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The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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That is not true for the Bible. You fuss and fume and sputter but the Bible remains there as a testimony to God.
Stop ignoring my statements. You claim the bible is the testimony to god. Prove it. The burden is on you, you're making the claim. There is evidence that says the bible is not the testimony to god, thus my position isn't committing the argumentum ad ignorantiam. You have a burden to fulfil and have for the last year failed to put forward even a single solid piece of reasoning or support.

Most of the contents of the bible are in precisely the same class as all the other things on that list, including pink unicorns.

Stahrwe wrote:To your point, my leap, if such it is is not great and is not made 'without any reason'. Thirty plus years of studying the Bible as either a skeptic or believer (I have been both) as well as the thoughts of some of the greatest minds in history have lead me to my position.
You have never been a true skeptic. You don't understand how elusive the criteria is for supporting a proposition. It is the nature of our universe that the criteria is difficult to meet. It is not something subjective, to be changed on a whim. A true skeptic realizes this, and would not abandon something that is true in favor of a weaker set of epistemic criteria.

Also, the 30 years you spent studying the bible is nothing but 30 years of rationalizing. This is why the pit you've dug is so deep. You'd have been so much better off with a life of studying the universe around you, then figuring out how it works. What you've done is ass backwards; studying a book, then interpreting reality to fit the book. Which means, by extension, your understanding of reality is very far away from what is objectively true.

The "reasons" you have to support your position are bad reasons. I challenge you to give me one single good reason. It doesn't need to be a piece of evidence. If it is a "true" reason, then you need not fear my rebuke, because a truthful reason is greater than my ability to attack it. I've spent my entire life attacking my own mind. Every time I've ever sensed even a hint of bias within myself, I've challenged myself. My position is as honest and true as it can be, and if your reason is truthful, I will be able to tell. The obvious set of questions is for another discussion, namely how can I know I'm not deluding myself?

I think the first problem you may have is that you'd start with the bible, and use it as a foundation for your reasons. But that does not work. Reasons must be grounded very firmly to a set of anchors reducible to your sense datum. The bible cannot serve as any such anchor, as it will always only be second hand information, and you cannot change that. You must build a set of reasons starting with your sense datum, and working upward in increasing complexity to finally support whatever reason you have to think the bible is truthful.
2) Older, more popular, truthfulness, all may not be justification for superiority but they do invest the Bible with particular attributes; Endurance, efficacy, reliability. It is not fallacious to consider this, or to continue to participate in a 2,000 year old organization.
This shows your lack of understanding of logic. It is not fallacy to consider those attributes. However, it is a fallacy to think those attributes(by extension their source) support the truthfulness of the bible. You are also correct that it's not fallacious to participate in the organization, though you need to realize that means you may very well be participating in an organization that is based on false beliefs.
3) The Bible honestly does have it all over religions and cults. We explored some of that in the Epistemology and Biblical Evidence until you pulled the plug as the evidence began to mount both from the Bible and outside of it. Show me a pink unicorns cult with the same history and credentials as the Church and I'll cede to point, otherwise get a new act; this one is worn thin and silly.
Even your memories are biased. What does your religion have over other religions and cults? I don't know how to cede a point that you haven't even made! Christianity is old, but that is not a characteristic that can be used to determine truthfulness. It is followed by many people, but that is also not a valid characteristic.

The best you can do is show that some parts are true. For example, there may have been a real person named Pontius Pilate, although you still need to provide sufficient evidence to show he was real.

What you're apparently blind to is each and every part needs to be supported. Do you have support for Genesis? No? Then the genesis account has absolutely nothing over an equivalent piece of mythology from another religion. Nothing. It can't be supported by itself, it isn't supported by any evidence, and it isn't supported by any reasoning. It is absolutely unsupported, yet you believe it. This is just stupid, and I don't understand how or why you think you actually have some support. I can't even begin to consider what that support might be.

Another part that is ridiculous to me is the claim that every human on Earth was only evil. Where is your support that this happened, historically? I can't think of any way to even accumulate evidence to support it, nor can I think of any reasoning. I'm honestly at a loss. Throw me a bone here. Did you spend 30 years fabricating reasons for these ridiculous passages to be true inside your head? There is no anchor to reality here Stahrwe, nothing. Give me a reason. It should be simple and truthful and free of the entanglements of your rationalizations.

Or the resurrection. What evidence do you have for that? I have no reason to believe that a biological organism can come back to life after it's life has ended. I've never known anyone to come back to life, nor do I know of any animal that does it. Inductively, you have an enormous burden. Note that I'm not saying resurrection is impossible(science will achieve it someday). What I'm saying is, there is a burden of proof that is unfulfilled on your part. How do you come to believe that a person was resurrected? I would expect 10-15 pieces of evidence, perhaps more. It's an absurd notion, so a good deal of evidence would be necessary. If it's a testimony from another source at that time, then you should be able to trace it to the original author and show the author to be free of motive to fabricate.
We have been through your non-argument over and over. Show me the literature about Cthulu written by 50 different people over 1500 years. Show me an organization dedicated to Cthulu that transforms live and improves society.
Exactly my point! You equate "number of followers" and "age of the tradition" or "number of authors" with truthfulness. Why? Why do you keep using this bad logic? Please tell me. None of these traits make any difference in your comparison of Cthulu to Christ. NONE of them. You think they do because that's the sloppy logic you've used your whole life to build your worldview. Well, I'm sorry Stahrwe, but you're proving my point. Your worldview is build upon decades of sloppy logic.
You hide behind the word logic not knowing that it is fundamentally flawed. Do you disagree?
Show me how it is fundamentally flawed. Do you instead mean that logic does not apply to some mathematical models? Do you mean logic does not apply to your reasoning? I don't care about those areas logic doesn't apply. I understand they exist. What I'm curious about is why you think you get a free pass.

