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Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KS wrote:I could post links to hundreds of videos showing attacks on Trump supporters.
And you could also post hundreds of videos illustrating violence from right-wingers. But those don't ever appear in your echo chamber, so you probably aren't aware they exist. Go search for them, see what you find. Look for videos of Trump promoting violence.

I'm not defending the left. I know there is violence and guilt to be had on both sides. What I'm saying is that your words come across hypocritical.
The Trump-bashing is just cover for the wreckage that Obama left behind.
Eight years of growth is wreckage? Eight years of growth following wreckage from the previous conservative president? What alternate reality are you living in?
Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama) ordered the FBI to derail the Trump campaign.
You believe that?
You don't need bureaucrats telling you what to do.
I prefer the restrictions that bureaucrats place on people around me. I'd rather keep the health department regulations, pollution regulations, consumer protection regulations and other restrictions that you appear to simply take for granted. Have you ever lived in a third world country that lacked good regulation? They're filthy and polluted and slummish and red in tooth and claw.

I lived in California for ten years, and I agree that too much bureaucracy is bad. There must be balance. Currently, many states have too much bureaucracy. But that applies to specific laws and specific instances, and isn't a blanket statement.
Anybody who CAN abuse their power WILL abuse their power
To me, this equates to rich people. Rich people have tremendous power, and use it to twist the government into their favor. Which primarily means shrinking the powers of government so they can keep more of their money and leverage it to greater effect to make more money. The only force we have to act as a check against the power of the rich is our government. You need power to combat power. I agree that both forms of power are magnets of the Dark Side, but how do you propose we avoid another gilded age? By shrinking government and allowing the rich to reign once again? You're ignoring one evil and bickering at the other. Step back and see the struggle for what it really is.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote:But the Obama stay-behinds (Vichy Americans) are doing their best to cover for their boss.
Fresh off of illustrating the Elian Gonzalez story backwards, KindaSkolarly gets another historical analogy upside down. "Vichy" refers to French citizens who collaborated with Nazis during the German occupation of France in WWII. Nazis - then and now - are right wingers. There are even several straight up Nazis running for election this November on the Republican ticket. Think about it how dramatically times have changed: 73 years after VE day, Americans who want to collaborate with Nazis (Vichy Republicans) can actually VOTE FOR NAZIS ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET!

Attempting to label "Obama stay-behinds" as "Vichy Americans" is a much more serious error than even the Elian Gonzalez goofballishness...
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote:Strzok is the FBI agent with the text messages, sent to his lover, another FBI agent. Strzok is married but was cheating with his co-worker, so that tells you what kind of guy he is.
I'm not defending Strzok's extramarital affair, nor do I want to engage in what-aboutism, but this is an amazing bit of hypocrisy from a Trump supporter. You do know Trump has had numerous extramarital affairs, cheating on every one of his wives, including his current one, right? So if we are to judge Strzok on his one extramarital affair, than Trump is many times worse. And, indeed, he's POTUS, which one would think would hold him to a higher standard of behavior, although with Trump we have clearly given up the notion of being "presidential."
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Lots of jibber jabber. What’s worth responding to?

Nazis weren’t right-wing; they were leftists. In 1927 Hitler said, "We are socialists. We are enemies of today's capitalistic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

The Nazis Were Marxists
americanthinker.com/articles/2007/11/th ... xists.html

Adolf Hitler’s Debt to Karl Marx
quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2018/05/ado ... rx/#_ftn15

Hell, “national socialists”? Hello?

The great benefit of being exposed to the truth is that you no longer have to remember the myriad lies that are needed to prop up falsehood. Nazis = Marxists. Simple. No more “You’re a Nazi if you wear a Trump hat,” “You’re a Nazi if you have a Confederate flag,” crap like that. Marxists are Nazis. Easy peasy.

Hitler wanted a state-run system held together by race hatred. The trendy thing among leftists in America now is to say that they want socialism and they’ve “given up on white people.” Leftists are Nazis. Easy peasy.

