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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote:Trump's a member of the only political party in America that has power--the money party. He'll change his tune as needed to serve it. In the end you'll have to make a personal choice about whether you want technocrats with holdings in pharmaceutical companies to inject you with untested drugs. I just wish you suicides had the decency to off yourselves without trying to drag the rest of us with you.

Face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC
blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/07/20/face ... y-own-cdc/

Dr. Warns New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA
duckduckgo.com/?q=Dr.+Warns+New+COVID-1 ... amp;ia=web

I put a page of links to the above video because it's the kind that you anti-science fascists will want pulled down pretty quickly. The doctor gets into the meat of the matter at about 6 minutes. She gives an overview of DNA and then describes how the new "vaccines" will change it. She says the reason this is being done is so that we can all be patented as new creations, and that may be. She gets into DARPA and the science of nanotechnology...fascinating, but old news to me. She sees the full picture of how humanity will be eradicated, and it infuriates me that she has to articulate it. You boneheads who support the technocracy running the global shutdown are seriously dangerous. You're children waving guns. First the climate scam, now the Covid hysteria. Watch her video through to the end. YOU made her cry you clueless, leftist fucks. Listen to the future she describes. She's been a doctor for 20 years and she SEES the transhumanist nightmare that's headed for us like a bullet. While you babies wash your hands and sing Happy Birthday to yourselves. Children. You pathetic children. "Wash your hands for the length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday." Do you insert your own names in the song you trembling fucking babies? Think about the MALEVOLENCE of the social engineers who tell you to sing to yourself while they prepare to inject you with poison. Sure, Bill and Melinda Gates said they'll just use it on indigent Africans for now, but they're coming for you. And you'll be thankful because you're gutless suicides who want somebody else to pull the trigger.


All that you think is so..so..sad but I don’t have an iota of empathy for you. There are frustrations here that are exposing the real danger of a mind like KS.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KindaSkolarly wrote: Face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC
blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/07/20/face ... y-own-cdc/
It's a shame that face masks have become politicized. Instead of looking at our emerging understanding of the virus with an open mind, you are try to cherrypick data to support your anti-liberal position. It's true that the science for the efficacy of facemasks is somewhat mixed, but one study alone doesn't close the case forever. Because as we know the science is constantly changing, adapting as new data comes in. If you looked around a little, you would learn that several recent case studies do show that cloth face coverings can help reduce the spread of COVID-19, which is why the CDC and WHO and other health agencies consistently recommend wearing face masks.

It could be that we find out later that face masks do nothing to help fight coronavirus. But so far it looks like they probably do help, and so our health agencies have recommended wearing face coverings as a matter of recommendation.

Also, it's probably worth pointing out that the CDC study you linked to pertains to the spread of influenza, not the coronoavirus. There may be important differences between the two viruses that change the equation. Face coverings may work better to stop coronavirus than against the influenza virus. I personally don't know. Your blogger doesn't care to point this out.
There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.
https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020 ... masks.html

This article from blogger Steven Novella is worth reading. The science is much more complicated than political pundits would have you believe. That's why you should try very hard to understand when your politics gets in the way of your willingness to have an open mind. A lost cause, I fear.
When it came to masks, an analysis of 29 unadjusted and 10 adjusted studies demonstrated that the use of masks was also associated with a large decrease in transmission, both for N95 masks and for disposable surgical masks or similar reusable 12- to 16-layer cotton masks.
https://theness.com/neurologicablog/ind ... -mask-war/
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Re: Coronavirus

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An interesting pair of articles showed up in the NY Times yesterday.

One, an opinion piece on how to talk to anti-maskers, looks at public health failures (especially the effort against ebola in West Africa) in terms of attitude and communication strategy by public health experts.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/opin ... perts.html
Be sure to listen to people and take their concerns seriously, is one major guideline. Also, don't arrogantly dictate safe behavior, but instead explain the if-then connections involved. (But explain clearly and without unnecessary complications.) And finally, don't flip-flop when clarity is at a premium. You can see the damage being caused, by Peter Navarro and others, over the reversal of guidance on face masks.

