost mortally wounded by that fact. He can't say it: "I llllooo...I lllllloooss...I lllllllll..." You lost, dummy. This election was yours to win and you dumped it in Biden's lap. Blame yourself. But he can't. Trump can't blame himself. This time it was Fox News and Rupert Murdoch who fucked him by giving Arizona to Biden too early (even though every media source has since given Arizona to Biden). Trump also didn't seem to know that the media calls the states for the candidates. Trump was like, "Why is the media calling this election????" Because the media call the election, idiot.

Now, they say that Trump will likely resign the presidency and let Pence pardon him. That would be the logical thing for a corrupt president to do. Trump, however, is not logical. I can't see him resigning the office to anyone for anything. In his view: "I'm president! I will always be president! I won't surrender to anyone--certainly not that idiot Pence! I will NEVER surrender my rightful title! NEVER!!!" And so he will face federal and state charges and Biden will not interfere with it. Maybe I'm wrong and Trump does resign to Pence but---can you actually see him doing that? I can't.

Is it logical to go to various cities during the campaign and tell the attendees at the rallies that the ONLY reason you're there is of fake issues like covid?? "The only reason I'm bothering to stop in this shit-infested sewer you call a city is because my opponent is lying about me!" Oh, great strategy, Mr. President!

If and when he finally admits the election was not rigged and that the American people rejected him, I expect he'll take Hitler's tack of blaming the German people and blame Americans: "You failed me! I tried to make you great and you screwed me!! You don't deserve a demi-god like me! You're too weak and cowardly and pathetic! This nation deserves to die the shithole country it really is! It is an honor to lose this election so I won't have to serve the weak, diseased likes of you!!" He already did say that when he made that "If I lose, you'll never see me again" statement. That's what he meant. We're not good enough for him. Just go already, Trump! Shut up and go!
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Re: Trump Watch

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Robert Tulip wrote:Trump, as a mad autocrat, has been driven insane by his Presidency
He's always been a power hungry narcissist who lives in his own alternate reality. What's changed is that some people now see him for what he is. It's disturbing how many people still can't see.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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