What else? Yes, Obama ordered the infiltration of the Trump campaign. The Democrats occupied the White House, they had more dead voters on the active rolls than the Republicans did, they were in cahoots with D.C.’s intelligence agencies, they controlled the mainstream propaganda arms, they had spies in the Trump camp...so what could possible go wrong? A giant national upchucking of Hillary Clinton’s force-fed bullshit is what could go wrong. And now the Dem-wits are in panic mode.

From an article:

...None other than greatly respected former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said last week, “I guarantee the answer is yes” as to whether Obama knew the FBI had planted spies into the Trump campaign. He said no FBI director would dare infiltrate a presidential campaign without the direct approval and authorization of the sitting president....

reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-colum ... ack-obama/

Obama, the Clintons and others are now at risk, literally at risk, of losing their lives. Their crimes are orders of magnitude beyond Nixon’s. They HAVE to keep “Russigate” going against Trump so that the truly meritorious crime of “Spygate” doesn’t make it into the news. If it does, the traitors will have to either flee the country or get used to life in shackles.

But that’s all background chatter. The upcoming week promises to be a good one. Tomorrow Donald Trump meets with Vladimir Putin. Hopefully the conflict in Syria will be dialed down. That would be another giant stride in Trump’s march to the Nobel Peace Prize.

And look at the Strzok images, from his congressional testimony last week. People I know who pay no attention at all to politics said “Damn!” when they saw video of this psycho lying to congress:


Those people who don’t follow politics are finally able to put a face to the Trump bashers. I think it’s an even better (more demented) face than Mad Maxine Waters’.

Anyway, should be a good week coming up.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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You can test your theories on Naziism by talking directly to them. They are easy to find on line. Start an account on their web sites and communicate. But do no ask their opinions, no - INFORM these Nazis that they are in fact left wing Obama/Hillary/Sanders loving liberals! Let's see what kind of reaction you get. But be very careful, if you are good at this you know they will try to dox you out and hunt you down! :x
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Obama, the Clintons and others are now at risk, literally at risk, of losing their lives. Their crimes are orders of magnitude beyond Nixon’s.
Losing their lives? An informant was placed in Trump's campaign because of suspected collusion. Since then, 4 people have been indicted and a couple have plead guilty to lying to the FBI about interactions with Russian contacts. How was the placement of an informant wrong?

Russia tried like hell, and succeeded, in swaying this past election. Yet the placement of an informant to uncover their potential influence is a crime? You're simply wrong. You have this backwards.
And look at the Strzok images, from his congressional testimony last week.
Are you appealing to emotion or are those images proof he's a psychopath? I listed to the words rather than trying capturing opportunistic photos of his expressions, and while he's an awkward speaker, I found myself agreeing with his words.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Well, it looks as if Strzok is toast. Apparently his girlfriend Lisa Page is naming names right now:

FBI: Lisa Page Dimes Out Top FBI Officials During Classified House Testimony

...The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said.

The Russians didn’t do it. The Chinese did, according to well-placed FBI sources.

And while Democratic lawmakers and the mainstream media prop up Russia as America’s boogeyman, it was the ironically Chinese who acquired Hillary’s treasure trove of classified and top secret intelligence from her home-brewed private server.

And a public revelation of that magnitude — publicizing that a communist world power intercepted Hillary’s sensitive and top secret emails — would have derailed Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes. Overnight. But it didn’t simply because it was concealed....

truepundit.com/fbi-lisa-page-dimes-out- ... et-emails/

The thing is, when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she never had a .gov email address. Instead, she set up a private server and loaded it with classified intel. Then she apparently turned the server into a dropbox, where you could pick up info from it if you had the code. Bought with a “donation” to the Clinton Foundation, of course. This is what will most likely be the final story when it’s written. While meeting with Putin, Trump once again said that Clinton needs to turn over her emails, her servers need to be examined and so on.