Scientific guidance on nutrition and exercise have been distorted by premature promotion of strategies with insufficient evidence, so that the guidance from three to five years ago is vulnerable to announcements of new studies. The result undermines the credibility of science. Reporting needs to be clear on the difference between "a study" and a consensus based on thorough knowledge.

The second should be read in conjunction.
Thomas Edsall looks at research about the growing predominance of the authoritarian right over the traditional conservatives in the Republican Party. In typical Edsall fashion it starts with abstract academic analysis and meanders toward a conclusion. He looks at findings that authoritarians listen differently. They respond to simple language and simple, clear conclusions in black and white terms. They almost literally do not hear complex arguments.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/opin ... erica.html

One of the studies concluded that
the “overriding objective of the authoritarian is always to enhance oneness and sameness; to minimize the diversity of people, beliefs and behaviors.”
It raises some interesting questions about the way to communicate effectively about a pandemic and the need to be clear and simple.

It also tells a little bit about the reasons Trump is wearing thin. His rallies in 2016 featured chants and repetition. The message, "Our side is great, but we are undermined by liberal wobbliness" seemed simple enough, and people who had long exaggerated the burden of helping the rest of the world (because any help is too much, in a black and white way of thinking) responded to a consistent theme of putting America first. But governing is much messier, we still have Chinese imports, we still have NAFTA, and the pandemic has made a mockery of notions of stubborn individualism. Is Trump able to be clear and simple? No. Any chant he starts up these days will have people thinking, "Wait a minute, didn't we . . . ?"

Trump would like to reduce the virus to simple nostrums: "It will go away." "We have it under control." "The maskers don't care about freedom." "The economy is more important." Alas for us all, reality is more complex.
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Re: Coronavirus

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I was reading that Trump is hoping to spring an October Surprise on the democratic party by introducing a vaccine. But that vaccine is a long way off. Even if one was found right now that was 100% effective in all cases, it would take much longer than until October just to get it ready to inject all Americans. But the course is that it has to be vetted to work for all Americans. It has to be verified to have no serious side fx. This kind of testing will take many months. With luck, we might have it next October. We may also never have one. But even if we did have one ready to go by October, would it help Trump? No. I think it would hurt him more because people are going to ask, "If you can move this fast to get results, then you must have dragged your feet on the initial response. If you had mobilized this fast back in November of 2019, we wouldn't be in this mess. Why didn't you move when it really mattered?" So, careful what you wish for, Donald.
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Re: Coronavirus

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"President Donald Trump said Tuesday that his administration is “in the process of developing a strategy” to combat the coronavirus pandemic, adding that it has “developed as we go along.”

https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/21/coronav ... ategy.html

Only now "developing a strategy"? This would have been a good thing to have done by March at the latest. His statement is an admission of neglect. Combatting a pandemic isn't the kind of thing that stirs Donald Trump. It's rather boring, I guess, compared to dominating the streets.

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Re: Coronavirus

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The Covid numbers are such a lie:

"Military insurer Tricare admitted that it wrongly told more than 600,000 U.S. military members that they had the virus. ... Hospitals in Florida are showing massive problems with testing accuracy, with Orlando Health admitting that its 98 percent positive rate was actually 9.4 percent...."
infowars.com/bill-gates-confronted-abou ... e-effects/

A good article. Lots of information.

The video below was pulled down immediately from Youtube and Facebook. The elites want to inject us, and anything that suggests treatment short of injection is kept from our view:

Front Line Doctors Speak Out ON COVID Cures and Misinformation

The video's very straightforward; we've been mislead about treatments for Covid. One doctor says that she's treated 350 people with hydroxychloroquine + zinc (and antibiotics where needed), and all of the patients recovered. The oldest was 92 and many had other health issues that we're told are a death sentence (kidney problems). One of the doctors says that no (zero) cases of a child giving the virus to a teacher have been reported in the entire world. And kids are especially resilient when it comes to the virus. Yet school districts across America want to cancel school this year. He says that in his home district of Los Angeles, the teacher's union wants to make reopening the schools contingent on defunding the police.

