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Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Dexter wrote:After finishing Ch. 1, my thought is that it seems that many of the non-harm moral judgments seem quite arbitrary, given the differences across cultures. I know Haidt is going to talk about innate moral emotions, which certainly makes sense. I'll have to wait to see how he balances that with cultural influence (since I don't remember all of his arguments well enough).
I’d suspect that cultural influence is minimal, and that for the most part it comes into play in our post-hoc rationalizations of why we believe something is wrong. Haidt differentiates between actions that harm others and those that violate social conventions. But we see that the lines between the two becomes blurry across cultures. It seems to me that more often than not, science shows us that almost everything comes down to genetics. Locke’s concept of the human as a “blank slate” is increasingly replaced by the idea that much of human behavior is shaped by evolutionary psychological adaptations. (See Pinker’s The Blank Slate)

In The Happiness Hypothesis, Haidt discusses the emotion of disgust in quite a lot of detail. The story of someone having “intercourse” with a chicken and then eating is clearly disgusting to most of us. And many would consider it wrong, even if no one is hurt. It makes us want to invent a victim, like those who participated in Haidt’s graduate survey . . .
I had written the stories carefully to remove all conceivable harm to other people, yet in 38 percent of the 1,620 times that people heard a harmless-offensive story, they claimed that somebody was harmed.
In other words, our moral instinct is just that: instinct. It’s in our genes. I suspect that’s where Haidt may be going with this.

I’m thinking of Dawkins’ idea that we can act against our genes. Dawkins uses the example of using birth control. If the driver of the elephant can take a moment to consider that if no one is hurt, we may be able to see an act with a little less moral judgment. Just because something is icky doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong?
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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geo wrote: In other words, our moral instinct is just that: instinct. It’s in our genes. I suspect that’s where Haidt may be going with this.
I completely agree about moral instincts, but since (at least some) people in the West aren't willing to call some of those disgusting things "wrong," doesn't that suggest that culture determines how people are going to apply those instincts?
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Dexter wrote:
geo wrote: In other words, our moral instinct is just that: instinct. It’s in our genes. I suspect that’s where Haidt may be going with this.
I completely agree about moral instincts, but since (at least some) people in the West aren't willing to call some of those disgusting things "wrong," doesn't that suggest that culture determines how people are going to apply those instincts?
This is where interpretation gets tricky, no? Are the cultural specifics just arbitrary lines that trace out boundaries of instinct? Or, like female genital mutilation, do they reflect some ancient path-dependent process of contingent interaction between moral emotions and social structures?

I recently read a report in the Atlantic on toxic male culture in athletics, in which aggression against women was seen to be a sign of masculine forcefulness. On one hand some young men could critique it and even be disgusted by the locker room talk, but on the other hand all the young men recognized that to have any status in the bro culture they had to echo the misogynistic values being asserted. The author recognized that there were several instincts at work, but in the context of athletics the primal role of aggression and dominance seeking simply took over and pushed other values aside.

I guess I have to think that such cultural contexts can heavily shape the way we interpret ambiguous situations, and which instincts we pay most attention to.
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Dexter wrote:
geo wrote: In other words, our moral instinct is just that: instinct. It’s in our genes. I suspect that’s where Haidt may be going with this.
I completely agree about moral instincts, but since (at least some) people in the West aren't willing to call some of those disgusting things "wrong," doesn't that suggest that culture determines how people are going to apply those instincts?
Yes, but deciding how to respond to our moral instincts may be just glorified rationalizations. For example, some conservatives believe homosexual unions are wrong, but ultimately they are responding from a gut reaction of disgust. In moving from primal emotion to judgment, we have a great deal of latitude in how to interpret. But how much do we trust those interpretations, knowing they come from such a primal place? Though admittedly those rationalizations do help shape our society while giving us lots to disagree about too.