My favorite statement from the Helsinki conference:

Putin: "For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Well that’s their personal case. It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.”

youtube.com/watch?v=U95AmR3t6iU&fea ... e=youtu.be

What a glorious meeting. Trump announced the end of the Cold War, and we learned that Hillary Clinton received FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS from Browder’s group. Of course, the Clinton Foundation is a “charitable” organization and not subject to standard tax oversight, and its banks (plural) are in the Cayman Islands, so we’ll have to wait to see where this goes. But Putin’s statement shows that he knows how the Deep State (the entrenched bureaucracy) operates in the US. It funds nefarious activities by moving money through the accounts of people like the Clintons, always keeping the money on the move.

The FBI and the Dept of Justice are compared to the Praetorian Guard in the article below. The comparison seems apt:

The FBI and DOJ Praetorian Guard – The Beginning of the End

...Flash forward to the early 21st century in the U.S. and we see a replay of this sordid Roman history repeating itself with the modern-day Praetorian Guard that holds sway within the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to the 2016 presidential election, FBI and DOJ leaders sought to influence the election by favoring one presidential candidate (Hillary Clinton) and undermining her opponent (Donald Trump). They were so sure Clinton would be elected that they clumsily perverted justice to ensure that outcome....

investmentwatchblog.com/the-fbi-and-doj ... f-the-end/

But before the Praetorians are banished, they’ll try to rile the populace to civil war. Don't fall for it. Trump's working in America's interest. He's trying to cool off the Chinese economy with trade barriers, while he strengthens ties with Russia, China's traditional foe. The Bushes, Clintons and Obama have been feeding us to the ChiComs for decades, but at the last minute Trump has grabbed us by the ankles and is trying to pull us out of Mao's maw. While the leftist leaders want you dead in the streets because of....what? Oh, yeah, Trump supporters are Nazis. And racists. Grow up.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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Do you engage with others KS? You seem to have horse blinders on, and just plow forward while ignoring criticism. It's all jibber jabber! :-D
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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KindaSkolarly wrote: Nazis weren’t right-wing; they were leftists. In 1927 Hitler said, "We are socialists. We are enemies of today's capitalistic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
This is flat out wrong. Above all, Nazis were German white nationalists. And who are the white nationalists today. They are far right conservatives. They were then and they are today.
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Re: Draining the swamp - Thank you Donald Trump

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It must suck to be an American leftist right now. They demand respect for illegal aliens, because everyone deserves respect, yet they heap abuse on American citizens who have opposing points of view. They call themselves patriots while arguing for the abolition of borders. To be a patriot you must first have a country, and they're calling for the destruction of their country. Such mass insanity. Let me see what I've bookmarked lately on the wacky world of leftism.

A man (an immigrant) opened a cafe in Los Angeles. LA is a leftist paradise, all "tolerant" and such, but the cafe owner supports our president. Leftist protestors gathered to throw feces at his cafe:

youtube.com/watch?v=_qHtwFhX_yQ&fea ... e=youtu.be

The "Walkaway" movement is gaining traction--Democrats leaving the party. The Dem leadership says that it's a Russian bot attack (seriously), but check out some of the videos of people telling why they've given up on the Democrats:


The video below is especially compelling, in my opinion. The lady never says what field her PhD is in, but I'm glad she finally saw through the Democrats' filosofy:


And it may soon be a federal crime to mask yourself before engaging in mayhem:

Alt-Left Melts Down Over "Unmasking Antifa" Act

Introduced in the House last month by Rep Dan Donovan (R-NY), H.R. 6054 is a response to a spate of violent attacks provoked by masked members of Antifa, and would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.... The law is effectively a modern take on anti-mask laws dating back to the mid-20th century in order to stop the violent activities of the Ku Klux Klan - and the left is predictably pissed....

zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-11/alt-left- ... antifa-act


On and on. It's endless.
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