Fauci approved of hydroxychloroquine during the SARS outbreak in 2005, by the way:

Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses. ... How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks."
truepundit.com/deadly-cover-up-fauci-ap ... ed-to-die/

So what's changed in Fauci's thinking? One of the doctors in the Front Line video says that millions have died because hydroxychloroquine is not being administered. It's obvious that the Bill Gates cabal does not want a treatment, they want a forced vaccine. So why is that? If the disease can be treated with existing drugs, then why subject humanity to a dangerous vaccine?

BBC confirms Bill Gates’ agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and microchipped to travel, work or leave home
"The macro-needles don’t leave scars and are less invasive than the regular needles – it’s like putting on a Band-Aid,” Jaklenec said. That subdermal record is readable by a simple scanner, she added. “It can even be done with a modified phone.” (So, they'll give you your Auschwitz tattoo by putting on a bandaid.)
infowars.com/forced-inocculation-microc ... run-media/

Here's one of your Overlords enjoying the plandemic. He cleared the stands of baseball fans and then went out to enjoy opening day. What's wrong with this picture?


Oh, and check out the 2-minute video at the link below. Bill Gates being interviewed. 80% of the test subjects in the trial of his Moderna vaccine have had adverse reactions, but when that's brought up he poo poos it. Shrugs like it's no big thing, invokes the FDA. The FDA is an enforcer for the big pharmaceutical companies. It keeps the riffraff out of the market so that big pharma can do what it wants. Look at Gates act like the FDA is the final word on medical issues. I'm so glad we have this video. He is a true psychopath, and here is video proof of it.

https://www.zerohedge.com/health/next-t ... oronavirus

More on Gates:

What IF Everything You Hear Is Nothing More Than Complete Garbage?
"For instance, “In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education. These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing. ... Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The childrens wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village. When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in fear. ... it was discovered that in fact the whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."
newswithviews.com/what-if-everything-yo ... e-garbage/

The plan is to announce a vaccine, mass-produce it, and then begin injecting. So that "racism" can't be claimed later, it will be pushed on Africans and African-Americans first. The lemmings in the West will be so sick of masks by then that millions will clamor for the shot, and it'll be delivered. The problem is it's not really a vaccine, it's a mechanism for altering DNA. That's what cancer does, so, oops, a few months down the road we'll see the "unintended consequences" of the FDA rushing a vaccine to market. Bill Gates will shrug and tell us that his NEXT vaccine will work. Of course, by then you'll need a digital tattoo to even leave the house, but don't worry, because they'll come to your door to inject you. That's coming sure as sunrise. They're not even trying to hide it now.
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Re: Coronavirus

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KS wrote:The Covid numbers are such a lie:

"Military insurer Tricare admitted that it wrongly told more than 600,000 U.S. military members that they had the virus. ...
They sent a generic email that mentioned donation opportunities, and referred to the recipients “coronavirus survivors”. It was an accident of wording and nothing more. Fake news.
Hospitals in Florida are showing massive problems with testing accuracy, with Orlando Health admitting that its 98 percent positive rate was actually 9.4 percent...."
More fake news. This is the same as before, the higher rate is due to labs only reporting the positives, without also reporting the negatives. The actual positive cases are the same. The difference is when you start reporting the negative also(which they have been reprimanded into doing), you get the actual percentage.
The video below was pulled down immediately from Youtube and Facebook. The elites want to inject us, and anything that suggests treatment short of injection is kept from our view:
Of course, Stella Immanuel is right up your alley. She also thinks that cysts and genital issues are caused by having sex with demons while dreaming, or some such trash. She believes alien DNA is given to people as treatments. She thinks reptiles are running our government. She thinks hydroxychloroquine is a cure for Covid-19.
Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses. ... How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks."
Different drug, different strain. Fake news. Over 50 studies have been done on the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine on the current virus, and the metadata suggests it has zero benefit, and does more harm than good.
"The macro-needles don’t leave scars and are less invasive than the regular needles – it’s like putting on a Band-Aid,” Jaklenec said. That subdermal record is readable by a simple scanner, she added. “It can even be done with a modified phone.” (So, they'll give you your Auschwitz tattoo by putting on a bandaid.)
Fake news. The seed of this absurd conspiracy is due to a study funded partially by the Bill Gates foundation where a kid was injected with ink that could potentially keep a record of what vaccines he’s received. No microchips, no tracking, no personal information, etc. How you could possibly see anything malevolent here is beyond me.
Oh, and check out the 2-minute video at the link below. Bill Gates being interviewed. 80% of the test subjects in the trial of his Moderna vaccine have had adverse reactions, but when that's brought up he poo poos it. Shrugs like it's no big thing, invokes the FDA. The FDA is an enforcer for the big pharmaceutical companies. It keeps the riffraff out of the market so that big pharma can do what it wants. Look at Gates act like the FDA is the final word on medical issues. I'm so glad we have this video. He is a true psychopath, and here is video proof of it.
I saw the interview and actually understood it. Let me help.

