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Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Stahrwe wrote:

I would suggest that their power has been declining recently but they are in the process of regrouping, at least in the United States, and will be asserting their influence aggressively in both politics and education.
Hmmm...is that a threat or a promise?

We have fundamentalist churches in England but they are very much on the perifery of mainstream denominations.

I am not alone in feeling that fundamentalist Christianity is just as abhorent has fundamentalist Islam. I know that in Great Britain, fundamentalism would never be allowed to drag us back to the past.
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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I totally agree with that last statement. Its the most dangerous thing in religion!
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Penelope wrote:
Stahrwe wrote:

I would suggest that their power has been declining recently but they are in the process of regrouping, at least in the United States, and will be asserting their influence aggressively in both politics and education.
Hmmm...is that a threat or a promise?

We have fundamentalist churches in England but they are very much on the perifery of mainstream denominations.

I am not alone in feeling that fundamentalist Christianity is just as abhorent has fundamentalist Islam. I know that in Great Britain, fundamentalism would never be allowed to drag us back to the past.
As pressure mounts to implement Sharia (sp?) there you may find that your best friends are the fundamentalists who are standing up for Common Law. I see that France is outlawing the practice of Mulsim women covering their faces in public and listened to a passionate argument by a British Author as to why that would not be permitted in the UK, the outlawing, not the wearing.

Let me ask you a question, you know of Muslim communities near where you live? How open are they to the British people? Are the accepting, or are they like closed communities?

I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
And Christian fundamentalism is not???? As to fundie integration being better than Muslim integration: here in Germany, Muslims send their children to German schools. The (admitted,relatively few) fundies we have here insist on wanting to teach their children at home so as not to "pollute" them (home-schooling is not legal in Germany unless there are reasons of health). The "Green" political party has a head member who is a Turkish Muslim--there has however been no attempt by him or his fellow members to change German school books in favor of Muslim beliefs (see Texas). And among the Muslim communities here, I see no tendency to walk up to a person and claim that their religion is right and others (or lack of such) is wrong. I am also unaware of Muslims teaching their children here that the Earth is only 6000 years old (supposedly created 1000 years after the Sumerians invented glue....Sam Harris).
I am not naive. I realise their are fanatics everywere, especially under the guise of religion, but...

I know of no religion on this planet that is pursued as aggressively--in every sense of the word--as Christianity, especially fundamentalism.
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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oblivion wrote:
I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
And Christian fundamentalism is not???? As to fundie integration being better than Muslim integration: here in Germany, Muslims send their children to German schools. The (admitted,relatively few) fundies we have here insist on wanting to teach their children at home so as not to "pollute" them (home-schooling is not legal in Germany unless there are reasons of health). The "Green" political party has a head member who is a Turkish Muslim--there has however been no attempt by him or his fellow members to change German school books in favor of Muslim beliefs (see Texas). And among the Muslim communities here, I see no tendency to walk up to a person and claim that their religion is right and others (or lack of such) is wrong. I am also unaware of Muslims teaching their children here that the Earth is only 6000 years old (supposedly created 1000 years after the Sumerians invented glue....Sam Harris).

I am not naive. I realise their are fanatics everywere, especially under the guise of religion, but...

I know of no religion on this planet that is pursued as aggressively--in every sense of the word--as Christianity, especially fundamentalism.

I am surprised that you are not aware of the controversy. Regardless of where you are from, most European countries are being pressured on this subject. With a quick google search I came up with these stories related to Germany.

Everything from here on are quotes from internet sources.

Sharia Europe
Sharia law entered Europe after WWII when the weakened European nations retracted from their colonies, bringing to Europe their former colonial subjects as both refugees and cheap labor from such Muslim nations as Pakistan (UK), Turkey (Germany) and Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia (France).

Initially, Sharia law was applied discretely within the small Muslim communities of Europe. But after two generations of high birth rate and immigration, those communities have grown to where the Sharia law now challenges the Judeo-Christian foundations of their host European nations.

In Germany, for example, Muslim men have successfully used the Sharia law in court to defend their right to beat their wives and to practice polygamy.

In United Kingdom, where Islamic imams now outnumber Christian pastors and converting empty church buildings into mosques has become a cottage industry, the Archbishop of Canterbury - the leader of the Church of England - recently stated that adopting elements of the Sharia law into the English judicial system was “unavoidable”.

In France, home to an estimated 14 million Muslims, including 9 million illegal immigrants, the government no longer controls the banlieus, the densely-populated, predominantly Muslim ghettos that encircle most major French cities.