Please tell me you understand. I've repeated it now about a dozen times. In whatever ways and whatever areas logic may be flawed, it is still the perfect tool to analyze your thoughts and examine your beliefs.

It's like you're trying to show how useless a hammer is for screwing in a phillips head screw, therefore has no business being used as the tool to pound your nail into the wall. You're either not following what I'm saying, or you forget it in favor of your rationalizations.
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Stahrwe wrote:Show me where I:
Said I was blind - I didn't
Hinted I was blind - I didn't
Insinuated I was blind - I didnt.
You wonder why people ignore you. Do you believe your own lies?
Stahrwe wrote:In itself this is supporting as the liklihood of being in the right place increases the more people who independently find there way there.
The more people who believe in something, the more likely it is to be true? Is this what you're saying? That, on average, if a large number of people arrive at a conclusion, the conclusion can be said to be "crowd sourced" in a sense, and thus is more likely to be true? That the "number" of believers can actually be used as a variable to help determine the truthfulness of a proposition?

It doesn't matter how many ways you reword it. There is an underlying logical structure that remains the same no matter what wording you use. Are you immune to committing a logical fallacy in this case? :mrgreen:
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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stahrwe wrote:Robert,

Thank you.

Star Burst,

I have no idea what your point was but I know people who have been slammed for duplica post.
Not me...just laughable how you think this stuff is so real. One big mythological joke and its on YOU!
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Robert Tulip wrote:From Acts 17:26 "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands"

we can see this account of history is incorrect, because it assumes that all humanity is descended from Adam.
And what was your problem with that?
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Dawn wrote:
Robert Tulip wrote:From Acts 17:26 "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands"

we can see this account of history is incorrect, because it assumes that all humanity is descended from Adam.
And what was your problem with that?
The opening post, to which Stahrwe objected, states "history as we understand it wasn't what the Jewish writers of the Bible were up to." This example from Acts is the sole mention of the word history in the New Testament, but it appears to use the word to mean the same as myth. Modern history attempts to be objective and contestable. These values are foreign to the common use of the Bible, which at the surface level is all about shoring up predetermined belief.
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Dawn wrote:
Robert Tulip wrote:From Acts 17:26 "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands"

we can see this account of history is incorrect, because it assumes that all humanity is descended from Adam.
And what was your problem with that?
Metaphor and allegory. For those who think that the bible is written in an historical format compare it to the writings of other historians such as Tacitus, Josepheus and others. Robert I agree with you. Historically the bible fails as an historical reference. The New Testament in particular is a sad sack of men that copy each others work and amounts to the left hand not knowing what the right is doing.
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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stahrwe wrote:
I actually did demonstrate the error about 'history' and the Bible and Robert, to his credit backed me up.
I'm assuming the scholar was making a point about the original language. How that has been translated is another story. My point about Narnia is that a word isn't that significant in itself, just because of its etymology. A translator chose the word chronicles, not that big a deal.

Anyway, you can fasten on any tree you think is misidentified as an excuse to avoid dealing with the forest. That is essentially what you wanted to do with old Robert Wright.
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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DWill wrote:
stahrwe wrote:
I actually did demonstrate the error about 'history' and the Bible and Robert, to his credit backed me up.
I'm assuming the scholar was making a point about the original language. How that has been translated is another story. My point about Narnia is that a word isn't that significant in itself, just because of its etymology. A translator chose the word chronicles, not that big a deal.

Anyway, you can fasten on any tree you think is misidentified as an excuse to avoid dealing with the forest. That is essentially what you wanted to do with old Robert Wright.
If each error old Robert Wright made in TEoG was a single tree that book was a forest in itself.

One point is that when you discover an obvious error how do you trust the rest of the material.

As for the translator's picking Chronicles, I addressed that in my post by including what the books were originally called:
[Originally 1st and Second Chronicles were one book in what we call the OT.]
As noted, in Hebrew it [was] called Divrei Hayyamim (also Dibh’re Hayyamim), meaning “the matters [of] the days,” based on “sefer divrei ha-yamim le-malkhei Yehudah” as well as “sefer divrei ha-yammim lemalkhei Israel,” meaning “book of the days of the kings of Judah” and “book of the days of the kings of Israel,” respectively.

theendtimesarehere.com/2011/03/17/book- ... hronicles/
Wright, and the scholars on the PBS show have an agenda and will parse, twist and lie to promote it to a receptive audience who will not demand much proof.
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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Do you read either ancient Greek or Hebrew?
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Re: The Bible's Buried Secrets

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One point is that when you discover an obvious error how do you trust the rest of the material.
So we see here that you understand the concept.

Now, apply to your life.
In the absence of God, I found Man.
-Guillermo Del Torro

Are you pushing your own short comings on us and safely hating them from a distance?

Is this the virtue of faith? To never change your mind: especially when you should?

Young Earth Creationists take offense at the idea that we have a common heritage with other animals. Why is being the descendant of a mud golem any better?
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