The FDA won’t allow an unsafe vaccine to go to market. The testing isn’t done. So when you see a lot of adverse reactions in initial phases, it’s stupid to assume that’s how the end product will be. That’s why he dismissed it. Trials aren’t done. It will get regulated until safe.
What IF Everything You Hear Is Nothing More Than Complete Garbage?
"For instance, “In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education. These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing. ... Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The childrens wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village. When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in fear. ... it was discovered that in fact the whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."
Fake news. This was investigated and found to be mass hysteria. Even kids who weren’t vaccinated were feeling the symptoms. Nobody was paralyzed, and none of the effects were linked to the vaccines. At the time the vaccine was administered to the children in Gouro, 7.2 million people in Chad had already received the vaccine, and it’s prevented an untold amount of suffering since then.

Once again, your batting average is a perfect zero. Fake news is real and is destroying our country, and you're a vector.
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Re: Coronavirus

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I'm left wondering who is the puppeteer for guys like KindaScholarly. They "think" they're uncovering conspiracies, when in fact they're doing exactly what other men want them to do - propagate fake news.

Is he an unwitting puppet of the dark money super PACs? With his unquestioning acceptance of the garbage spouted by Stella Immanuel, I say yes. Unwitting propogation of fake news doesn't mean you're innocent, especially when you're getting fact-checked on a site like this. You have the truth in front of you, so there's no excuse.

Or is he an unwitting puppet of Russia? I didn't see anything cited specifically, but it makes you wonder. How pervasive is the disinformation campaign? We know it had an impact on the 2016 election. How much of the fake news that KS spouts is inflamed by foreign sources?

I wonder if there will ever be a necker-cube moment for guys like him, where they suddenly see the truth of things. Where the fake news they've been reposting will snap into the proper context? There must be some way for reality to slap them in the face hard enough that they come back to reality. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything. Even if Covid-19 leads to the death of someone they love, god forbid, they'd just fucking blame Bill Gates. :cry:
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You did great with your fact-checking. Of course, most of these sources are guys in their pajamas trolling the internet. They get through to a certain group who enjoy the feeling of being cognoscenti, possessors of the real dope, the scales fallen from their eyes--that sort of thing. You have some entrepreneurial types, too, the ones who try to make a name for themselves, the brand leaders. KindaSkolarly is one of those, an intelligent guy who decided the opportunity lies in this new frontier of fake news. You're right to charge fake news on him. Trump co-opted those words by turning them on anyone who disagreed with him, but he has been one of the prominent purveyors of fake news since the beginning.

My guess about KS was QAnon. It doesn't really matter what his origin story is. We've always had a lot of crazy in the U.S.A. We just didn't have the really perfect medium for it until the 'net got up to speed.
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Interbane wrote:I wonder if there will ever be a necker-cube moment for guys like him, where they suddenly see the truth of things.
I would guess that KS doesn't know what truth is. The very concept of it is beyond his comprehension.Those who believe all information is slanted, or simply can't tell the difference between what is real and what is fake, can basically choose their own reality. The internet has made us stupid. Ironic though, as DWill says, that people blabbing about fake news are frequently the ones peddling it.

Recall a few months back, the guy who self-published a book about why evolution is bullshit. He admitted that he had never read a book about evolution in his life. But he had watched a bunch of videos on YouTube! Without a proper grounding in reality, he considered himself knowledgeable on the subject.

Either that or KS is a Russian troll, deliberately feeding false information into the maelstrom. I think there's actually a good chance of this.
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