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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote:This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.

There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic...
Dude, you seriously don't know what you're talking about.

There's still a lot of unknowns with coronoavirus. It's a new virus and infection rates vary widely depending on measures enacted to contain it. Without social distancing and community lockdowns, the spread of the virus would be much worse. In fact, we are already relaxing social distancing and lockdown measures as we see a drop in deaths and new coronavirus cases. How is this not following the science? All 50 states are now reopening because measures to contain the spread of the virus have been effective. Though some states fared better than others.

Comparing COVID-19 to the flu is disingenuous. According to experts, COVID-19 is more infectious than the flu, and has a higher death rate. 36,000 Americans die each year from the complications of the flu, while so far this year the death toll in the U.S. from COVID-19 has surpassed 100,000.

https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ ... t-COVID-19

You seem hell-bent on spreading misinformation. To support your narrative you have to cull information from highly dubious, right-wing sources, such as the "Off Guardian" site, which quotes Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, as saying, "it's all bullshit." Hate to break it to you, but this is not a legitimate news source. It's basically a blog site tailor made for the conspiracy theorist crowd.
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Re: Coronavirus

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Interbane wrote:FYI, my vote is now against keeping KS on Booktalk. He doesn't engage, and simply uses the forum as a place to spout his lunacy. It would be different if there were some sort of dialogue. But it's like trying to talk to a dandelion. All we get is an endless spew of conspiracy.
I agree as well. He spreads only lies and misinformation and doesn't engage when presented with contradictory evidence. In other words, he's a troll.

The other solution is to completely ignore him.
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Re: Coronavirus

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geo wrote:Comparing COVID-19 to the flu is disingenuous. According to experts, COVID-19 is more infectious than the flu, and has a higher death rate. 36,000 Americans die each year from the complications of the flu, while so far this year the death toll in the U.S. from COVID-19 has surpassed 100,000.
"According to experts"? The expert Fauci said that wearing a mask makes no difference, then later he told people to wear one if it made them feel better. Wearing a mask to stop the virus is like trying to stop mosquitoes with chain link. You people wanted to "follow the science," and we did. The Wuhan virus is just not that deadly. Even when they financially incentivized hospitals to declare all un-tested but "suspected" admissions to be Wuhan, we still got flu-like rates. Drive-by shooting deaths are now being attributed to the virus, but even THAT kind of number inflation can't breathe life into the dead horse of the "Covid pandemic." You Covid science deniers remind me of the climate change people with their "settled science" bullshit. Leftists want social control for some reason, and you'll sacrifice anything, even the truth, to be dominated. I sneeze on your fake science.

Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
...So we are faced with a blizzard of new “facts” almost every day, most of which turn out to be only mildly true, extremely dubious, or plainly false:
* The virus aerosolizes and floats around, so we all need to be six feet apart (But why not twenty feet? Why not one mile?);
* The virus lives on surfaces everywhere, for days;
* Asymptomatic people can spread it unknowingly;
* Antibodies may or may not develop naturally;
* People may become infected more than once;
* Young healthy people are at great risk not only themselves, but also pose a risk to their elderly family members;
* Thin, permeable paper masks somehow prevent microscopic viral spores from being inhaled or exhaled toward others;
* People are safer inside;
* The rate of new infected “cases” in the first few weeks of the virus reaching America would continue or even grow exponentially;
* Social distancing and quarantines do indeed “save” lives;
* Testing is key (But what if an individual visits a crowded grocery an hour after testing negative?);
* A second wave of infections is nigh; and
* Our personal and work lives cannot continue without a vaccine, which, by the way, may be two years away.
Again, much of this is not true and not even intended to be true—but rather to influence public behavior and opinions. And again, the overwhelming burden of proof should lie squarely with those advocating a lockdown of society, who would risk a modern Great Depression in response to a simple virus....
globalresearch.ca/coronavirus-propagand ... da/5714658

And of course, we have to wonder why the communist mayors and governors, who a couple of weeks ago were threatening to arrest people for gathering in groups, are now marching with mobs.
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Re: Coronavirus

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geo wrote:
Interbane wrote:FYI, my vote is now against keeping KS on Booktalk. He doesn't engage, and simply uses the forum as a place to spout his lunacy. It would be different if there were some sort of dialogue. But it's like trying to talk to a dandelion. All we get is an endless spew of conspiracy.
I agree as well. He spreads only lies and misinformation and doesn't engage when presented with contradictory evidence. In other words, he's a troll.

The other solution is to completely ignore him.

There was a time when most of you called for me to be banned.

Putting KOS aside for a moment, I know ( in a manner of speaking) the Booktalk core group. You have some interesting things to say and are convincing with a lot of your arguments.

However, you are also too comfortable in this small echo chamber you hang your hat in. As soon as things get "unsettled" you start calling for a ban.

Stop it.

Debunk his claims.
Counter some of his obvious billboard propaganda with evidence.

You never know who might be watching and learning from it.
Last edited by ant on Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coronavirus

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I don't have my mind made up on that matter. I think Kinda posts here in order to increase the visibility of QAnon ideology. You say to refute his propaganda with facts, but that is practically impossible since no one has time to sift through the hundreds of websites he links us to. Who knows what that stuff is really about? As Interbane said, he doesn't engage, and as geo said, he's a troll. He also plagiarizes at times. He'll never admit that something he posted was false, such as the recent lie about Biden saying he'll beat Joe Biden. Whom does that remind you of?