I'm sure liberals make many faulty judgments too. I just like picking on conservatives. :-D

I just found this article in Psychology Today, and it discusses Haidt's "famous" psychological scenarios from this chapter.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog ... disgusting
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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geo wrote:For example, some conservatives believe homosexual unions are wrong, but ultimately they are responding from a gut reaction of disgust.
I see that as basically virtue signaling for conservative Christians. Do they really care if someone they don't know is getting married? Some might genuinely believe that they are following the Bible, I'm not sure how that should relate to moral instinct. Seems like all but the most fundamentalist have pretty much given up on the issue. (It was only about a decade ago that Obama and Clinton were against gay marriage, now that would make you Hitler.)
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Dexter wrote:
geo wrote:For example, some conservatives believe homosexual unions are wrong, but ultimately they are responding from a gut reaction of disgust.
I see that as basically virtue signaling for conservative Christians. Do they really care if someone they don't know is getting married? Some might genuinely believe that they are following the Bible, I'm not sure how that should relate to moral instinct. Seems like all but the most fundamentalist have pretty much given up on the issue. (It was only about a decade ago that Obama and Clinton were against gay marriage, now that would make you Hitler.)
It does seem like politics and religion definitely come into play in social issues like gay marriage. I'm sure I'm oversimplifying things. It will be interesting to see how Haidt brings in in his moral foundations theory.

But you make an interesting observation. Issues like gay marriage were not on the radar ten years ago. How did it so quickly become an entrenched right? I've always believed our society is constantly becoming more progressive. No one thinks "coloreds" should sit on the back of the bus, etc. There seems a linear progression over time. But Haidt talks about how most societies are sociocentric, placing the needs of groups and institutions before individuals. America is unusually individualistic. Is that the same as progressivism? Is America becoming more individualistic? And doing so at such a fast rate, that more conservative Americans are being judged for not moving fast enough?
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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It's ballsy of Haidt to give us the answer to the origin of morality right in the first chapter. Aren't whole books devoted to that problem?

Haidt observes that morality differs between groups of people. It seems that the educated and urbanized have the more liberal view that actions that don't harm anyone shouldn't be called immoral. They believe that takes judgment too far. The question his first two examples raise for me is whether we should distinguish between the moral emotions and our declared moral views in defining morality. Clearly, Haidt indicates that the liberal Westerner is uncomfortable with both eating the family dog and having intercourse with a chicken. To me, that would indicate that, while they don't want to condemn some unknown person for doing those things, they certainly would intervene swiftly if someone in their own family did them. They do find such things to be immoral, in other words. So are the people who flat out call such things wrong actually more candid and honest than those who are squeamish about judging others in the society? Not to overthink some situations would seem to be good advice. Sure, go with your gut. Might your gut be smarter than your brain, in a sense?

However, just because you find something aversive isn't a great reason to always call it wrong. Here I'm talking about less extreme examples than Haidt uses. Homosexuality is a good instance. In complete frankness, I react to homosexual practice with some aversion. I'm strongly biased toward hetero sex. But I've taken the liberal, and to me humane, view that I have no right to deny anyone the expression of love--or desire--that is natural for him or her. Obviously, not having the belief that such sexual behavior is an offense against God makes it not difficult for me to accept homosexuality.
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Haidt’s analysis of actions that are seen as repugnant raises the problem of the moral status of victimless crimes. An action can be permissible and yet have harmful consequences, for example in degrading personal sensitivity and pushing the boundaries of what a person sees as okay, which is a common critique of pornography. A similar line of reasoning could apply around gambling, drug use or advertising of junk food.

Often people will say that the pleasure produced by these activities outweighs the moral risk of any hypothetical harm. This qualitative argument highlights the problem of purity, that in traditional conservative morality excluding such perceived corrupting influences is seen as central to protecting personal moral sensibility and values from the slippery slope to depravity.

In the case of homosexuality, it is entirely possible that legalizing gay marriage sends a social signal that such unions are entirely morally equal to heterosexual marriages where a man and woman commit to raise their own children to the exclusion of all other sexual liaisons. Advocates see this signal as desirable. As a result children are taught that it is just as morally legitimate and worthy to aspire to a gay marriage as to plan to have children with a lifelong partner.