It is still legal in France to distribute Bibles and tracts but doing so in the banlieus, where the French police seldom enter, invites mob violence, and even the legality is expected to end by 2040 when France is projected to become a majority-Muslim nation (The Netherlands will become Western Europe's first majority-Muslim nation by 2015). Sharia is also gaining in North America.


http://www.realclearreligion.com/index_ ... e-585.html

German judge tries to introduce sharia law into her court
Last week, the German mass-circulation newspaper Bild asked in a front-page headline: “Where are we living?” The question was prompted by the ruling of a judge in a German court who cited the Koran in her rejection of a Muslim woman’s request for a quick divorce on grounds she was abused by her husband.

Judge Christa Datz-Winter said in a recommendation earlier this year that both partners came from a “Moroccan cultural environment in which it is not uncommon for a man to exert a right of corporal punishment over his wife,” according to the court. The woman is a German of Moroccan descent married to a Moroccan citizen.
The judge argued that her case was not one of exceptional hardship in which fast-track divorce proceedings would be justified. When the woman protested, Datz-Winter cited a passage from the Quran to back up her argument that reads in part, “men are in charge of women.” The judge was removed from the case and the Frankfurt administrative court said it was considering disciplinary measures against her. Court vice president Bernhard Olp said Thursday the judge “regrets that the impression arose that she approves of violence in marriage.”
Lawmakers from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats said traditional Islamic law, or Sharia, had no place in Germany. “The legal and moral concepts of Sharia have nothing to do with German jurisprudence,” Wolfgang Bosbach, a lawmaker with the Christian Democrats, told N24 television. “One thing must be clear: In Germany, only German law applies. Period.”
Germany’s Central Council of Muslims said in a statement: “Violence and abuse of people whether against men or women are, of course, naturally reasons to warrant a divorce in Islam as well.”
http://www.secularism.org.uk/germanjudg ... shari.html

Debate in Germany: "Are Sharia Laws and Human Rights Compatible?"
A Muslim woman, Heba Raouf Ezzat, defends Sharia at the German site Qantara.de, with thanks to Ali Dashti, who notes: "The Arabic word 'qantara' means 'bridge.' The Internet portal Qantara.de represents the concerted effort of the Federal Center for Political Education, Deutsche Welle, the Goethe Institut and the Institute for Foreign Relations to promote dialogue with the Islamic world. The project is funded by the German Foreign Office."
The Sharia law is not only compatible with human rights but also the most effective way to achieve human rights. Human rights violations in Muslim countries - whose regimes are usually supported by Western allies - are not due to Sharia law.

The violence in Islamic countries is mainly exercised by the state and dates back to the post-colonial era. There was an attempt to secularize the different laws of the Islamic societies and to remove Sharia. The legal systems of the late French and British colonial powers were seen as a model for the judicial reformation and as a basis for modernising the state.
However, these new secular and socialist regimes were totalitarian. They manipulated the up to then independent traditional religious institutions and appointed the heads of religious bodies and universities. Islam, when reduced to a penal code, was used to violate human rights.

Modern Islamic intellectuals were influenced by this. In their eyes the state was the means by which society and religion were being reshaped. In order to achieve an Islamic renaissance - and that is why Sharia has become the marker of the Muslim state – they tried to get their hands on the state.

It's interesting in this connection that just yesterday I posted Azzam Tamimi's criticism of Khaled Abou El Fadl, which centered on El Fadl's willingness to reinterpret Sharia law:
He gives an example how Shari'ah may be re-interpreted so as to conform to the values he believes to be absolute and universal. For example, El Fadl would like to abrogate the Qur'anic rule (Al-Ma'idah, 5:38) concerning the penalty for theft El Fadl, because he thinks it is inhumane and unjust even if his view is contrary to the understanding and practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, himself and of his Companions and the scholars of Islam through the ages.

Does Heba Raouf Ezzat think that the amputation of hands for theft is compatible with human rights? Stoning for adultery? Death for apostasy? These are not the results of secularism or Westernization. These are pure Sharia. Would she deny that, or deny that they are incompatible with human rights? Either way, do her words then have any value at all?

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2005/01/debat ... tible.html

http://www.spiegel.de/international/ger ... 29,00.html
http://tribes.tribe.net/58e5076b-0672-4 ... 3cb42a6dd2
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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stahrwe wrote:
I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
Your just now seeing that! It is the second largest religion world wide! You speak of Islam being pursued aggressively throughout the world. Christianity is not exactly taking a back seat to this you know. Is that not what your Gospel message is all about? Spread it through out the world! My only real problem with Islam is its blatant disregard for human life and the fact that its followers are so obligated to the religion they are willing to die for it. Does that make them wrong? Not for me to say I am not Islamic and know very little about the religion its self. Islams high profile lies in the fact that it resorts to terror to accomplish its goals thus the blatant disregard for human life. And Buddhism is not a religion so it would have little to fear in my opinion. Hindus pose little threat to Islam as do atheists. Islams biggest threat comes from the religious right, Christianity in other words. But all that said Islam has one goal, to become the only religion in the world no matter what it costs! Do I hate Islam? No I don't. I don't hate Muslims either. Same for Christianity, I don't hate it, just disavow for what it stands for. I do not dislike Christians either for that matter.
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Stahrwe wrote:

Let me ask you a question, you know of Muslim communities near where you live? How open are they to the British people? Are the accepting, or are they like closed communities?

