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Sceintific-evidence of god

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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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that stuff about only using 5 or 10 percent of your brain is incorrect.

Humans use all of their brains, but not every portion of the brain is devoted to thought.

If it were, you would have to push food through your digesting tract by thinking about it, or process the info about your orientation in relation to the planet, or triangulate a sound... etc.

you are using all of your brain, even if it doesnt always seem like it.
In the absence of God, I found Man.
-Guillermo Del Torro

Are you pushing your own short comings on us and safely hating them from a distance?

Is this the virtue of faith? To never change your mind: especially when you should?

Young Earth Creationists take offense at the idea that we have a common heritage with other animals. Why is being the descendant of a mud golem any better?
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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Johnson's right MDuszak, you're proving my point. The original quote that's been misquoted and abused came from the philosophical psychologist William James when he said "[people] make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general." Modern brain imaging techniques show that we use all of our brains. Sorry to disappoint you. Please take a deep breath, face the possibility that your fantasies aren't real, and subscribe to the magazines I've mentioned.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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Hahaha..whether we are using the whole brain to do and say things etc., the truth is we are NOT using the full potential of it, of the mind, what levels of consciousness we can access, and what abilities we could develop. Just because we are using our whole body while we walk or do things does not mean we are accessing the full potential of what that body could be capable of if only put to right training.

I wonder if you reviewed the links I provided in the other thread (on disclosure project) to give you something to think about. I suggest you subscribe. You will be in touch then instead of spending time on "earth is flat and we are alone in the universe" theories. :)
Last edited by MDuszak on Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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Just because we are using our whole body while we walk or do things does not mean we are accessing the full potential of what that body could be capable of if only put to right training.
This is true. But you must maintain the distinction between possible potentialities and impossible ones. It is possible for you to become a black belt in Ju Juitsu, but it is not possible for you to become a black belt in levitation.
I wonder if you reviewed the links I provided in the other thread (on disclosure project) to give you something to think about. I suggest you subscribe. You will be in touch then instead of spending time on "earth is flat and we are alone in the universe" theories.
It would be terribly hypocritical of me not to! :) Yes, I've read them, I've thought about them, and I understand the implications and alternative explanations. What you refer to as being 'in touch' is actually being blind to the true explanations. Take my advice and research what the actual explanations are. Go, do it!

Do you equate the fact that the Earth is not flat with the belief that aliens haven't yet reached us? I think it's very possible that there is life in the universe beyond Earth. I also think it's possible for them to have contacted us. However, there is not a single shred of evidence that withstands scrutiny that they have in fact contacted us. The most parsimonious categorical explanation is that no contact has ever been made with aliens.

Give me an example of the most powerful example you have. I'll scrutinize it. Then we can discuss my methods of scrutiny, since that is apparently where we disagree. You'll see that it is practical, rather than pseudo-skeptical.
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It would be hard for me to provide you with the most powerful example as what is powerful to me may not be to you. The most powerful example for YOU probably is the physical evidence coming from the neutral source. That would then be the scanned documents in the link provided. It is something physical, something reported by the unbiased officials who would actually prefer these things to NOT to be true. Scrutinize them all (there are many others as well) and then come to your own conclusions.

And by the way, levitation IS possible. :D
Last edited by MDuszak on Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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That would then be the scanned documents in the link provided.
Unless the documents were written in an alien language and contained information that was from them (beyond a reasonable doubt), then it does not count. I have read many of the documents in the links you provided, and none of them constitute evidence. The evidence must be as sound as any evidence you have for Russel's Teapot.

An anecdote from someone with a neutral position may be persuading to you, but why do you discount parsimony? If a person is honestly portraying what they believe, how can you use that as evidence when they themselves are most likely mistaken? When I say "most likely", I'm referring to the infinite possible alternate explanations that lie outside your false dichotomy/dilemma. As a disclaimer, I believe some of the anecdotes are possible real experiences. Yet when you consider the probabilities with a neutral disposition, it's exceedingly unlikely.

Here's what I mean. Watch the video clip from Johnson all the way through. Now imagine the character is talking about her experiences with aliens rather than a mystical sword in a field.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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I rest my case. Thats what I have been saying all along..Unless you have a written info from aliens themselves stating: yes, we exist..You wont believe nothing provided even if its a photo of the ET entity itself. I cant even believe you buy into the Earth moving against the sun theory or that the line is straight. It could be, after all, the optical illusion of the mistaken mind who WANTS to believe in the straight line.

IS there ANYTHING you guys believe outside of the tip of your nose that you can touch and see boogers dripping from? :D

Get some magic into your life!!
Last edited by MDuszak on Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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:shock: o.O

The words in your post look like words, and sound like words when I read them, but when I read them all together in the sequence you have created, they are suddenly unrecognizable and sound like gibberish in my ears, and I can't make any sense of them.

How is all that garbage you just typed an answer to Interbane's question in any way? How is your case "rested?" And what the hell is wrong with wanting proof? Not everyone just "believes" in these things you do, and no one's going to start believing in them just because you do or you suggest they should, so your only saving grace would be proof, cold hard proof that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, so that whomever you want to convince isn't just taking yours or anyone else's "word" for it. Because that's all the evidence you have ever provided here has been: Someone's word.