But I suppose there's some value to having a front row seat to what's brewing out there in conspiracy land.
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Re: Coronavirus

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ant wrote:Putting KOS aside for a moment, I know ( in a manner of speaking) the Booktalk core group. You have some interesting things to say and are convincing with a lot of your arguments.

However, you are also too comfortable in this small echo chamber you hang your hat in. As soon as things get "unsettled" you start calling for a ban.

Stop it.

Debunk his claims.
Counter some of his obvious billboard propaganda with evidence.

You never know who might be watching and learning from it.
Yeah, you ain't wrong. And as DWill says, it's good to have a front row seats to the kind of conspiracy theories being circulated out there.

I officially take back my suggestion to ban KS.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote:"According to experts"? The expert Fauci said that wearing a mask makes no difference, then later he told people to wear one if it made them feel better. Wearing a mask to stop the virus is like trying to stop mosquitoes with chain link.
Fauci's advice has since changed. Both he and the CDC recommend wearing masks or cloth face coverings. If you consider that the virus is expelled by droplets of saliva when people speak or cough, it actually makes sense that wearing a face mask would restrict the amount of saliva droplets being expelled—and ultimately slow the spread of the virus. Right?

The CDC has never claimed that social distancing and wearing masks is a hundred percent effective. They are recommended only to slow the spread of the disease. And the data strongly suggest they are right.

from the CDC:
CDC is additionally advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nc ... cover.html
KindaSkolarly wrote:You people wanted to "follow the science," and we did. The Wuhan virus is just not that deadly.
It is deadly to a small percentage of people. Following the science did, in fact, flatten the curve and save lives. And with new cases and hospitalizations now dropping, the economy is now opening back up. Yay! Science!

No paranoid conpsiracy theories are required here.
KindaSkolarly wrote: Even when they financially incentivized hospitals to declare all un-tested but "suspected" admissions to be Wuhan, we still got flu-like rates. Drive-by shooting deaths are now being attributed to the virus, but even THAT kind of number inflation can't breathe life into the dead horse of the "Covid pandemic." You Covid science deniers remind me of the climate change people with their "settled science" bullshit. Leftists want social control for some reason, and you'll sacrifice anything, even the truth, to be dominated. I sneeze on your fake science.
You'll have to cite your sources that drive-by shootings are being attributed to coronavirus.

Otherwise, this is muddled thinking mixed in with a healthy dose of paranoia and fear of government. Do you deny climate change as well? I agree that the left's political agenda is sometimes mixed in with climate change, but that doesn't mean the science itself is wrong.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
...So we are faced with a blizzard of new “facts” almost every day, most of which turn out to be only mildly true, extremely dubious, or plainly false . . .. . . Again, much of this is not true and not even intended to be true—but rather to influence public behavior and opinions.
The coronavirus is still not very well understood. This is the nature of science. Only through conjecture and observation, then studying and testing hypotheses, do we gradually come to understand more about the virus and the disease it causes.

The "blizzard of new facts" you speak of aren't usually facts at all, they are bits of partial information—and sometimes wrongly interpreted information—being disseminated constantly across the globe at the speed of light. The "media" is not a single organization with a united goal to disseminate leftist propaganda, but thousands and thousands of individual outlets, each trying to get your attention. And they do so by loudly latching on to every piece of new information and broadcasting it, often out of context and often sensationalized, all in an attempt to distinguish themselves from other media sources.

It is a well known fact that science reporting is not great. The news itself is often over-simplified for the masses, packaged and disseminated like Wonder Bread for undiscriminating consumers.

There's also plenty of propaganda—both on the left and the right.

This is where the term caveat emptor comes in. The buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of information before coming to firm conclusions. The science about coronoavirus is far from settled. But don't blame the science for the poor quality of the media coverage and the sites you're wasting your time consuming.
KindaSkolarly wrote: And of course, we have to wonder why the communist mayors and governors, who a couple of weeks ago were threatening to arrest people for gathering in groups, are now marching with mobs.
Well, they're not communists really, right? But yes, concerns about catching and spreading coronavirus have been overshadowed by the George Floyd murder. I have heard that we may see a new spike in new cases as a result of these protests. We'll have to wait and see if that comes to play.
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Re: Coronavirus

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42% of the deaths have been in nursing homes. Apparently in an effort to make Trump look bad, several state governors forced Wuhan patients in among the elderly. Who could have imagined that Trump Derangement Syndrome would lead to mass murder by governors?

Also, the death count has been inflated because of this:

Birx says government is classifying all deaths of patients with coronavirus as 'COVID-19' deaths, regardless of cause
foxnews.com/politics/birx-says-governme ... s-of-cause

George Floyd, the man killed in Minneapolis, had the virus. Therefore he died of it, according to the counting process.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote:
Birx says government is classifying all deaths of patients with coronavirus as 'COVID-19' deaths, regardless of cause
foxnews.com/politics/birx-says-governme ... s-of-cause

George Floyd, the man killed in Minneapolis, had the virus. Therefore he died of it, according to the counting process.
Your article states this: "The federal government is classifying the deaths of patients infected with the coronavirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of any underlying health issues that could have contributed to the loss of someone's life."

UNDERLYING HEALTH ISSUES!!! Being murdered is NOT an underlying health issue. She refers to diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinsons--something like that. You are either completely stupid or a intelligence-insulting troll. Quite possibly both.
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Re: Coronavirus

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As I was reading the last few posts in this thread a family member in Ohio texted me and told me her son's girlfriend just tested positive for Covid. He basically lives with her so he probably has it or will have it very soon. And he's a Type 1 Diabetic so this could be deadly.
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