I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
I know of Muslim communities and some are open to British people. We get invited to their weddings when they are our work colleagues. In fact, as I have typed that, I realise what a racist sentence. The people are Muslim but they are also British. Many Muslims are second generation, British. They speak with as quaint a Lancashire accent as I do myself.

Islam is an aggressive religion. I am worried about it. Not because I think they will manage to convert us to their system, but because I believe there will eventually be a blood-bath.

The blood bath distresses me, because when you know people personally, whether they are Muslims or fundamentalists, they are often very loveable. People are like snowflakes, all very different and beautiful, but when they gather themselves together into drifts, they are very dangerous.

The fundamentalist Muslims, and you Stahrwe the fundamentalist Christian, are attempting to impose a belief system onto people which is not just outdated; it is disproved, as is Islam. I don't believe for one minute that you are a bad person, but I know that you are doing a wicked thing.

Fundamentalism is a bad thing, in religion or politics. I do not agree with fundamentalism in anything. A degree of uncertainty is always preferrable.
Only those become weary of angling who bring nothing to it but the idea of catching fish.

He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad....

Rafael Sabatini
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Penelope wrote:
Stahrwe wrote:

Let me ask you a question, you know of Muslim communities near where you live? How open are they to the British people? Are the accepting, or are they like closed communities?

I believe that atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, are fooling themselves. The spread of Islam throughout the world is being aggressively pursued.
I know of Muslim communities and some are open to British people. We get invited to their weddings when they are our work colleagues. In fact, as I have typed that, I realise what a racist sentence. The people are Muslim but they are also British. Many Muslims are second generation, British. They speak with as quaint a Lancashire accent as I do myself.

Islam is an aggressive religion. I am worried about it. Not because I think they will manage to convert us to their system, but because I believe there will eventually be a blood-bath.

The blood bath distresses me, because when you know people personally, whether they are Muslims or fundamentalists, they are often very loveable. People are like snowflakes, all very different and beautiful, but when they gather themselves together into drifts, they are very dangerous.

The fundamentalist Muslims, and you Stahrwe the fundamentalist Christian, are attempting to impose a belief system onto people which is not just outdated; it is disproved, as is Islam. I don't believe for one minute that you are a bad person, but I know that you are doing a wicked thing.

Fundamentalism is a bad thing, in religion or politics. I do not agree with fundamentalism in anything. A degree of uncertainty is always preferrable.
Perhaps, but the difference is that our Western legal system, for all its flaws, was developed during the tenure of Christianity. If sharia law becomes common, we better be prepared for some radical changes, that is especially true for women.
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Re: Devout Christianity! Living the Myth!

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Stahrwe wrote:

Perhaps, but the difference is that our Western legal system, for all its flaws, was developed during the tenure of Christianity. If sharia law becomes common, we better be prepared for some radical changes, that is especially true for women.
I know, our ancestors have fought for centuries to reach this stage of civilization, and this small group of blind fanatics are set to destroy all we have achieved. Understanding and knowledge are our only weapons.
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He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad....

Rafael Sabatini
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Your billionbibles and other references are simply ridiculous, Stahrwe. This is where you come out with something like this quote of yours: "In Germany, for example, Muslim men have successfully used the Sharia law in court to defend their right to beat their wives and to practice polygamy." You sit in the States, probably are unable to read a German newspaper in German and want to tell me what this country does or does not do. Muslim men--no men--are allowed to either beat their wives or practice polygamy. They have the choice of going to jail or being deported. as to the Spiegel reference, you are aware of the type of magazine that Spiegel is, I assume?
As to your remark about my not being aware--you, in Florida, are telling me, in Germany, what is going on over here. If your mastering of the German language is so complete that you are indeed reading sources in German, we could switch over to German and I could explain sections you are obviously not comprehending. Regarding the German legal system, my husband is employed directly by the German Ministry of Justice as.....guess what???
The problem in France in the banlieus center around unemployment and the Pied Noir (look it up) problem carried over from the Algerian War. It does touch on the citizens being a type of 2nd class citizen due to their origin, not to their religion. Your references, again, are coming from you in Florida. We have a house in France and spend half the year there. We also speak fluent French and follow newspapers, news on television--and talk with our neighbours. Here again, if you're following these "problems" only through your religion websites, know they're extremely baised. If you are watching French news or reading the paper, I would be happy to help you with the nuances in the language you are obviously not understanding.
I remain by my stance that fundamentalism of any nature is dangerous, backwards and evil.
Gods and spirits are parasitic--Pascal Boyer

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