The context here includes social attitudes to the morality of reproduction. There is a growing view that planetary overpopulation is such a serious moral problem that committing to a personal relationship that is deliberately childless has equal moral value to a family relationship whose purpose includes to perpetuate the species. This may serve as a background unconscious factor in the gay marriage debate. The idea that it is okay to see cultural transmission through the family unit as morally dubious is a new way of thinking produced by the view that humanity is a plague upon the planet and so the personal footprint has to be minimized by having smaller or no families.

Public debate on family subsidies through taxation sees claims made that having children is just a lifestyle choice, with expressions of disapproval toward large families. The personal sacrifice that parents make to raise their children is seen by critics of fertility as stupid and wasteful, rather than as morally praiseworthy. An underlying assumption here is that everyone is responsible for planning for their own care in their old age by putting enough money aside rather than expecting help from their own children. Both sides of this debate see the other as selfish.

The actual outcome of such new thinking about the moral value of childlessness is that it mainly influences rich individuals who can provide the flexible work demanded by major corporations and governments. Over time the moral critique of child-rearing produces a reversal of the older demographic structure whereby richer people used to have more children than poorer people. There are inevitable cultural and economic implications when people with the greatest personal capacity to teach their children choose to remain childless.
Last edited by Robert Tulip on Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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Robert Tulip wrote:Haidt’s analysis of actions that are seen as repugnant raises the problem of the moral status of victimless crimes. An action can be permissible and yet have harmful consequences, for example in degrading personal sensitivity and pushing the boundaries of what a person sees as okay, which is a common critique of pornography. A similar line of reasoning could apply around gambling, drug use or advertising of junk food.
I had wondered myself whether harm could apply in a couple of senses in the context of victimless crimes. The first is similar to what you observe, which is harm to the social fabric. It's possible that a subject asked could cite no particular victim, yet have a notion that general harm is occurring. If the subject has a sociocentric worldview, it could make sense that he/she would regard harm as having a wider scope than the individual level.

The second sense is harm to the person doing the behavior. If what that person is doing may harm him or indicate need, the best reaction doesn't seem to be a shrug of unconcern. I don't know about getting more mileage from Haidt's sex-with- chicken example--it would be of extreme low incidence--but it's likely that such behavior indicates that the man is distressed, socially isolated, perhaps mentally ill. In such a case, should his behavior trigger a helping response, rather than avowal of his right to do whatever he wants? I agree, though, that condemning his act as immoral would not benefit anyone. It would only push him outside the circle of moral regard and thus of the community that might help him.
Often people will say that the pleasure produced by these activities outweighs the moral risk of any hypothetical harm. This qualitative argument highlights the problem of purity, that in traditional conservative morality excluding such perceived corrupting influences is seen as central to protecting personal moral sensibility and values from the slippery slope to depravity.
Shielding group members from bad or corrupt thoughts and acts is the reason behind social separatism. We see the mild separatism of Christian evangelicals and the pronounced separatism of the Amish and Hassidic Jews. They all put up barriers against the mainstream out of the perfectly reasonable fear that their way of life won't survive if they mix with secular society. In these cases, it's interesting to observe how the "thou shalt nots" serve to preserve group identity. Things such as not owning cars, for the Amish, are given moral weight only because owning them would be a slippery slope on the way toward invalidating the only true guide for human life, the Bible.
In the case of homosexuality, it is entirely possible that legalizing gay marriage sends a social signal that such unions are entirely morally equal to heterosexual marriages where a man and woman commit to raise their own children to the exclusion of all other sexual liaisons. Advocates see this signal as desirable. As a result children are taught that it is just as morally legitimate and worthy to aspire to a gay marriage as to plan to have children with a lifelong partner.
It always seems stretched to me to imply that advocacy of gay marriage will lessen the popularity of hetero marriage. Homosexuality will always be a very minor sexual orientation, after all. I also don't see the basis for saying that same-sex marriages can't be lifelong partnerships, especially in view of infidelity by married men and women and their 50% divorce rate.
The context here includes social attitudes to the morality of reproduction. There is a growing view that planetary overpopulation is such a serious moral problem that committing to a personal relationship that is deliberately childless has equal moral value to a family relationship whose purpose includes to perpetuate the species. This may serve as a background unconscious factor in the gay marriage debate. The idea that it is okay to see cultural transmission through the family unit as morally dubious is a new way of thinking produced by the view that humanity is a plague upon the planet and so the personal footprint has to be minimized by having smaller or no families.
Wizards vs. prophets again. As Mann tells us, in the early going, prophets were singularly focused on the problem of growing numbers, especially in Asian countries and others in the third-world, while wizards were always confident that natural limits to population didn't exist, because of the ability of science and technology to extend those limits. Prophets today, however, realize that it's personal consumption more than population that drives resource depletion and global warming. That puts the onus more fairly on Americans and other Westerners, whose footprints are at least several times larger than those of Indian villagers.