If I tell my boyfriend that I see a pink elephant walking down the street, but by the time he gets to the window the elephant is gone, and all he has to go on to believe it is there is my saying so, how likely is he to believe that it was there? Likely he will agree that I saw something, but he didn't see it, so there is no way he can verify that what I saw was a pink elephant. Perhaps I try to persuade him to believe that I saw it, despite the fact that he didn't see it, as well. What does he have to go on? He trusts me, definitely. I don't lie. If I am positive I saw a pink elephant, he may be more inclined to believe I'm telling the truth, because he knows me very well, and knows that I would not make something up for no reason.

But also take into the equation that I have been diagnosed with mood/panic disorders, and that the side effects of many of the medications for this type of disorder include hallucination, and the disorder itself lends itself to impulsive actions and unpredictable "flights of fancy," as well as paralyzing and debilitating panic attacks, in which some fear that is of no physical threat to me becomes so "real" in my head that I cannot move for fear some totally imagined harm will come to me. Consider that my boyfriend knows this, has been with me when this happens, and knows that the way to help me calm down from the attack is to continually reassure me that the "threat" I'm imagining isn't real, and knows from past experiences that this kind of persuasion brings me back to my normal self and can then see that what I thought was "real" was really just imaginary, and I'm really OK. He knows this about me, and he knows about the medications and panic and all that. How likely is he then going to believe that what I told him I saw was really a pink elephant?

He might tell me he believes me, then measure my mood and stress level for the rest of the evening, to see if I'm on the verge of an episode or if I remain calm and collected, the latter proving more likely to convince him of my previous statement. But what if he witnesses me become increasingly agitated, succumbing to a mood swing or even to panic? How likely is he to believe that what I saw was a pink elephant, or just a person walking down the street, making me nervous because I don't like people? Perhaps I did see a pink elephant. We live on the same street as a high school, and maybe they're having a costume party or a costume themed basketball game. Maybe it's Halloween, and kids are trick or treating. But out of all of the millions of times I look out the window and see things, what is the likelihood that, at any given time, I will see a pink elephant? The likelihood is pretty slim, at best. So unless the last two scenarios are occurring (the costume party or trick or treaters), it is highly unlikely that my boyfriend will believe that I saw a pink elephant, no matter how much he loves and trusts me.

Given that scenario, why should anyone believe your stories, or the stories of anyone else who has seen "aliens?" If someone who is emotionally attached to a person is unlikely to be convinced of such an irrational statement with nothing to go on but their loved one's word, why should 100% objective, unattached readers be convinced by the word of mouth testimony of complete strangers? Just because they have documented their word on what they saw, that doesn't make the document "proof" of what they said, it just means it's now written down. Did anyone else see it? No. Did they run outside and yell and ask it to stop so that they could have some evidence? No. Has there ever been any physical evidence to back up the word of mouth stories? No. It should also be noted that many people who have "witnessed" alien activity have some kind of psychiatric disorder that is usually untreated. How convenient that you're seeing an alien when you're not taking your meds. Meds would get in the way of the "aura" aliens put out or some such, so they would have missed it. Meanwhile, you have someone who is ill having psychiatric hallucinations, risking their own health so that they can see the "aliens." Sound good to you?

This is why no one here is willing to "let a little magic into their lives," because many of us don't have the need for magic. If I see a strange light in the sky, I might say, "Ooh, that's interesting," but I'm not going to automatically say, "Hey, look, a UFO!" If I hear dishes breaking in the kitchen, I will investigate the noise to find out where it came from, and if I see nothing in my own kitchen, I will assume it came from someone else's, since I share my apartment with people in other apartments. I won't automatically say, "Oh, wow, there must have been aliens in my kitchen."

If you want to believe in what you're suggesting, you will see what you want to see. But you absolutely cannot expect everyone else to respond the same way just because you want them to. If you came here to discuss books, that's great. But if you came here to convince people of the "world beyond" and all that crap, you've come to the wrong place, because while some here may be open to hearing your views, most of us are not gullible or easily fooled and most importantly aren't desperately trying to believe in the things you're suggesting, so if you can't provide REAL evidence, you'll probably want to seek a place with people more like yourself, as you have suggested you usually do, because you aren't going to convert anyone here.

It would also help to read what people post before you just respond and write off everything they said because of some preformed thought you had about the poster, because that is also a black mark on your attempt to make people see your view. Just a thought.
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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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Proof and research possibilities have been provided time and time again not just by me but by JohnAdams before, and who knows who before us. Not many people seem to be swayed by even the "possibility" of it so I find further discussion futile. If seeing pink elephant by thousands of people all over the world does not convince you the at least possible existence of pink elephants, then yes..my case is simply ill-targeted-you are a crowd who sees only what THEY see.

All this is becoming boring to me. You dont believe so dont. Stop debating. I tried to stop it several times..hence my "lack of responding to Interbane" and the presence lack of response to the other wookoopookosoupmoush you spent your time on writing, Ms. Bleached.

I dont and never will care if you believe in what I present or dont. Did not come to this forum for this reason. I dont try to convince you or anyone else. With these words, I end the debate.

Think that life is an ongoing odyssey full of unsolved questions and mysteries, with no one truly knowing what the Ultimate Reality is? So do I! Purchase my new book "ODYSSEY OF AN AIRHEAD; ULTIMATE TRUTH, HERE I COME!" and join me on this Earthly journey full of new truths to discover! http://www.odysseyofanairhead.com

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Re: Sceintific-evidence of god

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That was disgusting.

I'm glad you're such a good person for being open to all your ridiculous beliefs and your inability to communicate with beings of your own species and dimension. Well done.
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