Possibly you are correct that pressure on the environment is a factor in couples deciding to have fewer children. Why is it bad for our species to have this self-awareness? When we talk about moral and spiritual progress, isn't a part of that going to be acknowledging that more of us is not better for the rest of life, if it even is for us alone? At any rate, other social factors are relevant in declining family size.
Public debate on family subsidies through taxation sees claims made that having children is just a lifestyle choice, with expressions of disapproval toward large families. The personal sacrifice that parents make to raise their children is seen by critics of fertility as stupid and wasteful, rather than as morally praiseworthy. An underlying assumption here is that everyone is responsible for planning for their own care in their old age by putting enough money aside rather than expecting help from their own children. Both sides of this debate see the other as selfish.
Maybe public debate in Australia is different from that in the U.S. I haven't been exposed to the level of criticism of families that you apparently have been.
The actual outcome of such new thinking about the moral value of childlessness is that it mainly influences rich individuals who can provide the flexible work demanded by major corporations and governments. Over time the moral critique of child-rearing produces a reversal of the older demographic structure whereby richer people used to have more children than poorer people. There are inevitable cultural and economic implications when people with the greatest personal capacity to teach their children choose to remain childless.
I don't know about the reversal you speak of. Children used to be seen as useful contributors to family farm income, and these families might have been just getting by. More children equalled more workers. Then, too, I wonder about the validity of the notion that if the best and the brightest don't reproduce enough, the greater reproduction rate of the less successful will bring down national vitality.
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Re: Ch. 1: Where Does Morality Come From?

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DWill wrote:. . . So are the people who flat out call such things wrong actually more candid and honest than those who are squeamish about judging others in the society? Not to overthink some situations would seem to be good advice. Sure, go with your gut. Might your gut be smarter than your brain, in a sense?

However, just because you find something aversive isn't a great reason to always call it wrong. Here I'm talking about less extreme examples than Haidt uses. Homosexuality is a good instance. In complete frankness, I react to homosexual practice with some aversion. I'm strongly biased toward hetero sex. But I've taken the liberal, and to me humane, view that I have no right to deny anyone the expression of love--or desire--that is natural for him or her. Obviously, not having the belief that such sexual behavior is an offense against God makes it not difficult for me to accept homosexuality.
I am also averse to homosexuality and, yet, I don't see how we can denounce or forbid what two consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their own homes. On the other hand,I can understand why some are reluctant give their blessing—see Robert's social fabric comments. Though, personally I don't really buy the unnatural argument, since homosexuality does exist and has always existed. It's a biological fact.

Either way, I'm inclined to favor individual freedom over group tyranny. There must be an algorithm in my brain that allows me to make that judgment. Is this Haidt's Liberty/Oppression foundation?

My thought here is that it's a good thing that we have a mix of political temperaments. We would see a tyranny of a different kind if we were all liberals or all conservatives. Indeed, maybe this an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) for our species to have developed such diversity (politically speaking). In a way it gives us more flexibility to adjust to varying circumstances. When our population was much smaller, procreation was vitally important to our species. And homosexuality would have been seen—intuited—as a threat. Perhaps that's where the aversion comes from. And so the question to ask: is this aversion still useful? Even if the answer is no, we can perhaps empathize with those who still go with their gut.
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